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Everything posted by petermik

  1. https://www.opensubtitles.org/en/search/subs.....
  2. Everything is fine leave it as it is
  3. Coming from Pattaya Tai go into the market on the left had side...this is the covered one with two huge ceiling fans....walk to near where there is motorcycle parking and turn into the market look for the wall on the right hand side and about a third of the way down (opposite some nail/eyebrows ladies working) he has his stall there...name not known a youngish guy sat at a table sometimes with his GF...he`s the only phone repair shop in the whole market and he,s been there for a long time nice chap and knows his stuff if he cannot do it he will say so and you will not be ripped off
  4. My TGF had the same problem we bought a new genuine one off Lazada and she took it to a guy in soi Bukhaow tues/friday/sunday market repairs phones been there 10 years minimum knows his stuff charged her 300 baht 6 months ago and everything still good.......avoid Tukcom.
  5. There ain`t no fun like licking a big fat bum......
  6. 100 million was enough 4 me......
  7. eey bah gum let me lick thy bum....
  8. My take on Jomtien Immigration is to make things as difficult as possible for us non agent users hoping they will force us to go down this route and enhance their brown envelope income handsomely...
  9. Did that the first time and all was fine....tried second time and and for almost a week got the "request pending" message only so I gave up.....I am a 10 minute bike ride ride from Jomtien so I did it in person and others since and yes it is a new rule about providing other documents...nothing is ever simple here regarding Immigration matters UNLESS you use agents....wonder why
  10. Nonsense...read below And this is what I had to do 2 weeks ago for my umpteenth (10 years x4) 90 day report at Jomtien
  11. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9590698/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_3_nm_5_q_pmta Found this to be excellent....spud17 on the Pirates has it
  12. Been told numerous times....NO prostitution here
  13. Because the Police do not give a toss unless there is something in it for themselves......
  14. There`s always one.....
  15. Soi Bukhaow will become one way,songtaews will be limited to one every ten minutes Chinese will return in their droves bars will reduce drink prices following the tax reductions lady drinks will be heavily reduced to encourage more being bought and due to the lack of customers the ladies themselves will be implementing a flat rate of 500/1000 baht as in past times...........there you go I can dream can`t I
  16. Not the same Oats JT.......
  17. I like me Oats in the mornings......
  18. There may be much more to this story than what is being reported....if it is true what is being alleged then the guy should have his nuts removed....until such time speculation is irrelevant.
  19. Yes understood....but is the mothers story/motives in this true....we don,t know for sure.
  20. Exciting observations.....
  21. Once you have tried black there aint no going back
  22. 3 days to decide.....you took your time LOL
  23. Been with mine here 10 years and we met online....never been happier....she`s not from Isaan but a good family from down south....and no hangers on
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