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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. LOL. I know a "developed" country that lags far, far behind Thailand in infrastructure. Public transport is a very bad joke compared to Thailand which has excellent public transport.
  2. Assuming it's in the house and not from outside, are you able to see if sewer pipes not broken and leaking ?
  3. Must have seen that advice a thousand or more times. Still the best advice out there.
  4. I understand liver failure is not a nice way to go over the great divide.
  5. Ah, those places full of fat people, some so fat one wonders how they manage to walk. It's unusual to see a slim fit person where I live. BTW sex is wonderful- men spend thousands flying to a foreign country because they can't get it where they came from. Sex addicts, LOL. Just men making up for lost time in the sexual deserts they come from.
  6. Really? If one can't think of things to do in Pattaya, one isn't going to think of things to do anywhere else. Go window shopping and girl watching in the malls, go to the movies, explore Pattaya on foot, take a bus ride along Sukhumvit- get off anywhere and explore the area, take the ferry to Samet and explore the island, go beachcombing, take up art, take up photography, do martial arts, take a cooking course, visit the local tourist attractions, take the bus to Bkk for a day or two, spend time on a forum, learn to speak Thai, read books, make a model, etc etc etc Do some good for the less fortunate and become a volunteer at an orphanage or other charity. OR sit in your room complaining that there is nothing to do. Up to you.
  7. Scheme suggested in expectation of the brown envelopes, perhaps.
  8. Soooo, let's give thanks to the founding fathers that saved us from 4 years of her.
  9. Nothing less that I'd expect from that organisation, including this gem Just days after crossing the border from Guatemala, the meagre supplies in Noé's small rucksack had dwindled, and he had gone with barely any food for several days as he bussed and trudged across the humid, forested landscape of Mexico's Chiapas state, where temperatures rose to a sweltering 34 C during the day. if he had meager supplies of food at the start and "Mexico was very hard," he said. "The police were bad. They looked for people to take their things and chased us. They charged us bribes when we were already all hungry and tired". how did he buy food later? Also This, despite having paid a group of smugglers several thousand dollars for the 2,000-mile (3,332km) trip from his home on the banks of the San Juan River in southern Nicaragua through Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico - a small fortune for a man from a country where the average income per person stands at around $1,850 (£1,533) per year. So explain how he can come up with several thousand $ for smugglers AND buses AND all the bribes he had to pay on the way, and why any money he had wasn't taken by the bad police. I am not convinced that the BBC is telling the whole truth, as too much that just doesn't pass the BS test. I've seen too many news articles on tv professing to show a starving family when they are all plump and active ( I know what an actually starving person looks like ) to believe much of it anymore.
  10. Not at the southern border. Heard on radio that it's increased dramatically and has overwhelmed resources. https://www.nbcnews.com/immigration-border-crisis As the Title 42 Covid ban nears its end, a migrant surge at the border has already begun Now if only there was some way of slowing the horde, like a wall....................................
  11. Where did I advocate for anarchy? IMO it is coming if the current level of government incompetence continues, as eventually people will have had enough and just won't stand for it anymore. That's not going to work out well for anyone, but governments need to man up and do their job, even if it's unpopular. They could start with young criminals at least.
  12. What the <deleted> has that got to do with the topic?
  13. Which is why many NZ nurses refused to be vaccinated with pfizer ( which was the only vaccine on offer at the time ) and were sacked as a result. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/456395/over-100-nurses-sacked-after-refusing-vaccine Just over 100 nurses, 14 midwives and 10 doctors have been sacked from District Health Boards for refusing to be vaccinated against Covid-19. Which is why I refused to be vaccinated with pfizer.
  14. Yes you are correct on that which is why the OP has this Senior military personnel have told ministers that soldiers should not be made to give up Christmas to cover workers who will be striking this December. Why should soldiers be required to give up their Christmas break because the government has stuffed everything up? A small part of the military to staff ambulances and fire services yes ( and they get the time off later ), but shouldn't be all. Soldiers can't be nurses or teachers etc.
  15. LOL. Obviously not been in the military. They do get Christmas off if not on active service. I used to volunteer to do sentry duty while most on Christmas leave, so I could go skiing in the winter when I got the same time off.
  16. Good news. Unfortunately will not help NZ due to silly NZ policy. I can only hope the US will not just stand by watching while China invade NZ.
  17. One suspects that all those "investors" that bought at the height are going to be "upset". Good news. Unfortunately a 20% drop isn't enough to make houses affordable, especially as loans harder to get and higher interest rates.
  18. Immigration make the policy they have to follow, or are you saying they invent their own rules without reference to immigration?
  19. Chiang Mai immigration also had a limit per day. One had to arrive by 4 am to have a decent chance of getting a q ticket. One of the reasons I used agent- they were at the front of the line waiting at 4 am.
  20. What a load of bovine droppings. When on holiday in LOS I never had booked/ paid accommodation before I arrived beyond first night in Bkk. Thousands of guest houses and small hotels/ resorts depend on walk in tourists just booking on the spot ( like I did ), so what happens to them? Seems immigration has been taken over by idiots that know nothing about how tourism in LOS worked in the past, or they are in collusion with the sort of hotels/ resorts that will benefit from such a moronic policy. Who wants to be forced to stay in one place even if it turns out to be unsatisfactory? Why is Thai immigration apparently doing everything it can to put people off going to LOS?
  21. What has any of that got to do with having a break with families at Christmas? Were you ever in the military? I was.
  22. First class leadership?????????????????? You have some evidence for that? When I was a member paying their salaries they were IMO completely useless. The union that did nothing to benefit their membership.
  23. I'm surprised the RCN is actually doing their job ( at last ). When I was a member they were useless at getting a decent wage. More interested in hindering nurses than helping them. Everyone that is now going to be blaming nurses for causing cancelled operations should remember that they have benefited for decades by underpaying nurses and that it's well past time nurses took action to get what they are worth. Most people IMO would never do what nurses do, and certainly not for the wages they get.
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