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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. How did a fun thread on the Pub about superyachts morph into yet another evil Russia/ Ukrainian war rant thread?
  2. What else would he say? They should have known all that before awarding the games to Qatar. I've seen a bit about it on Al Jazeera and they must have spent a phenomenal amount of money on it, but one wonders what they are going to do with all those sports stadiums afterwards.
  3. Don't anticipate too much. Donations of millions of quid to a certain country has to be paid for, among other massive payments ( to rescue the NHS perhaps ), and it may be decided that giving rises to those not living in the UK is no longer sustainable. Brits living abroad are an easy target.
  4. Absolutely. Ban the pacs and all money donated must be visible to scrutiny. A limit on campaign finance would be in order too, as minor parties can't match the big parties.
  5. I also support ( and have said so on this forum ) an absolute ban on lobbyists or politicians getting jobs on companies that benefitted during their time in congress.
  6. Link? The only thing I could find was a reference to her being a friend of Hillary Clinton.
  7. I suspect she got that much time ( wonder how much of it she will serve in jail ) because she ripped off self important people, rather than the poor masses.
  8. but it is yourself that posted the post to which I replied. Seems like a discussion to me.
  9. Doesn't matter if it doesn't make him rich. If advertisers stay away it won't make money.
  10. Call me a fool then. Remember bent bananas?
  11. Do the long suffering British populace support that, while prices increase and I believe the Chancellor just promised tax increases?
  12. It's not the warming that is a farce, but IMO that they claim we can do anything about it. IMO they are using it as an excuse to raise taxes and redistribute western money to poor countries.
  13. Remember "quantitative easing"? Printing money based on nothing. What else would happen other than inflation? After all, inflation is basically too much money and too few goods or services to buy with it.
  14. Rubbish. He never mentioned sex.
  15. You obviously have no idea of what it was like.
  16. The KIngs group upstairs bars had ping pong shows and reasonable prices, but I'd never have gone in any of the others. I only went a couple of times because the girls were too pushy. Downstairs was better and Cowboy was better than them and then I discovered Nana. Never went anywhere else after.
  17. First time I went to Thailand in the 70s I was on a bus tour from Singapore. One of the guys had a book about Patpong, and it was a pretty hard place back then. One of the stories in the book was about a bar girl set another bargirl's hair on fire because she "stole" her customer. I wanted to go there but the bus driver persuaded a few of us to go to a GI bar where the GIs had sex in curtained booths and they had a live sex show ( not very good though ). The driver probably got a commission for taking us there. I'd probably have enjoyed myself more at Patpong.
  18. Rubbish.
  19. He said he didn't like Pattaya and left quickly in a different thread, so I doubt he knows much if anything about the bar scene in Thailand.
  20. Happened anywhere, which was why I always knew how many drinks I bought.
  21. Are you referring to a Soi 4 near Patpong? Can't say I was familiar with such. The only collection of gay bars that I know of were Boys Town in Pattaya and a plaza in Pattaya I don't remember the name of.
  22. Those were the up stairs gogos. Street level was pretty safe and in the end pretty boring. IMO the horrid night market kept customers for the gogos away and a lot became bag shops. Nana was always heaps better than Patpong in the past 30 years. Friend of mine knew a girl worked in the Japanese street. Apparently it wasn't that they didn't want farangs, but the prices were too steep for them. They certainly had the very best looking girls as the bars had a gaggle of girls outside touting for customers and I used to walk along it for the visual experience.
  23. It's early days. Guys that make assessments based on a couple of years amuse me. When it gets better people will say how happy they are not to be told what to do by Brussels.
  24. Even better option, after getting divorced do not get married again. No man HAS to be married. We are all allowed one big mistake when it comes to women, but we need to understand it was a mistake, and that doing the same thing over and over is not a good idea. Your wish list woman IMO is impossible to find.

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