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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Deflecting again, as I didn't see Fauci's name in the OP. No idea why you brought him into it.
  2. Reduce being the pertinent word. I want to know how the good Dr suggests we avoid infection 100% given he advises us to not get infected at all.
  3. You are deflecting. I gave an example of a possible side effect of a vaccine, nothing more or less. I'm not even advocating to not have one given I am double jabbed.
  4. The good Dr says to not get infected, but offers no way to do so 100%. Perhaps he should have been more cautious about what he says then.
  5. I know someone that was doing fine till she had the second dose. Months later still not well. Never had the disease itself to her knowledge. NB. I am not claiming that the jab DID cause her subsequent illness, as it could have been caused by something else at the same time as the jab. Just a huge co incidence. Sorry, obviously no "link" possible. Believe or not- up to you.
  6. Erm, isn't that what most people are doing, but some still get infected? Perhaps some recommended procedures to protect 100% would help.
  7. Some explanation would help. We don't all spend our lives behind a screen.
  8. That's what they have in China or Nth Korea. I wonder if he prefers their way?
  9. Boris has been a big disappointment to me. I thought he was different, but I was sooooooo wrong. He turned out just like the rest when the crunch came.
  10. Excellent post. nearly 2 years in and no sign of them giving up their power grab any time soon. God help us, as no one else will.
  11. Sounds like dictatorship to me. If they want that sort of power they should declare a state of emergency and suspend parliament for the duration. Even during WW1 Britain had elections.
  12. Given the media's propensity to destroy anyone that tries to become a politician, IMO only the less "desirable" seek office now. Had Jack Kennedy stood now, he would have been ripped to shreds given his apparent womanising, but the media gave him a pass on that- long ago and a different world.
  13. Silly question. The only answer ( IMO ) is NO.
  14. Money and power are the greatest aphrodisiacs known to mankind. Farangs may have money, but they have no power in LOS. Some Thai women will settle for money without power, but not usually those from hi so families, or the ones with bankable looks.
  15. One might be so bold as to suggest you change your local. His pub his rules.
  16. The sin sod would put off most. Some farangs have the erroneous belief that Thai women all want to marry some farang, but IMO Thai women would rather marry a Thai man than some old fat bald farang, regardless of how much money he has.
  17. I was never a resident of Thailand ( I was an alien visitor ), so my thoughts about residents not speaking the language of the country they chose to become citizens in is irrelevant to the situation of farangs ( other than those that gain PR or citizenship ) in Thailand.
  18. Your quote said "I realised that western society is ( probably ) doomed when I first heard that the idea of multi genders was being taken seriously. The Roman Empire took hundreds of years to decay to the extent that the opposition could take Rome without so much as a battle. Bear in mind that things happen soooooo much faster in these times." Nowhere in that quote is mentioned souls. Strange that you talk about souls then However my thoughts on souls are well known on this forum by those that read the God thread, so I will not repeat them here. However the personal comments are unfortunate and do not reflect well on yourself, IMO. Your beliefs are your own business and not for me to change, though I can safely say no living person actually KNOWS what is to come post death of the body. However, perhaps you are actually psychic to be the exception. Gender is determined by reproductive ability, and only hermaphrodites can be either. Inventing mythical genders may satisfy certain personalities, but I'll stick with genes.
  19. Use of "our" is erroneous. Some do not fear death, as it would be irrational, IMO, to be afraid of something that is inevitable. One can fear the means of our demise, though that is not the same as "death" per se. BTW, it's more likely that the non believers are afraid of death ( as it means they become nothing ) than the religious who know that a better existence is to come on the other side. I think you mean those that have reason to fear hell is to come on the other side.
  20. If we stop thinking of ourselves as being special and superior, we are just a more intelligent species that happens to be inhabiting the planet for a period of time. IMO we will eventually join the dinosaurs in extinction, because we polluted ourselves to oblivion. The dinosaurs didn't cause their own extinction, which goes to show how dumb humans are. The planet will survive and a ( hopefully more enlightened ) species will evolve to become dominant. The cycle will continue till the sun dies. Ditto on the genes.
  21. I too never became one of the fearful hiding under my bed, though I am surprised by some I know that really did accept the mantra of "be scared, be scared, be scared". Some still are, and some are even more scared than at the start. Given the probable winner of the conflict to come, I'm happy to hopefully not being around to see the winners parading through the streets. Given the state of our "defence force" I expect a large sign in the relevant language saying "we surrender" to be erected at the border. BTW, re population control, I assume you don't refer to population size, as out of 8 billion it hasn't had much impact ( so far ).
  22. ????????????????? Winter in G O T referred to winter, the season, not an invasion of the dead, and yes it did arrive.
  23. I realised that western society is ( probably ) doomed when I first heard that the idea of multi genders was being taken seriously. The Roman Empire took hundreds of years to decay to the extent that the opposition could take Rome without so much as a battle. Bear in mind that things happen soooooo much faster in these times.
  24. Perhaps crude, but the act of insemination is immensely enjoyable if done properly with the right person. Worth remembering that modern medicine keeps most of us alive well past our use by date, and for most of human history most people usually never lived long enough to be able to collect a pension ( had one been available throughout human history ).
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