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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Western women IMO think they are special and that men owe them large just for having female body parts, and consenting to be with them.
  2. Where he went wrong IMO was thinking a fantastic body translates to good in bed. I always went with less attractive ones as they tried harder to please. However, unless he didn't have to pay seems a waste not to at least have an ending of some sort. If they didn't like the lights on I would leave the bathroom light on and the door open.
  3. I referred not to the verdict, but to the outcome re the public perception. Did you not comprehend what "Win or lose in court he has already lost in the court of social media as posts on this thread prove" means?
  4. Where did I say he is innocent? I wasn't in the room and neither was anyone posting on here to know. However, I have that old fashioned idea that one isn't guilty until PROVEN guilty. Lots of opinions being bandied about, but IMO no evidence except hearsay, and social media <deleted>. Associating with a criminal doesn't mean one has carried out illegal acts, and I suspect a financial motive for the plaintiff.
  5. LOL. He must have known he couldn't win. Win or lose in court he has already lost in the court of social media as posts on this thread prove. By paying her off the firm gets a reprieve from having low end papers/ media muckraking all of them.
  6. I only doubt the testimony of women, or men, when they stand to benefit financially from lying. If she went to court not wanting a financial "reward" from doing so I probably would believe her story.
  7. Watched episode 1 of The Bodyguard on Netflix last night. https://www.netflix.com/nz/title/80235864 Interesting show, and I enjoyed it for an unusual reason. While at first glance it's a typical modern politically correct show with loads of females playing "strong" characters, they all turn out to be quite horrible. The lead female character is IMO modeled on Thatcher, and IMO just as loathsome. The man that associates with her is a sycophantic wus IMO. Even the hero's wife is a back stabbing <deleted> and admits to having an affair, but it's only a fling, so doesn't want a divorce.
  8. Luckily not all women are like that, and having kids isn't that great as a solo mum. Puts a crimp in the social life for a start. When things really hit the fan in western countries due to the effects of 2 years of restrictions and making money from nothing, perhaps they'll have to revisit whether it's such a good idea to give all those benefits to teenagers that won't use contraception. Plenty of couples looking to adopt.
  9. I fundamentally disagree with you on every level except the bit about rich people.
  10. I have to disagree about low birth rates being "bad". IMO the lower the birth rate the better. Waaaaay too many people on the planet since the 1950s IMO. Also, women are starting to realise that there is more to life than getting married and popping out kids, and respect to them for it. I expect it to increase as more realise that marriage isn't that great after all. If I magically transformed into a 20 year old unmarried female, no way I'd ever get married or have kids. I'd have my tubes tied and enjoy getting taken out for free dinners and as much casual sex as possible.
  11. Don't take this as personal criticism, but seems to me that a lot of people have given up an active life to live "on line" and prefer to spend their lives communicating with a machine instead of other people face to face. While I do spend ( too much ) time on this forum, most of the time I'm too busy doing "real stuff" to live in the matrix. I've never used an "app" whatever that is and wouldn't have a clue about an icloud, or interfacing ( whatever that means ). I'm not claiming to live a better life than others, but seems to me I do have an actual life outside the machines.
  12. How long is a piece of string? How on earth could anyone know that? I see plenty of extremely unattractive western women around and they ain't anywhere near 50 yet. Amazing what a lifetime of eating bad food, smoking and boozing can do to one's appearance.
  13. Are you claiming that most of the guys you know in Thailand tell you about their sex lives? Also it would be such a small sample of men in Thailand as to be meaningless. I chat with other men, but we don't discuss our sex lives at all, given that is rather too personal.
  14. Why not? It's only saying what some western men experience, or are you saying that western women are perfect and can't be criticized?
  15. All good but will they still like sex after one year? Isn't that why men get married?
  16. It can allege anything. Only valid if a conviction is secured. Plenty of cases lost/ thrown out before.
  17. Why would we? Listening/watching some boring interview is not what some of us live for .
  18. Some of the posts on this forum are just mind boggling. Of course the posters that write them are "different" from those farangs that they apparently despise!
  19. Take a trip on the Sky train any day and see more beautiful than her. Any mall in Chiang Mai likewise. The point I was making ( that you seem to have overlooked ) was not that IMO she was of average looks, but that the photos are not worth making a fuss over.
  20. Are you sure they were girls? In my experience the girls just sat in front of the bar and waited for men to come to them.
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