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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 2 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    OK, almost 100 days with ZERO reported domestic cases.  This week 2 reported cases on a population of almost 70.000.000.

    So yes indeed the HIGHEST number of new infections!

    Can't deny that fact > so FULL lock-down and stringent measures are needed to curb this outbreak!

    1. I was referring to the world wide numbers, as the poster that I was replying to claimed that the rest of the world can open “just fine”. 

    2. Thailand’s low numbers indeed show that it is good to close the borders and not let tourists in. 

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  2. 14 minutes ago, brain150 said:

    You have a source other than CNN or BBC ?

    For what? 

    14 minutes ago, brain150 said:

    Many Scientists around the world have a very different opinion about Covid than you do.

    How do you want to know? 

    14 minutes ago, brain150 said:

    This includes some of the leading Epidemiologists in the field .... but they are probably also "Covidiots"

    I don’t know who you are talking about. 


    46 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

    One in which has an Electoral college that prevents NY and California from electing our President based upon their populations of voters alone.

    That wouldn’t be the case. It would be the whole electorate electing the president with every citizen having exactly one equal vote. The current system gives some citizens half votes.


    46 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

    It's not Democratic in the sense of a Parliamentary system in which you have numerous minority parties that haggle and eventually select someone that in fact will occupy the position based upon a far smaller margin of voters based upon a quickly put together coalition of back room bargainers.

    I can’t recall anyone suggesting this as an alternative. There are democracies that are federal republics but that give every citizen an equal vote. 

    • Thanks 1


    that's why German car manufacturers can sway the German government. 

    They just wait until the very last moment like last-minute-man Boris? ???? 


    Even after so many years, you still haven’t understood that the single market is worth much more than the small U.K. market. No one will come to the rescue of the breadcrumbs when it would damage the big pie. (Unlike Brexiteers, of course, who fight for their 0.1% fishing industry)





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  5. 1 hour ago, RayC said:

    How can a government retain credibility or respect when it admits that it is about to break international law?

    Brexiteers never had any credibility or respect. Ever since the referendum and before, they became well known for lying, bullying, and lacking knowledge. That’s why I said from the very beginning on we are better off without them. This episode now just underlines they cannot be trusted.


    20 minutes ago, RayC said:

    Unfortunately, I have to agree.


    Presumably this proposed piece of legislation will need to be laid before Parliament? If so, one can only hope that Tory minsters and MPs find some backbone and vote it down.

    Does the Queen also have to sign it off? 

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