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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Life is a Peach Only for some. If I finally decided to really go for it, I'd take every cent I have and go to Thailand to enjoy however many days I could afford. Sometimes, living where I do, it's just a long protracted death from a multitude of problems none of which can be fixed without a lot more money than I have. At least in Thailand I was able to enjoy the wait for death.
  2. All that and yet many of us still prefer Thailand. One wonders just how Britain got it so wrong that people would rather live anywhere than there ( except people from <deleted> countries that are even worse ).
  3. I'm pretty sure mine was 2,000, which did get a bit cool in "winter", but as a real "winter" never came to where I lived it was sufficient. Even in Lamphun the only concession I made to "winter" was a sheet over me. In Chiang Mai I never remember being cold any time. Want a hot shower, do what I did in the village; heat some water in a saucepan and pour it over yourself. Some guys on here need to join the army and find out why they have nothing to complain about.
  4. Agreed. Too many believe the myth that they are sold into it by parents or forced in some way. Read Private Dancer for a fictional but based on reality look at why Thai girls head for Pattaya or Nana.
  5. I enjoyed Four Seasons. However as I've aged I rarely listen to anything I have to make the effort to play, preferring to just switch on the radio channel that only plays 50s, 60, and 70s. I'm pretty good at blocking out the ads. Pity though, as I have a lot of excellent music on disc, but when it's just for background music and not actually "listening" there doesn't seem much point. I buy music DVDs in op shops for a couple of $, but never seem to make the time to watch them. Perhaps when I can't do anything anymore they''ll fill in the day.
  6. Internet connection went down for me so was unable to post for a while, but I can't find any movie called that but not about martial arts. Are you sure it was called by that name, after all, fists and fury give an indication the movie isn't a rom con.
  7. World was suffering from the depression till WW2 happened and gave the economy a boost ( in the US- not for Britain so much ) post war. Wars are a good way to divert an unhappy nation's attention from what ails them.
  8. In the first post you said Fist- no s- and this time you referred to Fists- with an s. I referred to Fist of Fury, so I don't know which one you were talking about; the one I saw or a different one.
  9. That's correct, so it would be a good idea to educate kids that it's not a good idea to become obese in the first place, so don't eat junk food and exercise more. It's not helped by banning fat shaming and allowing kids to think obesity is normal. Unfortunately if it is even taught ( which I doubt ) in schools it's not working very well, from the kids I see around.
  10. Given you are referring to real people and not programmable robots, IMO your desire is never going to happen.
  11. LOL. IMO the western world has gone too "soft" for that. It's all Neville Chamberlain now. Churchills are nowhere to be seen.
  12. For the very good reason that some are violent nutters. I had the unfortunate experience of sitting next to one in my favourite Walking Street bar. Soon as he went to the loo I paid and escaped. I also was seated next to one on a plane leaving Thailand, and had to ask to be seated elsewhere. Happily, such occurances have been rare related to Thailand.
  13. I once had a very interesting conversation with a farang outside the World Trade Center in Bkk ( it was a while ago ) and he took a long while to get around to it, but in the end he did ask me for money. I twigged he might not be completely with it when he claimed to be the reincarnation of the Dali Llama, despite the Dali Llama being alive in India!
  14. IMO the people that complain about Thailand are either too lazy to change where they live, or would complain about wherever they are- the universal complainers about everything, for whom the glass is always empty.
  15. You saw a different movie then. Had you looked on our friend google you'd have seen this The international title was "Fist of Fury." In the United States, the English dubbed version was released as "The Chinese Connection" to avoid confusion with "Fists of Fury", the title for the U.S. release of Bruce Lee's previous movie, The Big Boss (1971). The Americans backstabbed Bruce over HIS vision for the tv series Kung F-u, so it's not surprising they portrayed him that way in that movie. Try doing some research before swallowing the B S.
  16. That would apply to most drain covers I've seen. Every Thai would know about them, surely?
  17. According to google it's now legal up till 12 weeks, so if within that time go to a hospital.
  18. Thus, mandates become necessary. I will never ever agree with you on that.
  19. No, the one that mandates vaccination. I'm for choice, not compulsion. If anyone doesn't want to get vaxxed that's 100% OK with me.
  20. but that doesn't mean we all have to agree with your point of view.
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