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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. I thought that the previous government had stopped the practice of selling lottery tickets over their official price.
  2. I haven't had a spam fritter for over 50 years, but this thread is tempting me ... maybe I'll try the healthy version ;)
  3. Maybe they think you need to ask the water Goddess to help you let go of past transgressions and negative thoughts. But I think @nikmar got it right ^
  4. I think it's possible that there's a typo. The paragraph you quoted makes far more sense if "days" is replaced by "minutes".
  5. On that basis the police would never investigate a murder.
  6. Regarding digging costs, on my wife's land the local authorities dug a pond for free and took the soil (clay) for local projects (I guess raising land for building roads). Might be worth asking if such deals are available in your area.
  7. That's combinations of 2, 3 and 5. I'll give it a try.
  8. My dream of winning the Thai lottery would be financing my kid through university, maybe uni in the UK, as she has UK citizenship. 6 million Baht would get Mildred through art school and uni here easily, and with no debt to worry about. My fingers are crossed for a win this week.
  9. Decathlon. https://www.decathlon.co.th/en-TH/c/men/bottoms/underwear.html
  10. I follow ... but I've not had a notification for several weeks.
  11. I have been able to reproduce a reasonable stottie cake, and boiled ham is easy enough to make, but my peas pudding efforts are never up to scratch. I would (almost) trade my first-born for a kilo of Jersey Royals.
  12. Looks more like a heptagram (or septagram).
  13. Don't take your love to town.
  14. The thing that gives me palpitations is seeing car/truck drivers "tailgating" or passing those family scooters with (literally) inches to spare, apparently unable or unwilling to wait a few seconds for an opportunity to overtake safely. Poor driving skill is one thing, but blatant disregard for human life is unforgivable and should be punished severely.
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