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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. I used CheckDi (formerly known as Mister Prakan) for more than 7 years. Just enter your car details and get an instant choice of numerous policies. https://checkdi.com/th/car/main?lg=en
  2. In his subsequent post he made it clear that he was referring to the healing effect of Earth's natural electricity. Some people believe it.
  3. Just eat them without the milk - or with slices of banana.
  4. I prefer Frosties - they're Gr-r-reat ...
  5. What a crock of <deleted>. This is why we need a thumbs down emoji.
  6. These are wise words. My only other comment/question is - OP is considering withdrawing his 2,000 Baht each month for Granny. There is no mention that Granny is demanding more, just other family members. Why should Granny suffer due to the greed of others?
  7. When they find the culprit, I think the punishment should fit the crime ...
  8. I'll do that Owl, thanks. A quick Google tells me that there is only one species of bee that can pollinate vanilla orchids, otherwise it has to be done by hand. The Melipona bee is only found in Mexico. More research needed, but I think I have at least 6 years before the move up country. Daughter is 12 and we need to get her off to university first.
  9. He posted at around 10.00pm UK time yesterday and it is now 7.50am UK time. Maybe he will post again after breakfast.
  10. I am not planning to move away from Sattahip for a while yet, but my wife has some land near Surin and we will probably move there at some stage. I thought about bee keeping for a hobby/small pocket money. I haven't looked into it seriously yet, but it seems to be a worthwhile way to pass the time.
  11. The "debacle" in this case was not due to the age of the shooter. The police failed to follow correct procedures, which should have included a psychiatric assessment prior to questioning the boy. This failure resulted in the Youth Court ordering his release. The police chief should have ensured correct procedures, especially in such a serious and high profile case. Blaming his failure on the age of criminal responsibility is just a smoke screen.
  12. Alas poor Yolk! I knew him well, Horatio ... A quote from Shakespeare's "Omelette". I'll get my coat.
  13. I did not suggest that the reason for the Brexit vote was racism. I said that there were some Brexit voters were motivated by racism. It is a fact that racism exists in the UK (probably everywhere else too). Do you think that the majority of UK racists voted to remain?
  14. Maybe I should have said non EU immigrants. But, most of the arrivals by boat across the channel are Afghanis, Pakistanis, Indians, Iranians, and Bangladeshis. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-53699511
  15. Are you suggesting that racism was not a factor at all in the Brexit vote?
  16. IMO many Brexit supporters were fooled into believing that withdrawal from the EU would stop the influx of non European (African/Asian) immigrants. Of course, this has proven to be a false hope. I would not say that all of those Brexiteers were racists, but I'm sure that many were.
  17. Just my comment on the way the poll is presented in the chart. Total % of people choosing the good impact/bad impact options in each category is a lot less than 100%. In each category (top to bottom of list): 70, 63, 45, 50, 46, 45, 63, 65, 55, 70. So there must have been more than just those 2 options. If a third option was "no impact" that would alter the overall nuance (IMO). For example: Category 5 - Salaries and wages Good impact = 11% Bad impact = 39% No impact = 50% Result: Most people are no worse off. Yes I did choose that category to illustrate my point, but it applies to all. No, I did not and do not support Brexit.
  18. That's a +1 from me. But I can speak from experience - when all debts have been paid, it is very tempting, and easy, to take out a small loan for something you couldn't afford before. Then one thing leads to another ... Sorry to be pessimistic.
  19. I saved it before your edit. Thanks for all the interesting posts in 2023. Here's hoping that 2024 will bring all good things to you and your family.
  20. I am no fan of Thai police, but in this type of stand-off situation they often seem to show great patience and an ability to bring things to a peaceful conclusion. Hopefully, the Frenchman will get through his bad times (we've all had them - maybe not so extreme) and won't end up in a police cell, or worse.
  21. Pedantic, I know, but in the linked article it states that he stepped out from the central island, so any oncoming traffic would be from his left.
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