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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. It's a disincentive, where none existed before. When one has sold the family farm to send one son to the UK by paying criminal gangs, one wants to be pretty sure they will be able to stay in the UK if they reach it. If there is a chance they will be sent to Rwanda instead, one may hesitate to sell the land.
  2. I doubt the French would allow it. Perhaps just tow them back to the middle and point them in the direction of France.
  3. Presumably the refugees being swapped for will be vetted and approved, unlike those that came by paying criminals to do so.
  4. Perhaps it's then relevant to understand why the rest are "overprivileged and spoilt". After all she was their mother, as well as queen.
  5. I wrote before he became king that I hoped he would decline, or at least abdicate shortly after assuming the kingship. Sadly I am disappointed that he means to serve out his time in the big chair. I stand by my opinion that only William can save the institution, and IMO the longer Charles remains king the less likely there will be an institution to pass on to William ( perhaps just in England ). I thought that at the least Charles would remember what it felt like to be the king in waiting for so long, but seems that he just wants to be king too much.
  6. Indeed and all that free publicity. One could imagine that it was all planned in advance to generate views of what seems to be a rather boring expose of one's family.
  7. Seems like he apologised to me. Perhaps you see it differently.
  8. I'm not surprised his "apology" has outraged his followers. When Clarkson aplogises for IMO something his thousands of followers agree with it's like the world has gone woke. I read the BBC link and agree with what Clarkson wrote initially.
  9. If not for the likes I wouldn't know who you were supporting, but I assume your "lap issue" is an off topic reference to Hunter Biden. Hopefully his turn will be coming post 3 January 2023.
  10. I see you can't refer to those that disagree with your side in a polite manner, but resort to childish insults. Never mind, I have no problem defending him as IMO there is nothing to defend.
  11. 2 qualified. He may be indicted, but I reckon he won't be convicted. Despite his almost total fail in the past election, IMO the Democrats still feel threatened by him, hence the overwhelming desire by them to render him unable to stand again. To be convicted in a fair trial, it needs some actual words or deeds that prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he intended to overthrow the government, and that is very much lacking in an objective sense. Hopefully all the subjective ranting will be left at the courtroom door.
  12. What's the betting that it could fall to 1960 prices, but rents will continue to be at idiotic levels and increasing? If I could have got the pension in LOS I'd never have come back.
  13. Given actual AI does not yet exist you are talking about computerisation. AI that can independently generate a movie that is as real as the real thing is some way off. Likely it will happen, but probably not in my lifetime. https://towardsdatascience.com/no-artificial-intelligence-doesnt-exist-yet-3318d83fdfe8 No, Artificial Intelligence doesn’t exist (yet) Much of what is pictured as A.I. is just Statistics and advanced Machine Learning.
  14. In the case of a big bike, yes, need engine braking, ergo need gears. My first m'bike was a Matchless, and graduated to a Honda 550. No problem using gears. In LOS I rode a Click to get A to B, and happy to have auto.
  15. I'm confused. Didn't Biden profess to be against oil? If so, why does he want more drilling?
  16. Good idea. Be excellent going up to the lookout, assuming one can still lookout around the derelict building. Could build a big restaurant on top to take in the view while eating.
  17. Indeed. Given a choice of here or there spending all day in a bar I'll take there. Would be a step up in life.
  18. Sounds good. Can you lend me yours, as nice ones are a bit lacking here. ????
  19. I tried to edit that but the wifi went down. Despite the title, the OP is talking about a night guard, which is made to fit the teeth perfectly and involves a dentist and technician. A mouth guard as mentioned in another reply is something used in sports and is bought from sporting stores.
  20. IMO some think changing gender will solve their problems, when it won't. Much like unattractive women that think getting breast implants will make them popular- it doesn't.
  21. Asian men are IMO more androgynous than western men, which means they can become realistic ladyboys, while Caucasian men IMO look unattractive as ladyboys unless they have surgery, and even then not realistic.
  22. I started wearing a sarong when living in Singapore and continued doing so in LOS. If it's good enough for the locals it was good enough for me.
  23. Given you obviously don't watch anime movies there is zero point in replying to you, as IMO you have zero knowledge of what is happening in movies. Ever heard of the Avatar movies? Bye.
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