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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Why stop at 55? That's not old in this age. That alone makes me suspicious.
  2. Oh dear. I never said they were STORED in electrical impulses, I said "Dreams are the product of electrical impulses in the brain" ie created by electrical impulses. I'm sure you do realise that everything we and our universe are made of is atoms in formation, which work on electricity. BTW I do believe in souls, but it's not necessary for a soul to reside in the body.
  3. Indeed, surprising it's not posted as a new thread. Very good news indeed. I hope NZ government sees the light and follows Britain's lead. Just googled it https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-boris-johnson-business-health-london-59417842d49e95ef556eb9b0352144dd UK lifts COVID restrictions, says omicron wave ‘has peaked’
  4. Isn't selective reasoning wonderful? One gets to post all sorts of things that are easily refuted, but few bother to do so. It's good to see a couple of posters standing up to the usual suspects.
  5. I gave that post a laugh as you claim to know that I regard myself as not vulnerable when I clearly posted a number of times in the past that if I get covid I will probably die. Before making personal attacks on other posters you should at least get it right, but you do get a lot wrong, IMO.
  6. I was speaking to a pregnant woman the other day. She can't get midwife coverage now as so many midwives refuse to be vaccinated and are not allowed to work. Who suffers from that? I'm not a criminal and I am a taxpayer. I expect to be treated with respect by my employees in the government, not harassed and treated badly. They just had a vaccine, it isn't a big deal unless one doesn't want it. I have no idea of the "message" you reference.
  7. Vengeance against scumbags is always a good thing, but in the real world scumbags usually win against the good guys.
  8. That makes my heart sing! Some years ago Fox was showing a clip of some young scumbag that tried to take on an old Vietnam vet on a bus and ended up getting his face handed to himself. Pity that such great stories are rare.
  9. By all means learn it, but remember that your body is more likely to suffer permanent damage if you start physical contact sports than it was 30 years earlier. Personally I'd learn self defense rather than offense. Also back in the bonkers western world, one is likely to be prosecuted if one hurts some thug while defending oneself.
  10. IMO you refer to the false religious that only worship for society status but don't believe. A true Christian is humble. Not many true Christians around though. BTW, the congregation fills the coffers, not the other way around.
  11. ????????????????? If they can do whatever they like, then they are dictators. Can't have it both ways.
  12. Soooooo, you know a lot of westerners with high maintenance wives that could afford the million or so sin sod and have enough readies to keep them satisfied. Good for them- must be living the dream. Personally, if I had that sort of money I'd find an attractive woman from my own culture to live with, even if in LOS. Marriage is a hard row to hoe, even for similar status, same culture couples, and adding an alien culture into the mix and it becomes even harder. BTW, how many of those hi so women will still be married to the farang if he loses his money for any of a thousand reasons, and how many will still be with him when he is in his dotage?
  13. Only a problem if the farang is naive enough to believe a girl 20 or 30 years younger from a completely different culture actually loves him. Be in it for sex or whatever one wants, but don't think she will be faithful or even grateful, and IMO all will be well. IMO one can't go wrong if one remembers we rent them, whether married or not. It's about the money, the money, the money. Of course, some will take offense at that, and they may do so, but it's my opinion and based on decades of experience in LOS. However, all things being equal, some will be lucky and find true love- I just don't think they are in the majority, or even a large minority. I recommend "Private Dancer" as a textbook for those looking for lurve in a hot climate. While fiction, based on reality, IMO. BTW I can't believe that anyone would not realise that a woman had had a kid. Certain physical changes occur during pregnancy that can't be disguised after.
  14. Dreams are the product of electrical impulses in the brain. Invent a machine that can read and record those impulses and voila, dreams can be captured. However, would you want to record your dreams? Those I remember are never anything worth replaying. No willing beautiful women in mine.
  15. IMO our brains are just biological computers. They work on a ( genetic ) program. the program should be able to be downloaded/ uploaded to a machine. Many don't think we have souls. It's only impossible now, but in the future anything is possible.
  16. For now. Who knows what will be around in 50, 100, 1000, a million years from now?
  17. Sadly, IMO some of the people I see around are the walking dead. They certainly act as if they are brainless. Seriously, I think that in the context of the universe, anything is possible.
  18. Did you not read the post I quoted? That is the context.
  19. Are you not an anonymous poster? How can you prove that what you say is any more reliable than what I post? IMO you can't. We all post unverifiable things on here, but it's an internet forum for anonymous posters, not a scientific institution. Jai yen, jai yen.
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