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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. The practise was banned years in Europe, I believe.
  2. Where else do you go for a smoke? What don't you understand? Asians take off their shoes before jumping off buildings. The photo with the article has nothing at all to do with Bangkok, so I don't understand your juvenile and sarcastic comment.
  3. Yep! Perfectly normal for someone to walk in bare feet to a fire escape in the middle of the night. The fact that he was an Asian and not wearing shoes is a clear sign that his fall was no accident. Who writes this nonsense? Oh of course, The Thaiger, which also apparently uses a photo of a US city to depict Bangkok. Mind boggling.
  4. Doesn't matter how popular they are or how many votes they got, does it. They were the 'wrong' party so were not allowed by a handful of unelected dinosaurs to form a government. Same treatment as any 'wrong' party receives. They are banned or removed by a coup. And Thailand calls itself a democracy. That has the same validity as calling itself a Buddhist nation, where every rule in the book is broken.
  5. We are pretty much guaranteed a blackout when it rains. But the other side of the road is almost always okay. My wife's brother-in-law works for the local leader in the municipal office, and I asked her to ask him to ask PEA why they are unable to fix the problem that has existed throughout the 10 years I've been in the village. She won't even ask him. And that is a good indication why Thailand is so retarded in many things. People simply don't care. On the plus side. PEA is brilliant at fixing a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place, out at all hours and it all weathers.
  6. Maybe. Maybe not. As usual, it will depend on the office and officer.
  7. So many people comment on this without reading or understanding the link. I have no idea why that might be.
  8. Another bad day for you. Revoke whose visas? It seems the German has a history - read the link. Yet you blame the victim and want him deported
  9. You ask a question instead of reading the link? The German assailant, described by witnesses as confused and aggressive, reportedly continued to roam the area for hours after attacking Jan before eventually being apprehended by police.
  10. Here's a clue for you, the past history you missed: Lemmens told VRT that he spoke with an Englishman who had suffered a similar attack and was also prepared to press charges and possibly testify in court.
  11. Oh, that's okay then. He was only wanting to possibly blind a motorcycle driver. All good harmless fun, unless the driver crashed or drives into people.
  12. Just another Thaigerism. The author's profile at the end of the article states that he is several things, none of which is a qualified journalist.
  13. A question for those leaders protesting in the strongest possible terms about Iran attacking Israel - what would you do if a country attacked and destroyed one of your consulates, killing many inside? Hmm?
  14. What is it with Thailand and deadly battles between students thugs from 'rival' colleges? Why are they rivals, and why do we read of these clashes decade after decade? Their solution is this case was to move the collage? A government working group was assigned to consider the issue of the dispute between Chulalongkorn University and Uthen Thawai Campus, according to Thai national media. On April 10th, the working group’s resolution agreed that the Uthen Thawai Campus needed to be relocated to another suitable location which was under deliberation. What a weird country this is.
  15. It would be unusual for someone committing suicide to scream as they did it, I would have thought. But I have no experience in these matters,
  16. Yep! Police, led by Major General Thitithorn Saengsuwan and his team, successfully executed the arrest in Phetchaburi province after obtaining an arrest warrant issued by Thonburi Criminal Court on July 11, 2023, for charges of sexual assault and abduction. The Thaiger strikes again. Perhaps they ran out of news from 2024.
  17. Iran Israel potentially triggers World War 3 by attacking Iranian Consulate
  18. They will tell him? That's just your opinion. Which you're entitles to have, of course, although you stated it as fact saying 'they will' instead of saying 'they might'. You also say that millions - MILLIONS - have their stamp expiring during Songkran. Again, you state it as a fact, based on nothing at all.
  19. If they are not open for business they can't really blame him, can they. Which is why they would ignore the overstay.
  20. Here's my guess: 1 - they might have asked him to unlock it 2 - not everyone locks their phone
  21. Midnight Train To Georgia would be mine favourite with train in the title. At midnight, it probably was the last train anyway 😁
  22. Will AI catch the police who ride their motorcycles on the sidewalk, or are they immune from the law?
  23. Anutin would like all of us dirty, smelly farang to leave Thailand. My best memory of him was during the pandemic when, mingling with a crowd, he declared that any foreigner not wearing a mask should be deported, said when he wasn't wearing a mask himself.
  24. Not to excuse him though. I always use a toilet in a hotel if I have an 'urgent problem'.
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