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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. LOL, that's exactly how I felt about Hillary Clinton. I'm not at all surprised they voted for him when he was the only credible alternative to 4 years of her. I said at the time that given a choice between her and a rock I'd vote for the rock, given that a rock wouldn't make things worse.
  2. You are looking at it all wrong IMO. Don't look at them supporting him personally, but hating Washington so much they''ll vote for an outsider, even if they wouldn't have anything to do with him as a person. I'm sure you've heard the term "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". I'm pretty sure they still hate Washington.
  3. The CDC disagrees with you, in part. They do, but only the part covered. https://www.cdc.gov/std/herpes/the-facts/genital_herpes_508.pdf Condoms can reduce your risk of getting genital herpes if used the right way every single time you have sex. But a condom protects only the area of the body that it covers. Areas the condom doesn’t cover can become infected.
  4. So what. Everyone knew what he was and still voted for him in preference to her. It's a bit sad that he still wants to put his family through the media BS for another go at it, but perhaps he's just playing a bad joke on the opposition. He knows they hate him so he' s just getting in their face to annoy them, and it's working. Personally, if he is serious, I hope he doesn't get enough money to try again. That might split the GOP vote and allow a Democrat get the White House again, and I certainly don't want that to happen.
  5. It's going to get worse, not better. The rise of AI and robotics means that corporations can dispense with masses of people in an insane pursuit of profit over everything else. Economic growth will happen, but leaving millions in poverty. Do those masters in their glass towers looking down at the minions below believe that they can consign millions to misery and suffer no consequences? THE fundamental question of our age will, IMO, not be global warming, gender identity or whatever social media fixates on for 15 minutes, but who benefits from society- the people or the rich.
  6. You are talking about the past. The present sees a stagnation in the lives of the citizens while the rich get even richer at the expense of the many. Such situations don't end well for the rulers and so called "elites". French revolution, Russian revolution- remember them? If not that, remember the fall of Rome when the citizens became soft and lazy. IMO western culture is going down that hole with it's idiotic fixation on gender and other such irrelevances while the world burns around them. Even in the last century, the USA needed a world war to unite them following the depression.
  7. While ignoring the rest of your post, I understand he never expected to win the first time, and was taken unaware by the level of antipathy for Washington which saw him in the White House. The book, Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff explains it far better than I can in limited time on here. Put simply, enough people hated Washington enough to vote a tv reality show host into the most powerful position on planet earth.
  8. While his comments were somewhat OTT, he did do a lot for Israel, like moving the embassy to Jerusalem, despite it doing nothing to bring peace to that unfortunate region.
  9. Disappointing thread. I thought it was going to be that he gave the finger salute to the unfortunate driver he ran into and had it chopped off in retaliation.
  10. LOL. I never saw such in Pattaya, though my favourite Gogo in Nana had them playing on a tv screen back before purachai ruined it. Some of the shows put on by the girls where almost as educational, involving razor blades, darts fired into balloons, long bits of string and in the case of one exceptional lady, live animals, though nothing larger than a small bird. No ferrets. Mind you, I missed the glory days when a roving couple actually did it while on a motorbike ( though apparently the m'bike was stationary at the time ) on stage. Those really were the good times in LOS.
  11. LOL. I'd like to add that they are likely to be the ones that drive the largest SUV that they can find down the crowded city streets in LOS, and make their wives use a push chair for the offspring even though they have to make everyone move out of the way on the pavement. I once saw a foreigner trying to push a side by side pram along the busy side of Sukhumvit opposite Soi 4. I didn't wait to see how long before he gave up, but I doubt it was long.
  12. They'll never stop it, no matter how they try. Too much money in watching sex for those that can't get decent sex themselves ( I'll make a guess and say many married men ). The very first blue movie I watched was in puritanical Singapore in the 70s. Taxi driver took me late at night to a building site to join a group of men in an unfinished room where we watched blue movies, some that involved animals such as dogs, horses and even a small elephant. Quite an education for a young lad from a country where such things were unheard of.
  13. Herpes isn't curable either. Condoms stop those too.
  14. I thought that was a typo when I saw it. They'll be long obsolete by then. Going to cost a mint to maintain.
  15. That at least is true. We and whatever we are will be forgotten soon as the last person to know us dies.
  16. I was lucky to go to boys only boarding school and missed the entire "high school sweetheart" thing. I don't think I'd have survived it. Anyway, here's a couple 4 strong winds by Neil Young ( IMO one has to have been there to write songs like that ) Still I wish you’d change your mind If I ask you one more time, But we’ve been through that a hundred times or more. Four strong winds that blow lonely. Seven seas that run high. All those things that don’t change , Come what may If the good times are all gone, Then I’m bound for moving on. I’ll look for you if I’m ever back this way. I’ll look for you if I’m ever back this way. and The River, by the Boss ( IMO one has to have been there to write songs like that ) I got a job working construction For the Johnstown Company But lately there ain't been much work On account of the economy Now all them things that seemed so important Well mister they vanished right into the air Now I just act like I don't remember Mary acts like she don't care But I remember us riding in my brother's car Her body tan and wet, down at the reservoir At night on them banks I'd lie awake And pull her close just to feel each breath she'd take Now those memories come back to haunt me They haunt me like a curse Is a dream a lie if it don't come true Or is it something worse That sends me down to the river Though I know the river is dry That sends me down to the river tonight Down to the river My baby and I Oh, down to the river we ride-ide
  17. I looked it up. IMO just another BS political system for a few to be big for their 15 minutes.
  18. It's possible that we passed each other, but I wasn't interested in guys, if you know what I mean. If you mean the Dynasty Inn, it was a great place for anyone that visited frequently, as could leave a bag at hotel for free. All changed when owner died and taken over by son. Went boutique and expensive ( they even took down the painting of the naked lady outside toilets ), plus couldn't leave bag, so I went to Pattaya instead, with Bell Bus direct from airport. Everything good ends, BS lasts forever. If mean Nana, definitely not interested in guys there. I spent many happy hours in that place, but even that lost it's appeal after purachai ruined it.
  19. More than smokes and booze at work. IMO you have good genes for longevity. Plenty of things other than booze and smokes will kill you- sugar is possibly the worst thing ( in large quantities ), but stress, high fat food, and even a love gone wrong can do that. Too much love will kill you - Ironically sung by Freddy Mercury.
  20. Go tell Mechai Viravaidya that he should have been promoting HIV prep instead then. Does that stop syphilis, gonorrhea, warts and pregnancy? Condoms do.
  21. I think I previously made a comment that the prisoner exchanged was one that made Biden look good. If I didn't, I'm saying it now.
  22. I think you didn't mean it literally, but I agree with that, literally.
  23. Imagination is a great thing, and we've seen a lot of it on these pages.
  24. I remember it well, as being backstabbed by Britain. Almost destroyed NZ economically in my recollection. Frankly, I find it hard to be sympathetic to Britain now they are getting a bit of Karma.
  25. Perhaps they are short of paying customers because they want too much to stay there. I've stayed in many a less than posh hotel in Thailand, but they were cheap, so a good trade off. In the last few years I was in LOS, too many crumbling ruins tarted themselves up and put up the prices because they knew they'd have a ready supply of customers fooled by the "boutique" description and they booked on line rather than having a look before staying. Not unusual for me to look in an hotel with a marvelous foyer and less than salubrious guest rooms.
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