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Everything posted by petermik

  1. Warin...Warin...Warin as jacko mentioned above ????
  2. Restaurant... exaggerating a bit methinks.
  3. Don't let her in the country again...she made her bed let her rot in it...????
  4. Not only you Bob....soi Buakhaow market packed with them this morning.....the 10/20 baht clothing stalls are doing a roaring trade with the big spending Ruskies...
  5. Not just Thais is it, SOME Falang drive like idiots too.....there that is more accurate.
  6. plus 3 somtams and a platefull of fried rice...a dozen king prawns and minimum of 4 drinks....tips are extra
  7. Anyone with any sense would have pulled out of this venture a long time ago........
  8. She can visit me at my gaff anytime.....but then I,m a law abiding gent ????
  9. You are not compelled to visit this area....stay away if it bothers you and let others enjoy it...or not
  10. Sheer greed.....I hope it backfires on them
  11. I,m guessing you are using True....I had similar problems...ditched them for AIS and problem solved....Santander called me a couple of months back for a security check...all good.
  12. Are you referring to English damsels..........????
  13. "pleasantly rounded" is the word Charlie....????
  14. No one has paid the fee to make sure the machine is legit......
  15. come on chaps....it`s coming out of his own pocket isn`t it..............
  16. Just another day on Thailands roads.....no one in authority here cares about educating folk on responsible driving and respect for other road users..... RIP to the Lady.
  17. Change the wife Rimmer.........????
  18. And will the fine ever be actually paid...........
  19. ooh no....here we go again Leaver is on the case......
  20. We can sleep peacefully at night here now........
  21. And you should have asked members on here for their opinion before you took the plunge......would have saved you some misery
  22. some would say having a marriage visa here is for fools only........ oops sorry....feeling a little giddy this morning.....no offence intended
  23. If it`s an urgent issue he will see you the same day....as in my experience anyhow.....yes he`s a busy man and for a very good reason ????
  24. No...all independent....the one you mentioned is probably the most expensive I have come across here in Patts.
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