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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. I will be visiting the UK for a holiday with my wife and daughter from mid March to mid April next year, and I will need to rent a car for 30 days. I can drive stick shift but, having got used to automatics for the past 20 years here, I much prefer automatics. However, in the UK an auto ICE is at least 50% more expensive to hire than manual. Electric cars are available at around the same cost as manual ICE cars (e.g.- 750GBP for EV compared to 1,200GBP for ICE) so it makes sense to go EV. I believe that charging stations are plentiful in the UK, so I'm not concerned about that. I have never driven an EV and I will be getting off the plane and literally stepping into one (looking at an SUV Jeep EV). So my question is: Is there any significant difference in driving an EV, compared to an auto ICE. What do I need to know? Any advice is appreciated.
  2. I seek out movies or series which have a plot she can follow and I pause the action, occasionally, to explain things that she may have missed due to the language gap. If she or I need to take a break to brew a cup of tea (her) or pour another beer (me), or even answer the phone, I hit the pause button until we are settled down to watch again. At the moment we are watching a lot of Agatha Christie whodunits. She loves it when she guesses the identity of the murderer before me. We are 68 and 56, so not of the tiktok generation.
  3. I never get tired of these ...
  4. I was told It's Ma'am as in charm, not Mam as in spam or Mum as in chum.
  5. IMO the TUC has no business sticking their nose into international affairs. Trades unions exist to seek the best wages and conditions for their members. The BBC is supposed to be an impartial broadcaster of news and affairs, regardless of race or religion. How would people react if the Police Federation (representing the rank and file of UK coppers) encouraged their members to wear Israeli or Palestinian flags on their uniforms?
  6. I think you may have stumbled across an answer to GG's original question. Tear the sheets into strips, plait them into a rope and ...
  7. Maybe not vertical, but sloping down to 10 metres. Drift mine style. That would make it easier to dig out and remove the soil/rock.
  8. Do you mean detecting or committing?
  9. The Doomsday Clock is at 90 seconds to midnight. its lowest point ever. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1072256/doomsday-clock-development/
  10. I don't understand why your landlord is involved at all. Surely this is a matter between you and the Juristic management. You like the place because of disabled access, are there no other rooms for rent there?
  11. The horn blowing is to scare away the ghosts of all the people who died there.
  12. Me at Jomtien Immigration ...
  13. Not just our neighbouring country. Just a few weeks ago in Bangkok, at least eight killed - but none were foreigners (sigh of relief from TAT).
  14. Government pension is paid to civil service, armed forces, police, NHS, state school teachers, and the like. The State Pension is not covered in the UK/Thailand DTA - so it is liable to be taxed here. However, I received a letter from HMRC recently, on an unrelated matter, that stated that it is "protocol" to provide relief for any double taxation. An extract from the letter:
  15. The full video (pasted here a few pages back) shows that the guy spent a few seconds looking into the drain from different angles before deciding to climb over the fence. Maybe he saw something interesting - or something he had lost before. Anyway, he decided to climb down and take a better look. It's quite clear from the video that, in climbing down, he slipped backwards and disappeared into the ditch (possibly knocking himself unconscious). If he ended up face down in the waste water, his life would be over in a few minutes. Drunk or not, I think this is a reasonable explanation for this tragic and untimely death.
  16. Put on your specs (or magnifying glass) and look at Mutt Daeng's post again
  17. That kind of sarcasm could get you punched unconscious in some places (Soi Tung Kok, Village 1, Wang Krachae, for example).
  18. It is annoying. If you click on the blue dot to the left of the topic title it will take you to the last unread post. If you have not previously viewed that topic it will take you to the first post.
  19. That reminds me, I have my old Sooty and Sweep puppets to give away. Don't want any money, I just need someone to take them off my hands.
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