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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I didn't get married for my wife's "beauty" as she wasn't beautiful, but in the end she did me over just like my western partner before her, so I'll call it evens.
  2. Far as I'm concerned it's the luck of the draw with either. I know men that have successful marriages with western women. There is nothing that I know of to suggest that Thai women are a better gamble than western women.
  3. People die when they die. Makes no difference to the deceased. Only the living grieve.
  4. IMO people that can afford it settle all the time to avoid a messy court case which only arouses the usual public vitriol for someone with an unfortunate public persona. Nothing to do with lying or guilt.
  5. Agreed. Whoever the photographer was he gave her a huge behind, which is an automatic turn off for me. Very average looks compared to what is on the internet anyway- not worth the hooha.
  6. IMO there is an awful lot of misguided and unevidenced speculation going on in this thread.
  7. but can she prove it? She wouldn't be the first woman to lie if they thought they could get a lot of money if she was lying.
  8. What would any opposition politician say? Would we expect the opposition to laud the government? Another nothing burger IMO.
  9. Estimating, evidence is emerging, increased risk, could, experiencing. IMO an article long on supposition and short on facts. Out of the millions that have been infected with covid and recovered, how many have medically verifiable long term adverse effects?
  10. I had problems with fatigue long before covid was even mentioned, and also had a problem with concentration as long ago as school days. Anyway, what are the chances as a %, which never seems to get mentioned. Lots of anecdotal evidence being talked about, but out of the millions of those infected and recovered, how many have any long term effects?
  11. live off of their "marriage visas" I have rarely seen anything on this forum so far from reality. The ones living off marriage visas, which don't exist any way ( it's a non O visa ), are usually the Thais in the relationship.
  12. Government's put a value on human life all the time. Safety rails on roads are sometimes only installed if enough people die at that place, because of the cost. Absolutely the police should be prosecuted for not enforcing pedestrian crossing safety. It's a scandal that it took a high profile death to be the reason this time. I hope the cop responsible goes to jail for manslaughter.
  13. Very easily. I saw such almost every day while in LOS, though obviously not that particular place. Last time I went to Samet, getting from the pier to the boat was hazardous and just lucky no one was injured or lost their bag into the water.
  14. When the REAL problem is ignored and a few easy targets are prosecuted it makes a mockery of the entire enforcement situation. When the authorities deal with the LARGER problem than they can quite rightly deal with the minor problems. Maya Bay may have been destroyed by tourists, but IMO not a single one could have gone there without a Thai taking them, and all apparently with the blessing of Thai authorities, till it was too late. IMO the Thais ARE the ones responsible, for enabling tourists to be able to do the destruction. Beating the "foreigners bad" drum is just deflecting the problem away from those responsible. Maya Bay should have been restricted and controlled from the start.
  15. If it's a computer controlled car you probably need to go to a garage with the proper diagnostic equipment. You don't want some learned on the job guy tinkering with the computer.
  16. Luckily for you, you never have to pass that way again, and can leave it for those that do like it. Soi 6 was never my scene, but I don't despise it for that reason. I didn't know that Soi 6/1 existed when I lived in Pattaya, else I never noticed it. I used to walk down Soi 6 a lot to get to Beach Rd, so I do know what it was like.
  17. So what? It isn't illegal any more, and what other people do for their jollies shouldn't concern anyone else. Beating the heterosexual drum is pretty meaningless, IMO.
  18. Everything is good till it's not. I doubt any of us went into our relationships hoping they would fail. I thought my wife was as good as I was going to get, till we got married and moved to the village. Then it was a slow but steady decline to dislike and anger. Had I assumed there was a 50/ 50 chance of failure I'd have protected myself better, but I was wearing the saffron glasses.
  19. I'll die alone, unless I get to call an ambulance first in which case I'll die surrounded by people that I don't know. Doesn't bother me greatly. I doubt I'll leave too much money behind me, but those that have to dispose of my possessions will not thank me, as they are many, but usually of little value of a financial nature.
  20. Where I've lived I've noticed a number of young to middle aged adults that either don't work at all, or work sporadically. I have no idea where they get money from, but obviously do. Mostly fit into a pattern- tattooed, use drugs, have no manners, shout a lot, engage in antisocial activities such as playing that heavy bass <deleted> that they invariably like as loudly as possible or litter, drink a LOT of alcohol, and apparently have no initiative or skills.
  21. I'm waiting for the screams from the "property investors" in NZ once reality ( and inflation forces interest rate rises ) sets in. Property has become out of reach for all but the rich and all bubbles burst eventually.
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