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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. One that wasn't pfizer and didn't cause any side effects to me- hint, it wasn't an mRNA one. I know someone that had serious side effects from pfizer. Save the usual arguments about it, as I have been double vaxxed. I'd rather have been tested weekly though.
  2. I didn't refuse pfizer because of misinformation, whatever that may be, but from what I researched on reputable sites about side effects. To be clear, side effects are real, and factual.
  3. If so it should be. Post edited due to previous post.
  4. I wasn't a patient in a public hospital in Thailand but my MIL was. Given my wife had to sleep under her bed to help her go to the bathroom is an indication that the NHS is better than the Thai public health system.
  5. NO. Only speech that threatens public order or might cause injury or death eg shouting fire in a theatre. If people are offended by speech, that's their problem, IMO. More than that is getting into politics so I'll leave it there.
  6. When one can't get the real thing, dreams are all that is left.
  7. Perhaps, but they might care about the thousands of others than may decide against visiting LOS.
  8. I think he meant the VIRUS hasn't affected anyone he knows, as with myself. Of course the government dictat has affected us all, and I am so bored by the fear mongering. Happily, no one where I live is fearful of it or wearing masks while driving and suchlike. Don't even know it's happening unless I go to town and have to wear a mask.
  9. If everyone had taken that attitude, it'd probably have been history long ago, IMO. I am tired of all the BS I hear on the radio every day about it, but I'm getting better at just tuning it out.
  10. Anyone know why the majority of patients are admitted? Is it because they just need O2, or more serious?
  11. You make a good point about not having to cover the cost of people that smoke or become obese without an actual medical reason. If they reduced taxes by the cost of public health I'd have been prepared to buy insurance ( just like I did for years in Thailand ). Of course people that lived unhealthy lives would have to pay more for their insurance than those that lived healthier lives. User pays etc.
  12. Where I am I'm lucky to even see an attractive woman. Sigh.
  13. Always some joker that thinks they know all about Thailand because they spent a couple of weeks there on holiday. Pathetic.
  14. Reminds me of the time I took a camera to be fixed in London. They wanted 10 quid ( non refundable ) to "diagnose" the problem, and then charge to fix it. Went back and they said couldn't fix it, but hadn't dismantled it to check. 10 quid for doing nothing. Thais have a lot to learn from British scammers.
  15. If that's what awaits you it's no wonder you are so down on life.
  16. and how many do you know personally to make that statement? I didn't meet any- perhaps it's been different since you arrived. Anyway, if I was going to be bitter, sad and depressed, I'd rather do it in a decent room in Pattaya than some grot bedsit in a UK <deleted> dump. In my experience, people that can't make it in Thailand probably can't make it anywhere.
  17. For modern "classical" music watch the Ghibli 25 years concert. Massive orchestra, huge choir, thousands in the audience- absolutely fantastic. It's on U Tube.
  18. Sadly I missed that. Great days then, and like in Thailand now, I doubt ever to be recreated. It's a different world now. While I was never that desperate, my world was a better place when such as Virgin's Corner ( in Nee Soon ) existed. Seems to me that the woke and PC took over while we were not watching and it's too late for fun anymore. A sad and boring world awaits after covid ends, IMO.
  19. Burn the books, censor every internet forum, ban freedom of speech too?
  20. 555555555555555555555 I bet millions of Brits want to live in LOS, even if not able to. If Britain is as great as you apparently think it is, why do you live in Thailand? I'm assuming from your username that you do.
  21. I did get jabbed simply to have as normal a life as is possible under the dictat, but personally I think it will make zero difference to me contracting the disease and whatever comes after.
  22. and I was pointing out that IMO "normal" people won't comply voluntarily. We don't like being forced to do anything, whether a "little" or a lot.
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