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Posts posted by joncl

  1. Hi All,

    I am very new to this subject, setting up my dreambox. So please be very very simple when suggesting and using technical descriptions. I need a step by step to how I can connect to my dreambox and see films or see a recorded film on the dreambox harddisk. I would like to see films on my pc that are being shown on the dreambox.

    I am connected to internet via router and have card sharing working fine. My computer's os is XP and I download VLC and DCC as i believe they might be needed. Any suggestions.

    Thanks and best regards

    If you have the PLi image installed on your DM7020 you can use our PLi wikipedia which does exactly that, give you step by step howto for most things including the builtin movie / media player on this link here

  2. uTorrent gives me the messsage

    "Error: The system cannot find the path specified"

    So it is saying the path you save your torrents to can not be found. Did you change it or a HDD or a plugin device recently? Either way simply change the path in utorrent as it suggests to where you want the torrents to be and you should be back to normal.

  3. For what is worth this is not the right way to go about as your power supply is a switched mode supply and will not work with dc->ac->dc so a simple 12v DC adaptor will work. Well that is the case for me with my vehicles inverter and my Asus notebooks.

  4. Correct and if you have a Premier account in another country with HSBC this is / can be taken into account. A great service by HSBC.

    So, if I have premier account in any other country (which is less than 2MB of minimum balance), I get the loan from HSBC?

    Yes but most other countries require the equivalent of approx. 5milo Baht or more at least mine did when I opened them, however in some countries you can have securities (shares etc) as the deposit in the account which may or may not help you.

  5. I am looking for information about 40' ex-shipping containers which many of you may have seen on building sites etc. I want to use a few of them for sheds on some land I have.

    Where do I find someone selling such things in Thailand? I have searched the yellow pages (and here on Thaivisa) and have not seen them listed.

    Also does anyone have an idea of the costs ex-suppliers yards for these units?

    Thanks in advance.

  6. I went to see HSBC. They can't provide any loan unless you have the resident permit. The other solution proposed by the HSBC employee was that I open a "premium" account which would allow me to get a loan with them. The condition is to deposit 2Mthb cash that you can't move during the loan. So the employee told me with a smile:"of course this solution is notreally helping you as you are willing to lend 2Mthb..." :):D

    Sorry but this is INCORRECT. You don't have to have a resident permit....I don't have one and I got my loan last month. I do have a work permit and you do need one of these.

    I suspect you must have talked to someone who didn't know what they were doing. By the way, it's not called "Premium" but "Premier".....Did you go upstairs and talk to a Premier Relationship Manager? Did you get the document that tells you about their loan application requirements? I suspect you didn't. Also, the requirement is 3mm THB to open a Premier Acct. not 2mm (unless they changed it the last few months).

    In my case I opened my "Premier" account (before depositing 3mm THB) so I don't think that's necessarily a requirement to start the account.....especially if you are attempting to get a loan. I did later transfer that amount in but only for a short time. However, after getting my loan, I used all that amount in my purchase and I'm still a Premier Account (at least until my loan is repaid) and have only a few thousand baht left in the account now. I've been told that my loan makes me a Premier Account status.

    Jlelouer, your post / information is inaccurate.......I advise you to go back and go directly upstairs to the Premier Account Dept. They will greet you at top of the escalator and ask them to talk to a Premier Account Relationship Mgr. You will get better results this time and more accurate information. Better yet, ask for Khun Thirachot (my manager) as he's very good and fluent in English.

    Correct and if you have a Premier account in another country with HSBC this is / can be taken into account. A great service by HSBC.

  7. I have no idea what is happening but it's about 4:50am here in Thailand and suddenly my normal nightly download of TV series from European Giganews server, which normaly runs at about 1.8Mb (on my 2Mb connection) jumped to 9.5Mb

    You most likely found some other people (peers) in Thailand doing the same thing and you were peering with them - simply checkout your peers option next time and you will see this - like the example shows below. The increase in speed would be on the local loop in Thailand and to be expected.


  8. Part of the problem is that True Visions broadcasts at 544 x 576 and at very low data rates produce sub par pictures.

    All except for channel RS100 which is in 1920x1080 HD with the SD version playing on channels RS101 but the current truevisions decoders will not be able to watch this channel (RS100) where many 3rd party boxes do.

  9. Security researchers found that poor shielding on some keyboard cables means useful data can be leaked about each character typed. By analysing the information leaking onto power circuits, the researchers could see what a target was typing.The attack has been demonstrated to work at a distance of up to 15m, but refinement may mean it could work over much longer distances. :)

    From a BBC Article ... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8147534.stm

    Back in the 1970's we used to have black power filters on all our airforce ground based coms devices to stop people from doing exactly what you say here.

  10. Recently you have been able to watch live friday night league at the bus stop bar in Sukimvit 4 near Nana Hotel in Bangkok.

    It comes via Papua New Guinea cable link.

    It no longer does this, is there any other bars near by that have this on Friday night.

    Thanks .

    In Soi 33 - The Office Bar and Mojos have the games

  11. I have never had a broken package. I am not saying I or others have not had a problem here or there with the system, but most are in fact self inflicted. In my case its been that every time. :)

    When the pclinusos people decided to overwrite their 2007 repos with the 2009 distro they lost me and thousands of others, when our 2007 distros all broke big time. If they did it now they might do it again and I can not afford to go through that pain again, and now frankly I do not trust them and I was a true PClinuxOS disipile for many years to this happened.

  12. Why not do it yourself if it is a simple set up of 20 boxes and a server.

    An ubuntu (or whatever linux distro you want) boot disk and 30 minutes later everything is installed and working .... including open office and email, web browsers etc... and just cost you your time and effort doing it. Or with 20 boot disks it will take ever less time and effort or not.

  13. Sounds like the normal UBC rate for their monopoly on sattelite TV. Have to pay :) No choice, what are you gonna do?

    Use one of the many other Thai satellite providers one such one was mentioned above by another poster to this thread.

    Where you guys get the idea that Truevisions have this as a monopoly defeats me, as all that changed over four years ago and we now have over 24 Thai satellite operators across five different satellites above us here in Thailand.

    Having said that they are not providing the content that Truevisions are rebroadcasting, but good all the same and I agree with the other poster TopUP TV is great and very cheap.

  14. I thought that would mean a dual server, a sort of mix. But it turns out that it just means True on one floor, and TOT on another.

    Last Result:

    Download Speed: 125 kbps (15.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 119 kbps (14.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Latency: 245 ms

    Thursday, July 09, 2009 9:17:57 PM

    If you were to use ;

    1. Lynksys WAP54g Wireless access point connected to the True AP

    2. Lynksys WAP54g Wireless access point connected to the TOT AP

    with both of the local WAP54g AP's connected to a

    3. Linksys - RV042 - which you use as the front end of your LAN

    you might expect to get speeds similar to this or not.


  15. I am living in a house and my roomate has the dynasat dish and the box in the photo but all we get is like Chinese and Indian channels. He is Thai and seems to think this is all we can get as that is what the service person who sold this cr*p to him told him.

    I posted a long time ago in the tech forum too but I still dont get it.

    Is there someone who can tell me where to go to get some English language channels? Or even how to pay for them legally?


    There is no local cable where I live and I refuse to be robbed by UBC

    This set top box is normally set up on the satellite called NSS6 not Thaicom 2/5, which is on the high band or Ku band. There are now 24 Thai satellite networks across 5 different satellites feeding content to Thailand (not including truevisions) and some like truevisions also have english programming like fox crime, australia network, movies etc...

  16. Your problem is Ubuntu - reload XP and then say PCLOS 2009.1

    I have to say up to PClinuxOS 2007 they were doing well! then they dropped the ball BIG TIME, when they over wrote their 2007 repositories with PCLinuxOS 2009 they lost me for life! It totally screwed 20 sites we look after, which have now all have been changed to Ubuntu server ...

    Where do these mandrake guys running PClinuxOS get off on doing this basic screwup (repository over-write) .. till then I was a lone voice for them, now I know why I was a lone voice much to my dismay.

    Their distro sucks big time IMHO...

  17. they came and set it up for me, I didn't have to go anywhere. Its a "Wizard Receiver, model AV 2009"

    Bann Mor selling them for 1,200 Baht and most of them do not work anymore due to True encrypting their csble network, but the Thai population only get fined up to 800,000 for using them and up to 2 years in jail (you get deported to boot), so hope they sold allot before they did the runner.

  18. Oh dear I answered you in the general forum about your DVD question, but this is a slightly longer answer.

    Have you used "Miro" at all for your video audio / flv source and use acidrip for the conversion (like all things this takes a while to get used to and will convert video files as well as DVD files and visa versa). I simply use Anarok or RythmBox for the audio (mp3's etc) to listen to the Ipod or put music on the Ipod simply plug and play.

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