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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    PC BS.

    Most rapes reported are 'date rapes', it's not about power at all, it's about wanting sex with your date.

    How do you know what the motivation for having sex with their date is for all those “dates rapes” that you claim to know? 


    You might be right about guys grabbing random women they don't know, but that's a very small part of reported offences.

    You’re mixing up circumstances with motivation. Just because someone rapes a date doesn’t mean his motivation cannot be what the OP described as “wanting power over women and/or resentment and hostility towards women”. Perhaps that’s why those people go on a date in the first place; to have an opportunity to exercise power or hostility? 

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  2. 51 minutes ago, vogie said:

    The EU wasn't even mentioned in 1975

    And Brexit wasn’t even mentioned in 2014. 


    , we joined a common market to trade with our neighbouring countries

    The Scots decided to remain in a UK that is part of the EU. 


    and that was 45 years ago, not to share a common currency and stand to attention to 'Ode to Joy', in another 45 years you can have another vote on whether to rejoin, untill then we must respect the decision of the electorate as do the Scots on separation and partitioning of the UK.

    And why would the Scots have to follow your rule regarding when they are allowed to hold a referendum or leave? That’s something they can decide their own. 



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  3. 7 hours ago, wombat said:

    Thats the political narrative....
    Now lets have the medical narrative from the bloke who is hacking up the bodies to see what really happens...
    Your choice, the political narrative or the medical narrative...
    Up to you.

    “The blokes who are hacking up the bodies to see what really happens” (Bundesver­band Deutscher Pathologen, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pathologie, and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neuropathologie und Neuroanatomie, see here in German: https://www.aerzteblatt.de/nachrichten/115799/COVID-19-bei-Mehrzahl-der-Betroffenen-auch-die-Todesursache?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook) found that in 86% Covid was the direct cause of death. But keep spinning your conspiracy theories of a “political narrative” by cherry-picking single observations while others do broad studies. 



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