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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. IMO there is a great deal of similarity between the covid dogma and the climate change dogma. I use "dogma" because the proponents of both appear to exhibit religious like fervour. Of course the dialogue is somewhat different, but IMO both are wont to refer to "science" as the ultimate truth which can never be wrong. Somewhere along the line they overlooked that science is never fixed, and changes as new information is discovered.
  2. Haven't watched it yet, but worth remembering that despite it killing multi millions of people back when there were no antibiotics, no ventilators or ICUs as we know them today, and medical science at that time was more involved with war related injuries and diseases, the human race survived and flourished to the extent that another 20 million or so lives could be wasted in yet another world war only 20 years or so later.
  3. Must be millions and millions of husbands and fathers that haven't been tested around the world. I doubt most of them spend their days worrying about it. Such concern seems to be confined to a certain demographic. Did he say anything to indicate that he might be infected? I didn't see such.
  4. The way immigrant labour was treated was well known among the expats, but of course there was sod all we could do about it, and we were there for the money. They needed western nurses and doctors so they did treat us quite well, but as one went up the food chain the goodies got quite impressive. Something that grated with nurses was that depending on origin, nurses got paid different rates despite doing same job. So, American nurses got loadsacash, British got rather less, and the Filipinos got rather less again. My Filipino charge nurse actually got paid about the same or less than British nurses ( don't remember the amount now, as it was long ago ). An American charge nurse would have been minting it large.
  5. Serious question. If he has no symptoms, why would he want to "know for sure" and have a test, when a false positive will cause him and family all sorts of problems? The only time I would have a test is if I had symptoms. I have no desire to have my life impacted negatively by a false positive. Obviously if i have no symptoms I'm not coughing or sneezing, and my contacts with others is limited anyway and when in town I wear a mask when around other people, so I'm unlikely to be passing it on even if I was infected with zero symptoms. I'm sure you are not advocating 100% testing of everyone and tests every time anyone goes to the supermarket, so I fail to see why I ( or he ) would be any more of a threat than any other untested person with no symptoms in the same building.
  6. Good for you. If she wants a divorce let her pay the court costs for you to do the abandonment thing at the family court. Can't be cheap when lawyers get involved.
  7. If she wants the divorce, surely it's up to her to find out how you can do it? So long as you don't need to get divorced it's not a problem for you if you don't. I wasn't aware that there was a "seperation" in Thailand. BTW, if you haven't been with her for two years, I believe that she can get a divorce on the grounds of abandonment and no need for you to be there. That is at the FAMILY COURT, and NOT at the amphur.
  8. What could possibly go wrong? Reading the divorce stories on this subforum would be a wise decision to know the reality.
  9. If the only way she will stay with him is with a ring, IMO she isn't worth it.
  10. If she needs a bit of paper to be happy I suggest she isn't with the guy for the right reason.
  11. Village wedding. Being married without any legalities to get in the way, as it has no legal standing. Otherwise, don't get married. It's a rotten institution IMO, and fails about 50% of the time, so not a good bet.
  12. 5555555555555555 I did all the housework. She didn't know how to use a broom.
  13. Too many farangs are stupid suckers and pay their beloveds to just be with them, so word got around, and others probably think they can get the same deal. Happy to say my wife went to work every day to earn her own money. She also cooked for me if she was at home ( she worked as a cook at Sizzler ). In return she got a better life than she could have afforded.
  14. Family is trying it on. They probably think all farangs are stupid and believe anything. Absolutely no sin sod is needed. It's not actually needed for any Thai woman, previously married or not, but some farangs believe the myth. Many guys never pay sin sod. A possible solution is giving sin sod so long as you get it back- just for face. That's what I did. Depends on whether you trust them to give it back. Sounds like you are better off not meeting them, ever. Do you REALLY want to be married?
  15. Consider going via the Doi Inthanon way. That's a very interesting way to go, but miss out the lower part of the loop. Road was very poorly signposted when I went and went the wrong way for some distance, so make sure you check the route on the internet map before doing it. If the flowers are blooming when you go, that is apparently worth it. Some way off the main road. I regret that I never got to see them. There's a museum somewhere on the western route that is supposed to be worth it. 100% recommend Cave Lodge for a night and watch the 300,000 Swifts flying into the cave in the evening. Absolutely spectacular. https://www.lensofjen.org/summer-camp-at-the-cave-lodge/
  16. Thailand used to send loads of workers to Saudi, but after the jewel theft saga and the way the Thais scammed the Saudi that lost the jewels Thailand was banned from sending workers. I wonder how much crow was eaten to get the Saudis to allow Thai workers back. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-60133105 Saudi Arabia and Thailand have ended a 30-year row over a scandal involving stolen jewels and a string of murders.
  17. That would be sensible, therefore, IMO, not going to happen. I used to wonder if they went out of their way to make things more complicated. In the end I decided they just didn't care.
  18. LOL. British management in my experience don't rate highly in the caring demographic. IMO helps explain why Britain went from ruling a large part of the world to being a bad joke. I lived in London for 10 years and IMO it was as badly run as it is possible to run a large city. It could have been a wonderful place instead of a dirty <deleted><deleted> with bad architecture ( not referring to the historic buildings ) had it had good leaders. That lack of good management IMO included such institutions as the transport system.
  19. You may be happy to waste 11 quid but some of us ain't. Should be able to buy a ticket from a machine for the amount needed.
  20. Most of us loved Not only, but also. However, the reality behind the facade is not so humerous. If one can find it, the movie "Not only, but always" is a good look at what really went on.
  21. I too did karate when in my 20s, but never progressed as my reaction time is rubbish and was pants at sparring. What was useful was doing self defense courses and learning techniques of protecting myself. If some guy tried to strangle me from behind, he would hopefully be immobilized with broken fingers ( start with the small fingers ). However, the best defense is always absence.
  22. That reminds me of the old farang in Pattaya that attacked me with his walking stick when he thought I squirted him- I didn't. Luckily for myself he was so doddery that I easily deflected his stick with my water gun. The other old farangs with him thought it was a great laugh. Soooo, if you are going to punch anyone, I hope you get the right person.
  23. I would do anything I could to avoid being assaulted, and if it was unavoidable I would do whatever i could to protect myself, and yes, I would walk away after. However, depending on circumstances I might go to the police. I doubt they would care unless I was seriously injured. I have no illusions about being able to defeat the sort of person that would assault me.
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