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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I never said she didn't look OK. I just didn't recognise her with the super dooper makeup on. She was fine without- not that she thought so.
  2. IMO never ever marry a good looking woman as every, Tom Dick and Harry is going to be trying to bonk her. Trini Lopez had it right in his song "If you wanna be happy" If you wanna be happy For the rest of your life, Never make a pretty woman your wife, So from my personal point of view, Get an ugly girl to marry you. A pretty woman makes her husband look small And very often causes his downfall. As soon as he marries her Then she starts to do The things that will break his heart. But if you make an ugly woman your wife, You'll be happy for the rest of your life, An ugly woman cooks her meals on time, She'll always give you peace of mind. If you want the rest of the lyrics they're on the internet.
  3. The only thing worse than that is knowing that she'll still be able to get a fella.
  4. I was met by Thai wife to be at the airport, and I didn't recognise her because she had such great makeup. I suspect she paid a lot of money for the work, as it was definitely in excess of anything she could do herself. My first partner never left the house without putting on her face- strange then that she didn't look any different without it!
  5. One Pattaya hotel I stayed at a long time had several "in house girls", and one especially looked fantastic in the evening- not so much in the morning without a great deal of makeup.
  6. Michael Jackson was probably the poster child for thinking plastic surgery would fix his problems. Obviously didn't work. Women are judged much more than men on physical appearance, so I'm happy to be male. You are right about the psychological aspect. Doesn't matter what they eventually look like, as mentally they are still the same person. Way better spending the money on a psychologist, than making a plastic surgeon rich.
  7. Don't bother. Some are just fixated and won't see reason. I'd be clicking on the report button if he said that about me.
  8. Lucky to even see a female wearing a skirt these days, but given what they weigh, it probably doesn't matter.
  9. Mine were not. no. I was never interested in conversing verbally with Thai women and I wasn't interested in Thai men at all. no, not for conversation, unless you want to talk about food or hear what they are saying about you. Some things yes, like shopping and asking where the toilet is. I learned enough to get by, but I never was able to distinguish the tones. Sadly, without using it, my Thai language is just fading away.
  10. I never visited Thailand without the pleasure of a SYT walking on my spine and pushing all the misaligned vertebrae back into position. I'd never be brave enough to ask a western woman to do that though, as probably end up paralyzed.
  11. and sometimes I really wish I had left them as a memory. Met an absolutely delightful girl at Nana, back when Hollywood Royal was the cheese. Not so delightful without her clothes on though. Worst stretch marks I ever had the misfortune to see in my life. Couldn't take her out again, which was a pity as she really was the nicest girl I ever met in LOS.
  12. Found this photo of the beauty at Railay in '99. Just for old time's sake. My Thai Aphrodite emerging from the sea.
  13. That reminds me of the soapy massage I had at one of the huge places in Bkk on new year's eve. Didn't see her for ages after going to the room and then she rushed the "massage" as she wanted to get outside to the big party the place put on for the girls. I learned all my lessons in LOS the hard way. In the case of the beauty, she really was everything dreams are made of, but I made a huge mistake and that was over. Still have regrets. Then there was the DDG dancer in The G Spot at Nana, that sat next to me completely naked ( I hadn't bought her a drink- it was just where she sat between dances ). I passed on her at the time, to my everlasting wonder if she might have been the real thing. Then there was the real cute girl that I had my eye on, but was too slow. The guy that took her out must have thought she was the real thing because she never came back to the bar the rest of my visit, though I went there every night afterwards. However, most of the time, the really good looking ones were disappointing, so in the end I never bothered with the DDG ones. Good decision.
  14. My best nights on W S were sitting in Lucky Star bar #2 watching the passing parade and listening to AC DC played as it should be- very loud. Later they must have been ordered to turn the volume down as the music died. Happy days them, and long gone.
  15. It's not. No red lights on Walking St. People that say Walking Street is a red light district IMO have no more idea of the reality other than what they read in red top newspapers.
  16. I think it was Mandarin, but they employed the most beautiful girl I ever saw- OUTSIDE. Inside was depressing, but she did her job of getting punters in the door. Most of the gogos last time I visited Walking St. had awful music and it was far too loud. The glory days of gogos ended many years before covid appeared, IMO.
  17. I knew my marriage was doomed long before it ended, but I carried on in hope that a miracle would happen. It didn't.
  18. LOL. I still think about the cute ones I didn't take out. Then there was the most beautiful one I ever had that was fantastic in bed and I messed up- never saw her again.
  19. I just wanted sex from my marriage. Had I wanted "companionship" and all that, but without sex, I could have married a western women in home country. My mistake was not giving my Thai wife enough incentive to keep her attention on her husband, and that was it. First the sex went, then the attention went, and finally the marriage went. Whatever mistakes I made though, I never built her a house, or gave the goodies to her family, though in the end they just stole as much as they could from me. Anyway, lesson learned and will never ever marry again, even if I had the opportunity. Not much out there at my age, and I ain't having a relationship with someone looks like a grandmother.
  20. No idea if that is a promo for western women, but considering at least 50% of marriages fail, seems to me that marriage is not a good gamble, especially for men, as IMO they usually end up with the dirty end of the stick.
  21. End of the line, by Travelling Wilburys. Really sad watching it on U Tube as of the people on screen, 2 are dead, George Harrison and Tom Petty, and the empty chair was representing Roy Orbison. Great song though. The really great musicians of our age are passing away in record numbers.
  22. Nobody I know has been asked for an opinion on vaccination, so how can you claim it's a majority opinion? Just because that's what the media is saying doesn't make it true.
  23. Waaaay back when corona first became a "thing", I posted that the only reason it's a big deal is that it affects people in western countries. I said that if it only affected people in poor countries it would be just another disease like Ebola that happens in far away places. Perhaps we don't really think about such because in our hearts we don't really care about bad things that don't affect us personally. I doubt that many of us in western countries go to bed thinking how awful it must be to live in a country where kids die because they can't drink unpolluted water. Saw part of an Al Jazira doco about birth defects in the Congo apparently because of cobalt mining. How many western people would not drive an electric car because the cobalt used in the battery was poisoning poor people in Africa? However, I gave up on humanity long ago, so nothing surprises me any more.
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