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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. yes i do get a bit incensed when a major network spreads lies about a rigged election and seems to belittle and excuse attempted coups.....that is not name calling it is simply a FACT ....too bad so many people just seem to see such behavior as acceptable and normal. It is neither.
  2. I am sure fox can recruit plenty of "rigged election" conspiracy theory right wing idiots to spout all their garbage....after all there seems to be no shortage of rubes for the con men to suck $$ from with their hate and lies. Maybe they can even give donnie his own program to sit and whine every night about how everyone is always picking on him.
  3. Fairly "unbalanced" would be more accurate.
  4. Fox "news" to viewers: "We lied to you about the rigged election" Fox "news" viewers: "We don't believe you"
  5. Maybe he has enough $$ at home that it is time to move to his London flat or the south or France or NYC or Paris or ???.....Would love to see how much his wealth has increased from military days to current time.
  6. Central Fesitval tops has a lot of beer choices...i would guess they have it but not 100% sure....go take a look sir.
  7. Hua Hin in my several trips there always appears to me to be dominated by older retired type Euro couples. It has some nice beaches. I do not much care for the layout with that big road running right through the middle sorta like a freeway. I do not even go to the bars anymore as never had great time in the old ones down near hilton. I was in HH recently and just couldn't';t be bothered to go to the new bar area as wasn't on the hunt and just as soon sit at a regular bar in HH and watch what walks by. Prachuap kiri khan is short train ride away and is a much smaller more Thai adventure where if there are any girlie bars i have never seen them ...but a nice town with good beaches, cheap hotels, a nice weekend waterfront market etc.
  8. Begs belief that anyone could walk around for two minutes and not notice that water was being sprayed and thrown on any and all...even if you are dumb enough to not even be aware of song kran it you had 1/10 of a brain you might say gee something seems to be happening here and if i don't want to get water thrown on me i better get out of here. Also it appears walking around with no shirt and just shorts he may have had an idea that he was gonna get wet...it's not like he was all dressed in fine clothes. Somehow i also suspect if the water was thrown by some cute gals in bikinis he would not try to beat them up. Deport the idiot permanently.
  9. My mistake...but he apparently was no dummy re nuclear either https://www.military.com/history/how-jimmy-carter-saved-canadian-nuclear-reactor-after-meltdown.html
  10. I was on a cruise ship around Greenland about 15 years ago....we sat and watched rivers of water pouring from the ice sheet into the sea....there was a speaker on board who showed satellite images going back several decades showing the massive amount of area that was bare rock year after year as the ice melted. Anybody who sees that and still thinks melting icecaps is some liberal BS is totally full of BS. The earth has always had the answers right in front of any who care to look around...there is enough sunlight hitting the earth every few hours to power all the human needs on the planet...there is wind that blows and blows to turn turbines....there are undersea currents like the gulf stream to turn more turbines as well as creeks and rivers for smaller but less costly turbines...we have geo thermal scattered around the world waiting to be tapped....BUT in the end humans and corporations decided to go with the cheap fossil fuels....Jimmy Carter was ridiculed when he sat in the oval office in 1979 during the Arab oil embargo because he dared to propose that we make the investments to get off the oil nipple...he put solar panels on top of the white house as a symbol that we needed to get with sustainable energy....the first thing Reagan did when he moved into the white house was to remove them...carter was a nuclear physists who was before his time..just imagine if the US had made a massive commitment in 1979 similar to Kennedy's put a man on the moon...the usa would have led the world in the development of solar/wind/ geo etc and the world would have flooded the USA with $$ to buy what we developed and most likely we would have not gotten involved in all the wars and terror (what is the price tag on that?) and BS of sucking up to the middle east to get their oil....but of course most Republicans and many dems were too sucked into the big oil $$ to do the right thing....now most dems have come around while the republicans still want to pretend that all is just fine....we and the rest of the world will be paying a massive price for this stupidity for decades to come back....just the rising sea levels will ultimately require many cities to either move or be under water....changing weather patterns will threaten crops worldwide... And of course there are still millions of people who don't grasp the difference between weather and climate change and refuse to admit the obvious that humans need to stop burning dead plants for power....while it is probably too late to stop much of the coming damage the stupidity to say oh it's too late to do anything so just let the next generations deal with it is similar to what Carter tried his best to fight as he was scoffed at....stupid is as stupid does as Forrest Gump wisely opined.
  11. And of course if trump loses then all the "it's political" posse will attack the judge or the jury or anyone who dares to take a close up look at the evidence and render a verdict...
  12. Anybody that knows anything about sportsmanship and hunting would know that an AR 15 round is the LAST thing you would use for hunting. People who say otherwise are so far down any gun any time anybody anywhere that it is a waste of time to even attempt to have a rational discussion.
  13. Trump: I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything. This may not play to well with the Jury trying to claim you would not have done what you brag about having done.
  14. practice your reading skills before posting...".no it is not ok"
  15. no it is not ok but anyone with half a brain would know better than to get into the position where it could happen...he wasn't just walking along whistling and jumped by a gang of Thais. But go right ahead and blame it all on the Thais as is obvious from your posts . Bad behavior often leads to bad outcomes regardless of where it occurs. Go into a bar or store in anywhere USA and insult all the good ole boys hanging around and see how that works out.
  16. story never said it was beer or what size if it was....alcohol is what it said so it could have been a cheap bottle of booze or ??......he got a beating for being a belligerent idiot that did not have the common sense to not return to a place where he obviously was not welcome and had already been asked to leave.....
  17. Maybe i am just lucky but i have never had any serious type of confrontation with any Thai person after decades here living in rural areas and in cities...but then I do try very hard to be nice and not go batshxt crazy if some trivial thing doesn't turn out how I think it should....it is just so much easier to walk away...if money is involved it is usually an insignificant amount (like the finns 10 baht tantrum).....perhaps people who don't understand that would be better off staying home, not getting drunk, and not putting yourself into any situation that doesn't seem quite right.
  18. wow you sure seem to know a lot about exactly what happened...if you ever bother to read the op there are two versions of the story told...one by the finns wife and another by the shop owner....let me guess the guys wife version is going to be supportive of husband especially when trying to get a pay out....a lynching? You must have read a different version that the OP posted..... bottom line is IF the finn would have left when asked to leave and not come back looking for trouble that would have been the end of it....if you go looking for trouble you are likely to find it even in Thailand where the vast overwhelming majority of Thais are friendly people and are unlikely to bother any farang who behaves themselves.
  19. So how many on here immediately blamed the Thai without being bothered to read the complete story in the OP link? It would certainly appear that this wasn't the Fin first encounter with this shop owner in a negative way....coming back and demanding cheaper beer price and then telling her F you etc is generally not going to end well for anyone. It's not rocket science whether in Thailand or anywhere else that if you repeatedly insult a shop owner that sooner or later somebody is gonna kick your butt....he was lucky he wasn't in USA or they would most likely have shot him.
  20. and for 99% most often your long shots will not finish in the $$.
  21. When you are on your death bed looking back on your life do you think you will wish you had been more "normal" and likely lived near where you were born, got married, had kids, got divorced, worked in a semi dead end job for decades, then in older age lived on social security, hope your kids turned out decent, etc.....or would you prefer to look back and say I did what i wanted to do and glad i did not allow "normal" people to tell me what my version of life should be. One person's "normal" is another person's boring. In the end the person that is most happy or unhappy with how you led your life is likely you...or in those famous words of wisdom of so many Thai people, "up to you".
  22. Absolutely. A first year law student would understand that judges should and do recuse themselves all the time when there is even the appearance of a conflict. The govt forms that Thomas was unwilling or unable to fill out are filled out by thousands of government employees every year who don't have law degrees but somehow are able to understand and fill out the required information. Thomas is crooked as a stick and dumb as a bucket of mud. What a great combination for a life time appointee of the supreme court of the USA. Has a single republican called for him to resign or at least be investigated ? Seems to say that republicans believe no one is above the law if they happen to be a republican. Surprise surprise.
  23. Apparently the Russians must enjoy it as they are taking over phuket.
  24. nobody has ever said that having some common sense gun laws like banning ar 15 types , requiring background checks and red flag laws will magically stop all gun killings...but if it saves a bunch of lives why would anyone be against that? in fact all the polls show huge majorities of citizens want these measures...i guess a lot of people didn't like seatbelt laws which have saved thousands upon thousands of lives....per your "logic" we should just say there is zero that can be done to save lives......NRA talking points to get you to buy MORE guns...they don't give a crap how many people die, it's all about the green.
  25. Yes he has certainly claimed over and over and over that he is very very very rich....so most people with an IQ in triple digits might wonder well why is he always begging us poor folk to send him our money? Why do his companies stiff workers and vendors over and over? Why does it appear that he is constantly trying to cheat on his taxes? He reminds me of the TV preachers who live in mansions and fly in private jets and beg for more $$ in "jesus name". We used to call these people grifters and conmen....then we had one in the white house where he was called president. But just like the TV conmen he never seems to run out of victims waiting to be scammed yet again.
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