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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Wrong, but I can't be bothered trying to explain it to someone with a closed mind on the subject.
  2. Indeed not. One poor Filipino got caught with chocolate liqueurs, and was given a very hard time. Those mutawa are really bad dudes IMO. They are so <deleted> that they employ people to go through magazines and use a black felt tip pen on any photos of women showing skin. They used to censor music as well, so I was delighted to find Crusader on a Chris De Burgh tape had been missed. I had a very bad experience when I arrived. I was taken to my apartment by a Saudi and he was showing me around the place, but what he missed was the large plastic rubbish bin that was full of the home made wine my new flatmate made. A week later I was smuggled into a house that a female work colleague had in the women's area of the hospital, for a party, but I was rather stressed when she got very drunk and started making so much noise that I feared the security would arrest us all- visions of being deported after only 1 week! I was so alarmed that I hot footed it out of there at 1 am and walked back to the apartment, hoping no cops would see me. Other than the mutawa, the only people I feared in Riyadh were the cops, and I went to great lengths to avoid them.
  3. If you can't work out what a transexual looks like I can't explain it to you.
  4. If I could still live in LOS I'd go live on Haad Khom beach. Covid/ restrictions wouldn't bother me there and I know I'd be happy to wake up there every day- it'd never get boring for me. Perhaps others need more than a beautiful beach to satisfy them, but I was happy there.
  5. So they say, except it's not true with all of them. I've even seen a petite ladyboy that would have probably fooled most. Most ladyboys are given away by their height compared to real girls. I think the hormones they take must make them grow taller.
  6. Agree. You'd never have said that in the mid 90s. Sadly the standard of gogo dancers has dropped a lot.
  7. LOL. That's only true as long as they aren't trying to pickpocket me on Sukhumvit. The ones at the entrance to Walking Street used to give me a good run to save my wallet too.
  8. To be pedantic, those that had the full op would be transexuals and not ladyboys IMO.
  9. It may be said much, but it's not often true, IMO. However, many a newbie has been fooled. Once upon a time a fabulously beautiful ladyboy used to dance at Malibu Cabaret in Pattaya, but soon as she spoke it was apparent which gender she was born as. However, some do speak like a real women, and lack an Adam's apple as well.
  10. That's sad. I considered myself no more than middle aged till at least 65. I certainly never lacked energy the way I do now. I only have to look at a shovel and I feel tired. The worst of it is that I rarely get to the end of any movie started after 9 pm without falling asleep.
  11. If I looked up the date of my prostate op I could tell you the exact day my life went down the gurgler. The government will do whatever it likes re pensions because politicians have a great parliamentary pension to look forward to, and I bet that won't get pushed back or reduced. I doubt they care much about those that they are supposed to serve, and I haven't seen much caring from the government in the past 2 years. They even screwed me on having my pension paid in Thailand, so I had to go back to the boring land.
  12. I'm not there yet, but when it happens it'll no doubt be at the worst possible time. We can prepare for it, but I reckon it'll be worse than I can imagine.
  13. Happily Jon Stewart only represents himself. It's not so with other men. However, I've never "chased" any female, whatever that actually means, and a beautiful woman is beautiful in any length skirt.
  14. IMO there is nothing amazing about it if one has been in LOS long enough to have some idea of how the system works. Image is everything IMO.
  15. Given that most tourists are only there for a couple of weeks or even just a few days, I agree that the vast majority are not there for the ladies, even if they partake incidentally when not on a tour.
  16. Thou jest assuredly. IMO the VAST majority of damage to Thailand's environment is done by THAIS, even if it's done to provide facilities and tours for tourists. BTW, if tourists are ignorant, why are the THAIS that take them on tours not informing them of the regulations? No tourist can get to such places without the assistance of Thais in some form. I reckon none of them walked there.
  17. Then they should take cops off fining farangs for not wearing helmets on m'bikes and send them on boats to protect the coral.
  18. How many of those Thais involved in the destruction of Maya Bay faced any legal consequences? How many fishermen are penalised for destroying coral? Perhaps it's more about looking as though he's doing something than actually doing something.
  19. That's why they invented Viagra. If the wife is only in her 40s and not interested I suspect more to it than hormones. As for myself, I'm way older than you and still desire it as much as in my 20s, but a prostatectomy did to me what a lack of hormones did for other men.
  20. Should've brought your own, smuggled in in a Coke bottle. That's probably what most foreigners did that couldn't go without booze with dinner.
  21. No argument from me there. I loathed Saudi Arabia as did almost every non Saudi I worked with. However, the Bedouin were lovely. The only reason any of us stayed was because they paid so much, but even the money wasn't enough to make me stay in the end. Beautiful country, but ruined by the mutawa ( religious police ) for living in, and even the Saudis I knew well hated them too. BTW, I stayed in hotels in Saudi that were far more sumptuous than any 5 * hotel in Thailand. Who cares if one can't get intoxicated while staying in such splendour? quote Also no pretty females to look at end quote You think you had it tough? I worked with pretty females every day, but couldn't have a girlfriend as the mutawa would have jailed and probably flogged us, before being deported ( if we were lucky ).
  22. I doubt many would post about lack of any meaningful employment though. A life time of living off the tax of those that worked might seem less than beneficial to humanity. For myself I worked as farm labourer till I realised it was a dead end for poor pay and long hours. I then joined the military and enjoyed it till I didn't and then I made the 2 biggest mistakes of my life and acquired a partner and became a nurse. Once I shed the soul destroying partner I was free to go overseas where they at least pay nurses a better wage, and I did that till I retired and made the third biggest mistake of my life and got married to the wrong woman in Thailand. So, a mixed bag of a work history. I enjoyed some of it, and the rest I endured to make money to do what I preferred. Unfortunately, a large part of my earnings went to the undeserving, but such is life.
  23. I thought one had to have a large financial security to get a visa for a married ( or fiance ) Thai woman. I'm pretty sure that at one time it was almost impossible for an unmarried Thai female to arrive on a tourist visa, as it was assumed she was not intending to leave. Perhaps that has changed.
  24. Don't you mean "did you end up building a house in Issan or give money to a Thai woman to buy land there?". I'm sure you are aware that farangs can't buy land in their own name.
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