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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. The Department of the Children and Youth, Child Adoption Centre in Bangkok can give you all the information you need. IME - They are very helpful and sympathetic. Well worth a trip to Bangkok and a face to face interview. If you only need your wife to have sole decision making, the Family Court might make an order of sole custody, but you will almost certainly need the biological father to agree to have your wife as sole custodian. That might need some negotiation and a visit to the Family Court. If you want to have parental rights for yourself and your wife, that would be more complex and involve official adoption. I guess this would be very difficult if the biological father doesn't agree. In our case the biological mother and father had abandoned the child, so things were a bit easier. Still, it was a lengthy process but we got there in the end (about 2.5 years). Another year or so to get our daughter a citizenship of my country. Good luck. Child Adoption Center Department of Children and Youth Ministry of Social Development and Human Security 255 Ratchawithi Road Ratchathewi District Bangkok 10400 Tel. / tél. : +66 (2) 3068821; +66 (2) 3068801
  2. The lawyer will soon relieve him of his last 2,000 baht.
  3. IIRC - The online application asks for the date when you last entered Thailand. What will you answer?
  4. There is no reason why Thailand should be 50 years behind in road safety/traffic design. Many countries have been able to reduce road accidents/deaths, and their solutions are not secret.
  5. And yet concrete poles and mature trees are a constant feature of roadside/central reservation on highways (+- 120kph roads) in Thailand - without Armco barriers to protect them. Road/traffic design is very sadly lacking here. If only they would bring in some experts from more advanced countries, lives could be saved.
  6. Just saw this whilst browsing. I don't know if it's recent, but I thought it was amusing. Chao Praya riverboat cruise barely makes it under a bridge. video.webm
  7. Stayed many times at Samed Villa. Nice rooms and great breakfast. Easy walk to the next beaches for a change of view. https://samedvilla.com/
  8. Didn't you post this same topic a couple of days ago?
  9. One would think that the police have ample evidence to obtain a court order to examine the girl's bank account, which would possibly throw some light on her disappearance. But I doubt we will get any update.
  10. I thought everyone knew that spaghetti was grown in Swiss and Italian orchards.
  11. Was that the annual spaghetti harvest?
  12. They fly south for the winter.
  13. Central online shop ... https://www.central.co.th/en/marksspencer-no-peel-orange-marmalade-cds92067042 A bit cheaper - and it's Marks & Sparks!
  14. On Lazada ... https://www.lazada.co.th/products/import-foods-robertsons-golden-shredless-marmalade-454g-454-i3026246633.html But, very expensive.
  15. Wow! But ... According to Wiki, she only served 4 years of that sentence. "On 27 July 1989, Chamoy and seven accomplices were convicted of corporate fraud. She was sentenced to a total of 141,078 years or life imprisonment sentence in prison but Thai law at the time stated that the maximum sentence that could be served for fraud was 20 years. Her sentence was further reduced, twice, and she was released in 1993.[1]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamoy_Thipyaso
  16. It's explained in this article ... https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/crime-crime/2024/10/14/the-icon-group-scandal-echoes-past-frauds-as-thai-celebs-face-backlash/
  17. The article doesn't say whether Na is male or female, but it's fairly obvious that the girl has been the victim of a romance scammer.
  18. It's hard to feel sorry for anyone involved in this scheme. Even those at the lower end of the pyramid must have known that the only way to get a return on their "investment" was to recruit more victims - often family or friends.
  19. Shouldn't that be chickens? (before the eggs are hatched)
  20. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 101 seconds  
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