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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I don't need to read insults. Welcome to ignore.
  2. 5555555555555555 That's why so many landlords are selling their houses in NZ is it? Because they were making so much profit? LOL. My sister used to rent out her house but had to stop as she was losing money at an affordable rent.
  3. I was hit by a fast moving m'bike. Needed surgery. If I had not got insurance it would have cost me over 50,000 baht. Next.
  4. While it's been a few years and my memory isn't great, I think I was "poppa" to the wife' family, but I was definitely farang to the village crones that gathered under the house to gossip. I was hansum man to bar girls that didn't know me and ATM to those that did.
  5. While saying "no training" is obviously wrong, many jobs can be done with a minimal amount. From my unfortunate experience in an NHS hospital for major surgery, I can state that the cleaning was done by very poorly trained people, and some of the nurses appeared to be lacking in the "training" department, ie they were incompetent. I can't comment on the Drs so much as I don't remember seeing them much post surgery. They certainly weren't concerned with my progress, and I ended up having to go back for more surgery. Actually, my hospital and post op care were so bad that I'd opt for anything other than surgery if I could go back to before the operation.
  6. I'm pretty sure you are pro vaccine, so pointless getting into the same old arguments been gone over for years. I'm with the nurses and midwives that refused to get jabbed in NZ and lost their jobs as a result. After decades in the health industry, I probably do know better than one that never worked in the health industry. I certainly know enough to not be believing any "teams of professionals" just because they are so called "professionals". I've seen enough bad stuff going on that the public will never hear about to have a well deserved scepticism about "professionals".
  7. I read the linked article and IMO Musk has decided to mock the woke. He certainly seems to have triggered them, but people without a sense of humour are very easy to trigger. IMO the only people afraid of actual free speech are the woke. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm beginning to like Musk.
  8. I lost more on travel insurance I never needed than any amount lost by inflation on savings. Now I don't need travel insurance I'll be winning.
  9. I do. At least I know my money won't vanish. BTW, with increased interest rates I'll be getting more interest from bank and as I don't have debt I'll be winning on that.
  10. LOL. Millions never invest in the stock market and are financially secure. Conversly, the only person I knew that did invest on it lost everything.
  11. I don't know any old Chinese so why would I care about them instead of, or as well as the poor old in my own country which have been given a bad deal now?
  12. I doubt any of us really know what is coming to be ready for it. However, like I learned in scouts- be prepared ( as much as possible ).
  13. I'll never know anyway because you are now on ignore.
  14. People should put that on their wall to remind them every day.
  15. It'd be interesting if one had the inclination to look up the archives and find how many threads on the same thing have been on TVF/ AN.
  16. Are you saying fruit is fruits if more than one fruit?
  17. When I lived in the village and heard them talking about the farang I had no wish to know what they were saying, as if derogatory what would I do then- leave the village? Never a good idea to make Thais lose face in front of their friends. They'll get you in the end.
  18. From everything I've learned in my decades in LOS, that that is correct. IMO trying to make it multicultural is wokeness in action. BTW, whatever anyone says, nothing I learned about if says that it's racist, but I guess people of a certain mind set see racism in everything.
  19. Need an eye's rolling emoji here.
  20. LOL. It's what they called French people hundreds of years ago, and came to mean any white western person. Sooooo it's ALWAYS been a white western person. Were they all rainbows?
  21. IMO school is the problem that causes children not to learn. At my expensive private schools I learned that bullying is OK when it's older kids, prefects and teachers doing it, I learned to hate sport, I learned that life isn't fair and that people are not all good ( good lessons to learn early in life ) and I learned to play the trumpet badly. Lessons on geography, maths, science, history, biology etc educated me not at all. Can't call me stupid or incapable of learning, given my future careers requiring qualifications needing years of study. I learned almost nothing in school because the teachers were useless, and unable to motivate me, and it's not as though I was any sort of rebel. So, in reply to your post, make schools a place kids want to learn, expel the actual bad kids, and the problem will IMO be solved.
  22. Given the infection rate of fully vaccinated populations as we are seeing around the world, claiming that vaccination with a "vaccination that you know" is the answer, doesn't seem correct to me, but I don't expect to see the "pro" vaccine mob ever admitting that it doesn't seem particularly effective.

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