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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. That's not how I'd describe her on here, but it would be too insulting to post what I really think about her.
  2. I knew many young people that were thoughtful, often sensible and not crazy, which is why they didn't go into politics.
  3. Yes, the logic is clear, scare people into thinking a conspiracy theory is real so they vote establishment. Cheney, IMO horrible daughter of a vile VP, hates Trump because he was a threat to the trough feeders in Washington. Schiff, IMO bad caricature of everything that is wrong with Washington. AOC- young people always make the mistake of thinking they know stuff when they know very little, but too young to know that. others such as Newsome, Harris, Schumer, Whitmer, Pelosi and Biden. "The latter are all stock standard Democrats" and as such will be consigned to the dustbin of history along with Cheney, Nixon, Gore, both Bush's, Nixon, Kissinger, Ford and Regan, and many others. Trump on the other hand, like him or loath him, will be known about for a very long time. Whatever history will judge him as, history will remember him.
  4. It's always someone else's fault! I hope all expats in LOS made the most of the absence of the hordes while it lasted.
  5. Rather than grovelling to Saudi to pump more oil, Biden should, IMO, be pointing the finger of shame at US oil companies for exploiting the situation to gouge US drivers. BTW, how does begging Saudi to pump more of the bad stuff fit in with his claim to be for "carbon neutrality" in the US? Hypocrisy much?
  6. IMO every member of his family will be telling him NO, NO, NO. If I were him I'd be promoting his daughter as a candidate for the future- young, apparently intelligent, female, pretty etc.
  7. Exactly, just like certain posters used to refer to a different president. LOL.
  8. Either party only needs 2 to win a majority. Suspenseful much! Lots of nail biting till Georgia is called.
  9. LOL. So people just can't ignore him because he's so....................................? Perhaps it's more that people enjoy talking about him so much they just can't stop, or they want to use him for ratings ( CNN ). Seems the Donald really does own some people's minds!
  10. I saw the video on Al Jazeera that apparently showed inside the city. It showed a large room full of munitions, presumably Russian. If the Russians are abandoning equipment that can be used against themselves something has gone very, very wrong in the Russian military. A retreating army usually blows up anything that could aid the enemy.
  11. If I believed that the planet is like an organism and is capable of removing parasites that are destroying it, I might believe that the planet Earth is acting to remove humanity which is destroying it with overpopulation and pollution. Oh wait- I do believe that.
  12. I saw an interesting article on Al Jazeera this morning. Apparently the whole "carbon neutral" "net zero" thing is just another corporate scam to make a profit. Engineered with the assistance of our friend ( not ) the good old UN. All about parting the gullible from their cash, while doing sod all to actually do much at all regards carbon. https://www.aljazeera.com/program/all-hail/2022/11/10/why-we-cant-offset-our-way-out-of-climate-change-all-hail
  13. I wasn't aware that Bangkok is beside the seaside, LOL. Bangkok is sinking as too much water is pumped out from under it. Not much to do with C C IMO.
  14. The angry God turns congregations off, so God is all about love now. They can't afford to lose any parishioners.
  15. I'd just love to be in the Oval Office when the senate goes GOP.
  16. That's probably Biden's hope. I think he'll be disappointed.
  17. From what I see on google, the GOP have 3 seats almost called. If so and the number confirmed is 98 they don't need Georgia, though a 2 seat majority would obviously be better.
  18. Unless I am very mistaken, he will have no support bar his base, so a waste of time talking about him any more. IMO he's had his day, he's done, bye bye Trump. The man to watch for 24 is apparently De Santis.
  19. The best thing to do with Trump is to ignore him. He feeds off public talking about him. If they no longer do so he'll just talk to his base and rant a bit till they get bored with him. Does anyone talk about the Tea Party anymore? He has been shown to be yesterday's man by his inability to get his nominations elected. He may want to stand again, but who's going to give him the money to do so? I suspect the GOP will sideline him now and where else can he go? I could be wrong, but only time will tell on that. Of course CNN need to keep talking about him for their ratings, but happily I don't watch CNN.
  20. If I were to win Lotto large, I wouldn't move to Thailand. I'd move to Japan and live in Akihabara area. I've heard good things about that place ( maid cafes, AKB48 theatre etc ), but a budget to live a month in LOS would apparently last about a day there.
  21. Loads of Kiwis are not moving to Oz because NZ is so great. If I was still working I'd be there myself.
  22. Sounds like you need to move somewhere else in LOS. No need to live in same place for ever, and every new place is like a lucky dip as to what you discover. What time of year did you visit the UK? Winter is no fun.
  23. Thank you for that. I'm certainly not being rewarded in this life.

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