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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. You're an example of a farang that actually had a need to speak Thai. My beef is with those that learned to converse in Thai and then browbeat those of us that have no need to speak conversational Thai.
  2. They might be happy to tell you if you ask politely in a non judgemental way. However, I suggest you don't go on about your kids when with them, just in case they actually want kids but can't. Being childless is IMO becoming more popular, as children become more and more expensive, and people realise they can have a far better life without having to pay for kids. I know other people that didn't, and they seem as happy as I not having any. I could never have had such a colourful life if I'd had my own kids or even stayed with the solo mother I was with for a while. If I could go back in time, I'd still opt for no children of my own.
  3. I was only responding to another poster, but you felt the need to post a sarcastic comment.
  4. I was a stepdad for a while. She had two kids. If I ever had a desire to have kids of my own, they cured me of any wish to do so. I understand that people do want kids, and that's nothing to do with me, but I do strongly object being taxed to give money to parents just because they had kids. IMO if you want kids, pay for them yourself and don't expect other people to pay for them. I also see many kids around who's parents don't love them, don't care about them, and will grow up to be not such good people as they could be with parents that did love and care for them.
  5. All that will happen is that the eventual winners will never know if they would have won against him, so a tainted victory. One should always take care when insulting others from the safety of their anonymous keyboard.
  6. He didn't. he got official permission to enter. For political reasons, IMO, the federal government decided to intervene. Given the large number of infections already in the country IMO he couldn't have made an iota of difference re infections, but there are votes in pandering to a certain demographic of society. I can only hope this comes back to bite the relevant politicians in the nether region.
  7. Will the organizers be warning the visitors that Pattaya is now a fun devoid zone, and that daring to gather to enjoy themselves carries a risk of being raided by the cops, along with a hefty "fine"?
  8. You do realise that you live in Thailand, don't you? Such behaviour is quite normal in LOS, IMO. Sadly, noisy people seem to be everywhere now. Antisocial people are found all over the planet.
  9. Read Private Dancer. It deals with such situations in a Thai context, which is not the same as a farang context. Not saying it's right though.
  10. IMO no matter how many non Thais live there they will never impact Thai society in the way that countries like Germany have been by those from an alien culture that were allowed in by the thousands. That's IMO because Thailand ensures that visitors understand that they are "aliens", and not part of society, and get no say in how things are run.
  11. You think a farang can ever really integrate? I would disagree. We might live in Thailand, even speak and read Thai, wai everyone and give them lotascash, but IMO we will always be "visiting".
  12. It's only banter when it's about other people. Personally not so much.
  13. I've had a very colourful life, and part of the problem is that i can't any more- too old, too decrepit. Also been abused and exploited by too many people that should have supported me to have affection for much of the human race.
  14. What's with the personal insults? I won't respond in kind as I don't stoop that low.
  15. Never had a child, never wanted one, happy to not have. No idea what the fixation with reproduction is about. Hardly any kids I've known were worth knowing. Little horrors, including my nephew ( by my sister ). My father's name dies with me- no uncles. Don't care. IMO meaningless.
  16. You really do have bad luck with women. Apart from the two that I lived with, I've had platonic relationships with many women that didn't end badly. The worst "friends" I ever had were both males. IMO as long as one never crosses the line, women can be good friends. None ever wanted anything from me that I regretted giving.
  17. If I didn't bother with them I might not post anything for ages, but thanks for the concern.
  18. I didn't read it as saying there is no pandemic, just saying not to be fearful of something that does not have a high chance of killing us.
  19. I fail to see the difference between those that smoke or eat too much bad food and the antivaxxers. The first two categories have no excuse IMO for not knowing the predictable outcomes.
  20. Completely different to what I wrote. People don't go OTT about those overseas disasters the way they do about covid. Nice deflection though.
  21. I think I'd go into one and order a very large and expensive something then offer money. Otherwise I wouldn't use them- I can live quite nicely without either. Here, during first lockdown the local takeaways didn't take cash, but but must have realised losing too much money, so next time they took cash.
  22. Of course you were being personal. "It is not possible for her to be able to afford a better car and house than you unless your money is going elsewhere." includes "you" as meaning I and then you imply something about MY money going elsewhere. The comment was related to how an unmarried mother had a better life on the taxpayer than I did working hard. You are the one that took that and made it about wages, which is nothing to do with what I was writing about. I'm not required to give any of that extra information unless I was talking about wages. Bye.
  23. So very true. Western people IMO are going OTT about covid because it possibly affects them or those they know, but wouldn't even care about diseases that have happened far far away, despite the consequences being exactly the same for the people affected. Selective caring, IMO.
  24. Indeed. We could be very good friends with a "chubby" female, but not be sexually attracted at all.
  25. It's always a combination. Often it's some subtle attraction that isn't obvious. I've seen 2 women sitting side by side and looking very similar in all aspects, but I'll be attracted to one and not the other. Could be as little as the look in their eyes, or the shape of their mouth. One will look inviting and the other not.
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