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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. Which supermarket is that ? as that price is very cheap , I am paying B445 for 1 Kg Pack, Westgold is the best butter in Thailand some of those other butters mentioned are not 100 % butter but are "Blends" , blends of what I don't know regards worgeordie
  2. I am sure after your last visit to Pattaya ,you said the place is crap and you would never return , but here you are again ,what keeps drawing you George I have lived in Thailand 37 years and have never been to Pattaya , but have been all around Thailand . regards Worgeordie
  3. You need to follow the teachings of Buddha ,Bob , maybe then you will stop been a miserable ,xenophobic git , regards worgeordie
  4. I only knew the Farmers daughter , if that helps.... regards Worgeordie
  5. She pays me , and she's getting a bargain ,Bob regards worgeordie
  6. He does not know what he's doing ,so how do you expect me to know what he has planned for the World .......but it won't be good. regards worgeordie
  7. "Big night on the cards tonight.".. so your going to play Snap with 4 ladies tonight regards Worgeordie
  8. Maybe Donald can rename it East USA .....Why do Ukrainians have passports then . regards Worgeordie
  9. You must have a very big bed Bob , can you take some photos of the girls , just to prove you are not telling fibs ....and why do you have to keep telling Aseannow , what you are going to do , and how much money you allegedly have regards worgeordie
  10. Farmers grow Bananas , create a glut , Banana prices drop ,and bananas are a perishable crop ,ulike rice which you can store till the price rises....or not regards worgeordie
  11. I wonder how much money Thailand has handed China for the Submarine already , and is there an empty Submarine shell slowly rusting away in a Chinese shipyard waiting for an engine ,what a carry on ..... regards worgordie
  12. Yep ,,, what kind of English is that regards Worgordie
  13. Well he has to find the trillions in tax breaks for his Billionaire friends from some where he says he would not touch SS , but you must know by now the man is a liar ,And you think Must gives a xxxx about you. Good luck. God save America . regards worgeordie
  14. Like the lie he told , that a boy could go to school ,and come back home a girl, I bet you believed that too ,you need to start thinking for yourself ,it's a cult your in regards Worgeordie
  15. You would not believe facts if they were printed on your forehead , YOU are in a cult, If Trump said the sky is orange ,you would believe him , try and think for yourself ,he is a liar ,the biggest liar in the World , he only thinks of HIMSELF . he's a grifter regards Worgeordie
  16. Transgenic mice , (genetically modified) , to research diseases ,like Cancer ,HIV ,Asthma does that make it OK , Trump is stupid does not know the difference between Transgender and Transgenic , but don't let the true get in the way , regards Worgeordie
  17. Goats milk is supposed to be OK for them , but depends how much you like the cat regards Worgeordie
  18. Shot in the ear , maybe fragment of a bullet , but we never found out what it was ,because it was kept secret ,like his tax return ,health report , etc. etc.. do you think he would have been a brave fighter in Vietnam ,if not for the bone spurs , 555 , Many people who voted for him ,regret it now , he's doing everything to hurt the American middle class and poor , but helping the very rich and of cause his own family regards worgeordie
  19. There you go again Bob , just leave Thai's alone ,they are doing OK, the only thing you seem to like here are the Thai Ladyboys ,is that why you stay ... regards Worgeordie
  20. He's a very quick healer ... I never said it was staged . regards Worgeoordie
  21. Shot in the head ,your joking , and the shooter was a registered Republican , get your facts straight ...and for shouting FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT he seen it as a good opportunity to gain sympathy , and he's President but has not given up grifting ..he's not a nice person . regards Worgeordie regards Worgeordie
  22. Don't go outside Bob , your sure to have some problems , just stay in and watch Tv regards wrgeordie
  23. Macho Bob , complaining if his food has a chili in it , this is part 2 of complaining about having to send food back ,because not made to his liking , poor Bob ,nothing ever seems to go well for him , regards worgeordie
  24. Mass posting on here ...if I was you ... regards worgeordie
  25. Do the Police ever check the brakes to see if they are working or not or just take the drivers word for the cause of the accident , I have been driving all kinds of vehicle's for over 60 years , never had brake failure, but driven plenty with dodgy brakes .... I think the driver meant to say brain failure , must likely driving to close to vehicle in front and could not stop. regards worgeordie
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