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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. No. They lost their jobs in Canada and needed to go elsewhere to work. No need to pass any more exams to work in Saudi so easier to get a job there. To work in the USA they'd have had to pass the CGFNS and then the US nursing exams. That was why I went to Saudi instead of the US. The legal fiasco in the US also makes it less attractive.
  2. I think you read it wrong. He was asking if that's what you think should happen, not that he wants to do that. It was a question, not a statement.
  3. I think I got that about 2 years ago. That doesn't change my mind now.
  4. When I was working in Saudi in the '90s, a large number of Canadian nurses came to work there because the Canadian government reduced the number of beds or closed hospitals or something like that. I guess the public hospitals never recovered from that reduction in service.
  5. but he did say that the vulnerable could be protected ( if they wish ). That's my point of view as well, so you disagree with my approach too, but that's OK, because I disagree with yours.
  6. I've said it before, but that isn't the significant number IMO. Hospitalisations and deaths are the numbers to watch. How many of those 125 million only had very mild symptoms or none at all and only knew infected because had the test?
  7. I'm not claiming that no one on here knows anyone that did, but I'm pointing out it hasn't yet reached a level at which anyone I know has succumbed. If a Martian were able to read this forum, IMO they could be excused for thinking that carts are being pushed around the streets to carry all the dead away.
  8. I don't think anyone that is posting about covid has an infectious disease medical qualification, yet all of us are giving our opinions. Lets remember it's OPINION on an ANONYMOUS forum, not a gathering of qualified scientists and medics.
  9. Two years on and I still don't know anyone that had it in this country or overseas. Certainly no one I know has died.
  10. Are you deliberately ignoring that he said the vulnerable should be protected?
  11. So what? They are caused by choosing bad options for health, and cost everyone when they end up in hospital. IMO the same argument as saying those that choose to not be vaxxed are a cost to the taxpayer.
  12. Should never happen. If can do that should also mandate special insurance for those that are unhealthy through choosing to smoke or eat too much bad food. They cost taxpayers millions in preventable costs to the public hospitals. I get that you think covid is the only game in town, but I don't see it that way.
  13. I can only speak for my own posts, but I've never ( far as I remember ) advocated forcing the vulnerable to isolate. I have said that they should be given the option if they so wished. I'm not into locking up people that have committed no crime, against their will, as has happened to all of us during lockdowns. Far as I'm concerned, we should all be able to carry on living, but given the option of protection if worried about it.
  14. I wonder what life would be like now if the vaccines were still under development. Would government have accepted reality and freed the people, or would we be in permanent lockdown?
  15. Agree 100%, and I've been saying from the start that vulnerable people should be isolated while everyone else just gets on with living. It MIGHT be all over had that happened. Making everyone suffer to save a few has not worked very well, IMO, and the unintended consequences will be felt for many years to come, with the inflation and business collapse etc.
  16. I have the same problem as those living around the dead guy. Antisocial hooligans playing that horrid boom boom noise at all hours. Can't say I blame the guy, having been driven almost barmy by the noise. Unfortunately it's not a rare occurrence in these bad times we are living in, and nothing to do with covid. Just antisocial thugs.
  17. I had a friend that waited 26 years to scam me out of a year's income.
  18. I've known a few couples that lived together quite happily for years, got married and fell out after. Seems that the fact of being married can change things, and not for the better. Just saying. I try to live by the adage that if it is working now, don't try to "change' it. Of course, always "up to you".
  19. A few of them around. When I was living in Lamphun a "disturbed" young man with a machete smashed up a lot of cars parked by a nearby apartment block. Just as well he left before anyone could confront him, or a resident could have been like the dead man in the OP.
  20. Which is why you worry about potential hospital bills BEFORE needing a hospital. It could be caused by a large variety of misfortunes, as life is a gamble every day we wake up.
  21. Just to be pedantic, i don't think Rome was sacked. From what I read, the Romans couldn't recruit enough soldiers to guard it, and the mercenaries they hired decided to take it over. Bit like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. Similarities to today, as I doubt many of the youths I see around would make good soldiers. Perhaps a certain militaristic country will win without a fight.
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