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Everything posted by lungbing

  1. So David Beckham is still not being knighted for services to David Beckham Ltd.
  2. Of course they had emergency exits....they are denoted by having chains and locks through their handles.
  3. Last time I looked Artisan has sheep casings but ran out of hog casings. Lazada is your best bet. You get a box full, packed in salt which will last forever in the fridge.
  4. From my belief the answers to your three questions are 1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. Not the government pension, but possibly half of any company pension you may have. Check with your private pension company (if any) So her income would be her company pension, which should increase yearly + her UK state pension which will not increase after she starts to take it + any widow's pension she may be eligible for from your company pension, which should increase. In my opinion buying extra years for the state pension is a good investment, but check out the details.
  5. It's about time supermarkets had a "Cash Only" checkout.
  6. Well, I was born in the reign of George VI and they were still minted then. My mum probably saved a few for the pudding she made every year.
  7. Import them, import their culture.
  8. Make your own! Although it's too late for this year. Then you can have a stir-up Sunday at the end of November and throw a couple of shiny 50 satang pieces in the mix in lieu of a silver thruppenny bit. I'm showing my age, aren't I?
  9. When I was getting my letter and statements for immigration a few months ago I asked about this very problem regarding our joint account. The bank girl assured both me and my wife that in the event of my death then on production of my death certificate the joint account would be changed to be in my wife's name only.
  10. One thing I really miss from the UK is the Sunday morning car boot sales. There's nothing like it here.
  11. You are assuming they had lifeboats at all, never mind enough for all the crew.
  12. Perhaps some of the missing sailors are still in the ship.
  13. A common fallacy. You have to have the means of identifying yourself, and a passport is one way, but not the only one.
  14. It certainly would, if you let the English vote as well.
  15. And I thought he meant becoming manager of Aston Villa
  16. Not Jesus, but Moses had a motorbike. Doesn't it say in the bible that "The roar of Moses' Triumph was heard throughout the land"?
  17. No, not the fee, it was the wording of the letter. Immigration wanted the Embassies to guarantee what their letter said was the truth and the three Embassies couldn't do so as in some cases they only went by what their citizens said was their income.
  18. So just what do the soldiers do, we are not at war.
  19. I transferred this month's money this afternoon, 3pm ish. Funds marked as being for long term stay in Thailand. Time from Wise to Kasikorn Thai 9 seconds.
  20. Thank you for that reference. I used it to create a new user, but I had the same problem. The new user was also considered to be a local system account. Then I found it! An account is only changed to a local user account after it has been logged into. I had a setting in my registry that only gave me the last logged-on user when I logged on so it never gave me a choice. I cleared that entry in the registry, restarted and lo and behold there was a login page. I used the new user name, the new password I had set the new account with and after about 20 seconds of Windows setting things up I was in and now able to change between users. So an account is not real until it's used. Thanks for your help.
  21. OP Check with your pension company (if any) now that you are legally married. Your wife might be eligible for a proportion of your pension as a widow's pension when you die. There are no benefits for your wife or widow from your government pension when you receive it. You should also make a new will, even a simple one is better than dying without one. Two wills in fact, one for any UK possessions, funds etc and one for the same here in Thailand. It will save a lot of bother for her afterwards.
  22. I can create a Windows 10 user account a number of ways, but when I do it is considered to be a local system account, not a local user account, even when I give it Admin status. Local System accounts don't seem to show up on the login page, so if I lose the one local user account I do have I'm in trouble as I can't access the others to login. All accounts show up in the Control Panel User accounts panel and in the various command prompt commands that list users and activate them. Any ideas anybody?
  23. Quote " Many on social media were singing the praises of 19 year old midfielder June Bellingham" unquote. Trans is he?
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