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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 21 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    Is there a law which would prevent return of your EU illegals?

    Well unless you want to invade France (or another country) you would have to find a law that allows you to “return” them. Guess why France can’t just “return” them? 



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    2 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    The details of the FTA the EU would like would ensure a half stay. We didn't vote for half stay.

    You never had a referendum on an FTA. You only had one on EU membership. So should there be a “half stay” FTA I’m afraid you can’t claim that that wouldn’t be in line with the referendum — because there was none on it. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, Loiner said:

    The EU allows their illegal migrants to cross the channel. (...)

    They are not free to enter UK.

    Those are your borders. The ones you’ve taken back control of, remember? 


    1 minute ago, Loiner said:

    Not stopping them or imprisoning them - that's aid enough.

    They are not free to travel if they have illegally entered the EU.

    I’m afraid that’s not your business, and not even the EU’s business, but that of the respective state. They’re sovereign states and can decide to respect people’s freedom and let them travel as they like. 


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  4. 18 minutes ago, nauseus said:

    You said: "Still brexiteers try to tell others people in fact voted for many other things, such as the details of a free trade agreement, which, of course, was never part of the referendum and ballot paper". But they didn't. 

    They do. When it comes to fishing rights, the ECJ, state aid, they claim that that is not what people voted for.  Even though what people voted for has already been implemented and is done. 

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