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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. 55555555555555555555555555 Of course it's possible. Our brains function on electricity. Biological electricity is the same as digital electricity, ergo possible to transfer electrical impulses from human brain to digital media. Wait till the AI super computer exists. No problem for it.
  2. If everyone is in a virtual world how do the mega rich make money off them? Thinks........ perhaps plug them into some sort of power station, like human batteries? Oh, was that already thought of? Perhaps the plan is to make life so unpleasant for most of us that we willingly opt for the virtual.
  3. The Dune books got there first. One of the parts of the history are of cybernetic machines that carry a human brain around for millennia. Nothing is really impossible, but hopefully not in my lifetime. Vanilla Sky ( Tom Cruise movie ) deals with being in a computer generated world after death of the body.
  4. Perhaps, but will they be caused entirely by omicron or by the underlying condition of the patient, eg obesity, respiratory problems etc? If patients didn't have conditions such as obesity, would they actually die?
  5. LOL. I lived next door to a lot of Thais in various parts of Thailand and they were strangers for the entire duration of the stay. Had zero interest in meeting them. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only farang in that category.
  6. If it wipes out the mass tourism market that has IMO destroyed most of Thailand's nice beaches with a tsunami of concrete and beach encroachment, plus such atrocities as what happened to Maya Bay, it'll be a good thing IMO. Time to get back to visiting our own countries and not taking a stratosphere polluting plane to where we can have drinkies by the horizon pool while getting our tootsies massaged by some exploited person. I'm with Richard on what has happened to Thailand over the past 20 years.
  7. Indeed, the rich got even more wealthy. As the saying "it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good". I believe big pharma has done rather well too.
  8. I have read of people exercising their RIGHTS to refuse a medicine they don't trust.
  9. You didn't answer the question. They certainly care about the residents money.
  10. Blame the government for making a mess of it then. They have had 18 months to increase hospital capacity, but done not enough if anything at all. You have, IMO, been co opted by the divide and rule of incompetent politicians, that seek to deflect blame away from themselves for cocking it up to those that choose to exercise their RIGHTS to refuse the vaccine for whatever reason.
  11. They are a rip off because they charge a lot to buy the villa in the first place, charge large fees to live there, and deny the family to make a profit when the villa is sold. They are IMO a money making enterprise, not some charity that actually cares about the residents. If a resident refused to pay the annual fees how long do you think it would take to evict them?
  12. Rubbish. IMO not a single one that reads these pages would refuse to be treated in hospital in the event of an accident requiring surgery.
  13. Nit picking? How many died of Bubonic plague since 1353? Remember that they didn't have the benefit of modern medicine to keep people alive.
  14. You are probably right, but the medical industry which makes a great deal of it's money keeping people alive will fight tooth and nail to keep itself in business. Being old is now big business with the "retirement village" rip off industry, the "rest home" industry etc. Old people are no longer persons, IMO, they are commodities to be exploited till the last breath.
  15. It's just as well the really bad ones do become less deadly or humanity would probably have ceased to be during the black death of 1334 to 1353. BTW that lasted 19 years, so perhaps covid will be with us for a while longer.
  16. Perhaps they closed ward beds to be able to staff intensive care beds. If there are not enough staff something has to change. NB I said "perhaps". I'm not in France to know for sure.
  17. Well and truly in NZ. Any talk of the "team of 5 million" has vanished. Now it's "us against them". I hope the next election will educate them that encouraging fear of and anger against fellow citizens is not a good way to rule.
  18. IMO it's pointless trying to make sense out of any of it. Put it down to the rich fabric of life, and just go with the flow. Less potential for problems from others and officialdom than not complying in public. You don't have to believe in it, in private.
  19. There's a difference between being polite and obeying the rules when outside, and being scared of it, and attacking people on here because they have a different opinion.
  20. Do you not understand that Britain is a kingdom, not a republic, and the people are subjects, not citizens?
  21. IMO they stopped because the populace either ignored them or were threatening to not re elect the politicians. IMO if they could have got away with it we'd still be in lockdown. Total control, total power- what's not to want?
  22. they should have a free hand to do so. Government should NEVER have a free hand. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  23. IMO the only way to avoid being sucked into some virtual on line world is to avoid as much as possible anything to do with on line eg I only use real money; very rarely a card, though when the bank was closed at new year I had to use a card to get real money from an ATM to purchase something. I have an e mail account as dentists etc use that for appointments, and I spend time on this forum- too much time, as it isn't just gaming that is addictive. Otherwise, I have a phone that is just for calls, nothing on line; I have a real camera ( though it is digital as there just isn't the affordable infrastructure for film any more ) - I don't use a phone to take photos, I use DVDs for movies, not off the internet ( op shops sell them for 50 cents to $2-50 ), and I always leave the phone behind when I'm working outside. I think I'm as unconnected as it's possible to get in this Brave New World I inhabit, though it's not of my choosing. Were it possible I'd live in a world that had 1970s technology. I loved being alive in the 70s and was able to do everything I wanted to, despite no internet. I can't help wondering what will happen if the internet stopped working for some reason eg hacking, war, the sun emitting a pulse that destroyed all electronics etc. I don't think it would end well.
  24. Thank you. I didn't know that, but I refuse to use facethingy, so wouldn't. I won't comment as I know nothing personally about facethingy or the twit thing or suchlike. This forum is the only one I go on.
  25. I know of none but two personally- I'm sure there must be more, but I'm not acquainted with them. Even Churchill, who saved the world from Hitler had feet of clay. One I refer to was David Lange, PM of NZ some time ago that brought hope to the populace, and IMO sabotaged by bad people. The other is Chuan Leekpai, former PM of Thailand that I had great respect for.
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