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Everything posted by StreetCowboy

  1. I’ve had to get a longer white stick for driving
  2. As I think I mentioned earlier, Saturday was the Langkawi Folding Bike Challenge, but I could not be bothered with a trip to Langkawi..."Well, you don't need to go to Langkawi to ride 65 km on a folding bike." So today we rode the Jalan Langkawi Folding Bike Challenge, starting - as usual, down at the station at 10 am The folding bikes are not ideal for the steep highway descents, and 54 km/h is not enough to keep up with the traffic there, but we got to Jalan Langkawi easily enough A mis-judgement on my part saw us riding the wrong highway, and ending up repeating part of our route, but nonetheless we got to the pub at about 65 km, and all's well that ends well
  3. I don’t think so. Singapore has a tropical climate. Chiiang Mai climate is not hotter. Singapore has a mass transit system. Singapore is ok to walk around. People who object to Transit in Chiang Mai because it is hot are talking nonsense. Was that Blunt enough for you?
  4. This thread was the first time I’d heard “MGOTW”. For blokes that don’t care about women, they seem quite misogynistically obsessed.
  5. I don’t think that would be through choice of beer. If you are out screwing, I would not mention the prosthetics, unless your Thai is much better than mine.
  6. If it was urgent, you’d be back with an answer now.
  7. It does not. But if you can’t provide the money that she needs to fulfil her obligations, she will have to go elsewhere, despite her disappointment and broken affections. When I say “you” I am speaking generally “ one” - not specific to you
  8. Sorry - I was not accusing anyone of anything. I was just highlighting why some ladies might still need money to spend time with the love of their life, rather than working 7-11 ina grocery store, or 11 - 7 in a gogo bar
  9. That seems a bit speculative - would you care to outline your evidence for that, or alternatively rephrase as “in my mind, you are less than…” I am not sure that being consistently negative is such a bad thing, and you bless him with your discourse.
  10. Some people need money to survive, or to help their families survive, and regardless of how much they like you, it’s difficult to spend working hours with you, travel to your place of work or residence, without fulfilling their obligations. If you can’t fulfil those requirements, it seems like you’re asking a poor girl for a pretty one-way relationship
  11. Back in the day, I found Singapore a pleasant place to walk around. Last time I was in Dubai, I was surprised how pleasant my walks were. People are realising that car-driven urban sprawl is not a good use of the world around us, and our neighbours can demonstrate alternative models. When Thai people could not afford cars, Chiang Mai did not need transit, and we could park outside the pub. Autonormativity is killing cities, and killing people.
  12. If public transit worked in the tropics, places like Singapore would do it.
  13. Sex is like pizza, when it’s cold, soggy and floppy, it’s a struggle to finish
  14. Children are great, because one day they’ll pay our pensions
  15. And approximately 13 left an emoji. That is not an overwhelming majority, and maybe “most” would be slightly disingenuous. It might be better to say “a small majority of people who expressed an opinion on one of you earlier posts…”
  16. Back in the day, a medical doctor friend of mine said “There is nothing as over-rated as a bad shag, or as under-rated as a good dump”, and to this day, I have tried to take a little bit of pleasure out of every dump that warrants it. I can recall one morning, back in Taipei, I was worse the wear from the night before, and a good dump later, it was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. To this day, that is my benchmark for a top drop, but I worry that subjective recollection and fond nostalgia may leave me forever disappointed.
  17. Some people. We have no idea how many people saw the post.
  18. You don’t really know his fantasies, or how much he enjoys them. I think it is a narrow-minded man that comments on other people’s fantasies without properly enquiring about them.
  19. Same age as your grandson . If they were ages then, they’ll be ages now. Or do you think he meant “… since I was then the same age as is your grandson now” ?
  20. “… he could be me, if I ever do … “ is more inclusive. Footnote: The thing about being woke is to try and understand other people’s viewpoints, and share a vocabulary that allows consensus on issues where you agree, and silent non-confrontational divergence where you do not, rather than ideological trench warfare.
  21. You’re only saying that because you can run faster than us.
  22. That’s enough. I understand the distress, but Stiff Upper Lip, man! Take one for the team - Please don’t share the photo.
  23. Back in the day , my brother told me the tale of a robust gentleman who had been sorely affronted by some nimbler blokes - I assume, in a village where everyone was known to everyone else. ”You’d better come back for a boxing, or it’ll be all the worse in the long run” And they did.
  24. If you can imagine a traditional slopping canteen, where you take your tray past a rank of surly and uncommunicative servers who slop food onto your plate in successive stages, according to how you offer it… There are no labels, because it is all familiar food… ” … slop … Are you sure you want gravy on your chocolate sponge?” ”Maybe you could’ve asked that ‘… chocolate sponge?’ …. slop” I can’t remember if I ate the chocolate sponge cake with beef gravy, and I’m not sure how well I remember the learning oppurtunity
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