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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 3 minutes ago, timbothaivisa said:

    This attitude sums up the partisan / fanatical character of the debate. People don't even pretend to sound even-handed anymore.

    Imagine if the UK Supreme Court demonstrated consistent bias against the interests of your political allegiance, I'm sure we'd be hearing another argument entirely.

    The fact is, a court is only as legitimate as the impartiality of its decisions and process. If you're delighted to cheer your corner into public illegitimacy, then you truly have the support of both sides ????

    Where was I talking about a court? Maybe read and understand what people wrote before replying. 



  2. 31 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

    What a joke the EU have become.

    Protecting your rights and going after those who infringe your rights is not a joke. I appreciate that we are taking action against those that are in breach of contract. 



    Deliberately interpret parts of the Brexit agreement in a way they want so as to increase their leverage to bully on certain issues.

    It’s certainly not an interpretation issue. The UK itself agrees. 



    As one poster pointed out Germany, the power in the EU and advocate of "ever closer union" recently didn't respect international law. German courts ruled that German courts and law must have prominence over matters where international law conflicts with German constitution. But of course that's all brushed aside with the usual double standard hypocrisy.

    The EU can take action against Germany if it wants. What’s your point? That our family gets better treated than a third country? 


    They can't even get their act together on sanctions against the Belarus totalitarian oppressive regime. (...) Someone better have a word with Poland, Hungary, Austria, Cyprus, Greece, etc etc and tell them whose in charge.


    I agree the EU should be stricter with other gangster countries too, not only the UK, including its own member states. Anyway, letting the likes of Poland and Hungary get away with things shouldn’t mean to let even more countries get away with it. The Uk is a good start. 



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  3. 8 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

    More likely he agreed the WA to get Brexit done, knowing full well we could introduce legislation later on that would protect the UK from any dirty tricks from the EU.

    So you are saying that your PM not only is breaking international law, he also tricked your parliament?



    Clever I'd say. 

    Not surprised that Brexiteers celebrate fraud as “clever”. After all, the whole Brexit was built on fraud from beginning till now. Without all the voter manipulation, Brexiteers wouldn’t have been able to get a majority in the first place, so the fraud needs to continue. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, French mate said:


    They just need to add a sign at the airport arrival, next from the one stating electronic cigarette is illegal,  that posting a bad review about your trip while in Thailand is an inapropriate behavior who can get you fined and jailled ????

    No, they don’t. They can expect that people in this country, locals and visitors alike, have made themselves familiar with and obey the laws, whether they agree with such laws or not. 

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