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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Only white men. Don't you know that all women are perfect and would never be racist? Sarcasm alert for the humour bereft.
  2. Did you miss the "LOL". It was sarcasm.
  3. It's not racist if it's against white men, LOL.
  4. IMO nurses are hard to get now because they have to do a degree at uni instead of being paid to train like I was. The pay is just too low to make it worth while. That's why so many Filipinas are working in the west, as they have a degree and even low NHS wages are better than what they'd get in the Philippines.
  5. Decades ago when I started nursing, I had considered being ambulance driver or working in A and E. Given the <deleted> people they have to deal with now, there is no way I'd even think about it today. It was a different world back then, when most people had some consideration for others.
  6. Is it any wonder the NHS is in strife?
  7. As I've remarked before, escalating this conflict is likely to end in nuclear war. I'm quite surprised that so many posters seem eager to see everyone they know die.
  8. I thought the laptop was abandoned by Hunter, which means it was no longer a "customer's" computer.
  9. At this point in time I doubt anything could make things worse for the NHS. There are literally decades of incompetence to overcome. As an example of managerial corruption I can mention that in the hospital I worked at they acquired a new top manager, and the first thing he did was commandeer the visitors waiting room to give himself a larger office. When Gordon Brown wasted 6 billion quid on the NHS the hospital I worked at used the money to create an extra 2 completely un necessary nurse managers.
  10. I await the info with baited breath, and hoping that "someone" isn't able to change Musk's mind. If true, some important people will likely be going down. Thank the deity the Dems didn't keep the house. BTW, will the previous owners of twitthing come to regret that they forced Musk to buy it?
  11. No answer on which weapons they used then? Can't say I'm surprised.
  12. Bring it on I say. Then we'll see how the woke manage. I have skills warlords need, courtesy of the government's military training.
  13. What language are the instructions in?
  14. I fail to see what difference it makes. I presume the cabinet is made of "manufactured wood" which means it's rubbish anyway. The suggestion to glue them is because they could just pull out anyway, if the hole you drill is slightly too big. Just don't be too heavy handed when screwing, and if you do overtighten just remove screw, stick a couple bits of a wood toothpick in the hole and rescrew a bit more lightly. If you absolutely have to make it as strong as possible, can you put a machine screw all the way through and put a nut and washer on the inside of the cabinet? Here's a hint when drilling that rubbish so called wood. Always likely to go too far and drill right through a panel, so hold a piece of flat wood on the back when drilling, and if you do go through it doesn't knock a big bit of the material off as well. I hate that stuff, but the real thing is just too expensive for ordinary projects.
  15. Gee, I was going to say that to you.
  16. Actually, fixing the NHS would be easy, but politically hard. The problems are of managers and of politics. Eliminating the deadwood in management would go a long way to fixing it, but who in politics would do that?
  17. The greedy don't care about anything except making your money theirs. I'm sure they'll come up with some reason why such can be eliminated so they can make more money than they can spend.
  18. It's racist because the woke say so.
  19. Do you know that the base hasn't already been laid and just waiting for the top layer?
  20. Sadly we live in an age where sad pathetic individuals can be offended by almost anything at all.
  21. Only to be expected from the twitterati. Sad, pathetic individuals attacking people from the safety of their keyboards.
  22. Does application refer to the normal extension process or something different?

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