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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I obviously made a mistake by naming someone. I'll substitute Daddy Warbucks for Musk. Do you think Warbucks is cutting back on the food bill?
  2. Not the only country where the population have been seduced or cowed into acquiescence to the political agenda.
  3. The Common market had purpose, but the failed experiment of political and monetary union was a huge mistake. Britain should never have agreed to it and is well out of it, IMO.
  4. Oh that's not nice on a family forum.
  5. Roping off the beach should be illegal. The beach belongs to everyone. Anyway, I've never seen anything like that in LOS, though some beaches are hard to get to on land. There was one near Chaloklum that was accessed by a very high stairway down a cliff, but even that was open to anyone prepared to climb it.
  6. Father Ray told me not to bring that sort of thing. He said to bring fruit. They like that.
  7. No, it's called "business". Blame the customers for paying too much if you want to blame anyone. If no one booked at that price they'd reduce the price.
  8. Lucky then that he's not in "most legal jursidictions". If I met him I'd give him a high five.
  9. Good luck with that. The bad guys are winning in the west, and it's good to see that not all countries have gone soft on crims.
  10. Apparently he used a shotgun. Shotguns don't shoot "high speed lead" and a wall across the street would stop the shot.
  11. Seems someone has been watching Hollywood movies.
  12. They were probably running too fast to be able to hit them with a shotgun.
  13. Happily that doesn't seem to be the case in LOS. They are a threat as long as alive as if they escaped they'd do it again.
  14. LOL. The softly softly be nice to evil people approach to criminals isn't working. I'm all for saving the taxpayers the cost of a trial and subsequent time in jail. Crime wasn't a problem in Saudi when I was there, but they amputate thieves hands. Terminating evil doers tends to prevent them doing it again, so I'm all for it. Sick of bad people being released from jail only to murder the innocent.
  15. Which is part of the reason the west is going to follow the Romans into history. Any country that penalises citizens for standing up to crims is IMO heading for extinction.
  16. In a country I know well the crims are not afraid of the cops, and the young ( 13 and under ) crims are not even arrested. Insanity.
  17. Which goes to show how barking the law is in western countries. Pity he didn't get them all.
  18. No idea if still there as don't remember name, but there was a place not far from Dolphin roundabout on the right hand side going towards Naklua. I used him and no complaints. Big sign outside.
  19. Why pick on them? Rich people are always immune to the tribulations of the masses. You think Musk is cutting back on his food bill?
  20. Could this be Biden's "tapes" moment? Nixon's goose was cooked when the "tapes" existence became public knowledge. One can only hope.
  21. WOW. That's some deflection, LOL. Ignore the corruption and make it about nudity.
  22. There is abundant energy ( the sun is certainly abundant ) but IMO greed means we are still beholden to OPEC and other oil companies. Hydrogen is a proven technology that could supply all our needs, but greed is driving us to batteries, which need rare and expensive raw materials. The other problem is that the world's population is increasing faster than our ability to build the technology to get off oil.
  23. Circular argument. By all means mention it till the cows come home, but it's not going to make an iota of difference to anything unless one can go back in time. We all got that some posters blame Brexit for the UK's woes many pages ago, so no need to beat the proverbial dead horse any more.
  24. Not her minor soap career. The Oprah show etc. I'm not trolling any more than yourself. Having a different opinion than you does not make what I say trolling, but carry on trying to cancel me, by all means.
  25. You don't like the truth? Farangs have been moaning about immigration for as long as I've been on this forum ( and on TVF ), and it's not going to change, IMO. While I hated having to go to immigration, I accepted that they make the rules and I had to abide by them.
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