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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. did not know that...so to be clear i get a multiple entry tourist visa online and arrive thailand say oct 5....then about dec 5 i get 30 day extension at immigration til jan 5....then i leave country on jan 5 and reenter thailand say jan 8 and then get another sixty days til march 8, another 30 day extension til april 8....then leave again and return say apr 11 get another 60 days til jun8 followed by another 30 day extension til first of july? is that correct that i can do all of that and not have to get another tourist visa in another country? WOW that would be great....thanks very much for letting me know if i have this correct...
  2. i don't quite understand how he could get 180 days on a 60 day tourist visa unless he gets a second tourist visa at a thai embassy outside of thailand? he arrived thailand say jan 1 and was gone almost 60 days then gets another 60 days and then leave late april and get yet another 60 days........what am i missing as that sounds like a lot better deal than when i got single entry tourist visa...got 60 days then extended at immigration for 30...then went to laos thai embassy and got another 60 day single entry for another 60 days plus another 30 day extension...
  3. so you give a bribe of 20 K++ to an agent...he takes your passport, can't get it fixed and disappears? what do you do then? call the police and report the agent took your bribe money and passport and moved to ko whoknows?
  4. Don't like what trump says? Just wait a few hours or days and he will flip and flop with a new set of lies and the cult will cheer. What a loser.
  5. just imagine if trump would have been convicted in the jan 6 impeachment.... .we would now be having an election likely between two younger candidates who might discuss policy rather than an 81 y.o. versus a 78 y.o who is promising to be a dictator, to arrest journalists or anyone who dares differ, says he will staff up with loyalty to the cult as the number one requirement...and go after all his enemies... ...don't like the choices? blame the coward republicans like mcconnel who said no need to impeach as we have a criminal justice system to deal with him....how's that working out?...lyndsey graham famous" I am done with him" speech.... kevin macarthy saying he was unfit for office only to fly to florida to lick his rear end...add in little hands marco, lying cancun cruse, ron sanctamonius, and all the others who trump craped all over them and their families but the cowards still endorse him and refused to vote to convict even though the evidence was overwhelming spineless cowards all.
  6. Ever notice that religious beliefs are almost always entirely based on where you happended to be born/grow up and brainwashed into that cult? One thing most have in common is that "their" religion is the "true" one and all the others are full of BS. Brainwashing at it's finest. If you were born in Iraq then muslim is the one true religion Born in Italy or South America? Be a good Catholic Born in India? Hindu for you. Born in Thailand? Buddha is your go to guy. Born in west? Praise jesus Born in Haiti....Voo Doo for you Why is it so difficult for people to just agree that there is some power that created the universe and it is simply beyond human comprehension to know what that power might be? In other words, I don't know and neither does any other human no matter how many cults try to say otherwise.
  7. Good for OP. I have given away all sorts of stuff either to local ma/pa who run nearby store as somebody passing by always seems to take it... or just set a box of stuff out in big C parking lot or anywhere people pass by....it is usually all gone very quickly. Then I come back to USA where the incredible amount of stuff , often very good stuff, is thrown out every day is mindboggling.
  8. Climate change is based on science and highly educated people who carefully measure numerous factors.....religion is based on "faith"...just be a good boy, get in line, and believe what you are told no matter how crazy it may be backed by nothing but "faith", I'll take the facts based folks thanks.
  9. not sure re australia but a 60 day tourist visa is avaiable online for many countries and no need to go to immigration...
  10. normal people who reach the age of reason, about ten years old, generally stop believing in santa and tooth faries and flying reindeers...unfortunately so many people are brainwashed from very early ages to believe in virgin births, people coming back from the dead, wine to water, parting of the seas that they somehow miss the age of reason and the ability to think for themselves rather than join a religious cult. Not to mention theories that no matter what a horrible person you may have been your entire life, no matter how many people you kill or rob or rape or whatever all you have to do is right before you die say "sorry about that" and you will go straight to heaven while all the fools like me who call BS will be frying in eternal hell.
  11. yes trump deranged syndrome is indeed a sickness that has infected an entire cult of maga morons...trump is the poster boy for derangement....
  12. maybe they should run a search on their computers and share exactly how many overstay people are in thailand and then go try and find them and arrest and deport them?....seems pretty simple for a computer program to match people who arrived for xxx days and compare to see if they also departed druing their permitted time of stay i guess then they would need to actually resist the urge to accept a fat envelope from many to look the other way...
  13. Live and learn...u are not the first and sure won't be the last to screw up some type of travel requirement More frequent i suspect is people who show up at airport to fly to thailand or many other countries while their passport has less than six months left before expiring...generally u will not be allowed to board the plane and if you do somehow get aboard you will be refused entry upon arrival....saw it happen to a fellow american recently and whine and bitch all he wanted the agent said no way as airline would be required to fly him back at their expense if he did not have correct documents...not sure but also doubt the airline gave him any refund on his unused ticket... check the expiration date on your passport and be aware of the six month rule
  14. Because many of them are bible beating morons who think they should get to play god and stick their noses into womens vaginas....unless of course it is their daughter or sister who wants and abortion then it is time to secretly send her to a state and tell all their fellow bible beaters oh she is gone to visit aunt tilda... does it surprise anyone that the bible beaters who believe in people coming back from the dead, parting seas, building arks and donald trump etc may not be the sharpest tools in the shed? They want to 'protect" all life unless it somehow compromises their beliefs....like their daughter gets pregnant by a black guy and then bring on the abortion....makes no difference as to what the woman and her doctor may believe or want....just do as you are told.
  15. maybe he will sue himself or his grifter kids, stiff all his lawyers and disappear? hope springs eternal...imagine when there comes a time that we do not have to see or hear this con man every day
  16. Bogus charge my butt....lets put all the tons upon tons of evidence all documented extensively and corrabarated over and over by trumps own words on video tape as well as by his hand picked inner circle who witnessed first hand the crimes in front of a jury and see how bogus they are...why in fact he is so innocence that he is pushing for the trials to happen quickly so he can clear his name...oh wait instead he is throwing every garbage legal motion they can come up with to try and delay delay the trials as he knows anyone who sees all the evidence is going to convict his fat rear end.
  17. here we go again with hunter biden and praise for a lying wannabe dictator....typical delusional maga garbage
  18. So if you were female would you want a bunch of grumpy old politicans and bible beaters sticking their noses in your vagina ? How about leave it to the woman and her doctor. I doubt most of the old men could figure out much beyond blow jobs and missionary positions and affairs//adultery much less what is going on inside a girls inner workings. Trump will change his abortion position to whatever fits the polls.
  19. so these gals who attacked him submitted survelance tapes to the cops which would prove they attacked him? got it. TWO WOMEN working at a beer bar filed a complaint against a Western engineer at Pattaya City police station this afternoon (Apr. 7) for beating them up in a row over a bill and submitted a surveillance camera clip to support their accusation,
  20. so ms a is drunk and wants to get on motorcy and drive off into the night or "maybe" ms b was sober and ready to drive?....5 am wallking street walk into middle of bunch of kids ready to fight....what could go wrong?
  21. Trump told his marks long ago that he "loves the uneducated" but their lack of education/brains keeps them falling for the con mans cons over and over. Order up a pair of sneakers (which obviously had not even been made as delivery is 4 to 5 months)....get yourself a trump bible from a man who is the exact opposite of what the bible relates, don't forget some of those nice cards with trump as superhero....also a piece of the very suit trump was wearing when he was indicted along with a "no surrender" mug shot taken on the day he surrendered....the latest grift con allows you to buy shares of a stock that had 4.6 million revenues and lost 58 million and continues to lose users everyday (could it be that a few of the uneducated are running out of $$ or perhaps have grown a brain?) If none of these grift items appeals just wait a few more days and maybe he will offer up some deeds to buy one square inch of mar a largo or naked pics of ivanka and melania. Down the road you might even be able to buy a few classified docs of USA nuke secrets unless putin says he wants them all for himself.....and coming soon a piece of a beautiful orange prison gear , all yours for only $199 per 1/4 of a square inch.
  22. Trump knows his only way out of a long stretch in jail or some sort of executive prison is to create chaos....and that, is what he is trying to do every day by getting more and more crazed....comparing himself to jesus and mandella, praising the jan 6 thugs who were convicted and sentenced for their crimes, insulting judges witnesses and worst...his big hope is that his brain dead maga cult will try and start a civil war and in the process he will somehow escape his legal troubles...all of which are a direct result of his actions. Look for him to start threatening that he has some juicy nuke secrets that he will give to putin or all of his dictator friends....anything no matter how nuts or dangerous as he is desperately trying to avoid what is headed his way. I suspect in the end most of his maga cult is probably not very interested in participating in civil war type violence and end up in prison for a decade or so as "hostages". It is a matter of time til at least one judge will grow a set and lock his ass up just as they would have with any other person long ago.
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