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Everything posted by david555

  1. Yes , it starts , better accept it, . he is to become PM in waiting ????
  2. so you do not mind to go live that area amongst all those NSA...CIA workers ...? ????
  3. "When I moved to Thailand, I was smart. I stored lots of things, and I paid for the storage for years." the moment you real got smart ,realizing this = " I paid lots of money for that storage, in hindsight all wasted money. " BTW in first i thought same as you , only not did it , acted....Sold & give out .....Leaving Home Country ....And same 14 years later leaving Thailand ,Sold value things & give out , giving out for free to poor Thais if Farang thought they could pressure price down .....(because they knew container prices became incredible high because covid ....)
  4. i did it and i got back to by you called "bloody Belgium " with no problems .....as long you keep the momey available from any sale and not trow it over the counter in Thailand while ringing the bell !! BTW at the age you mentioned you must realize that depending your family situation you go give a big contribution to your home country inheritance tax office by keeping it on your dying day as not sold ....THINK !! Cash is so easy to hide ....and find to the destined love ones tax free And for the moment it is so easy with money available to return Thailand if wished ..... just the 800 K transferred in to Th.KK and documents and i am again in (lost ) Paradise ???? This way does not count for the day by day barparty addicts ????
  5. Should be a waste of talent if not playing a role in Thai gov...... ???? But be sure he shall be also learning his grandchildren become politicians ......????
  6. Thai revenue site , double taxation treaty country's Last updated: 14.10.2021 https://www.rd.go.th/english/766.html
  7. Small visit as small distance ...... was meant like that .... But literally you are right
  8. Thanks .... oh dear they close all our gaps ???? Only my approx 6 month's silverSnowbird solution remains ????
  9. A small visit to Phnomh Pehn or Sihanoukville before the 6 months "stay Thailand " kicks in could be a solution .... Just a thought for some
  10. So it looks the 800 k system is more favorable as you start as a non-o 3 months ,..... as then you are just a tourist when starting and so not under the 180 days rule for becoming a taxable resident .... And just keep them 800K (or 400K+ 7 months...in case withdrawing for living ) on account And if traveling from home country whenever ,bring cash with you to live from .......(keep attention not to bring from Europe no more than not to declare limit by leaving home country E.U. U.K. or USA. but no more than 9999 ,for US i am not aware the not to declare amount ....) Just a thought .....????
  11. just i answered your question how to proof your taxed pension ..... keep your documents for whatever range of years in order ....????
  12. "Key question is: How do you prove your money abroad has been taxed 11 years ago when you dont have any paper:). " Well online on my Gov. pension site i can see how much my Gov. deducted from my monthly pension , and for the whole year i get an official statement how much pension i received and the total of tax money is whit held .......clear as mud ...and needed for filling in my tax declaration This for a E.U country pension
  13. Just compare prices simple home delivery ???? Europe/Belgium/Antwerp
  14. Expect in that case to be forced in to another seat class , where indeed the seats would fit better the heavy / longer passengers ......but at a also higher ticket pricing
  15. They exist ,,,,,,we are not all the same persons
  16. Or a poisoning snake bite
  17. Go and get your updated Covid vaccination all.......as it's coming again once more .... In my E.U. home country the free updated Covid vaccination (Pfizer) campaign started as from today
  18. It is even worse in The Netherlands ....,as there cash money must be reported in yearly tax declaration if higher than 10 000 euro in a special tax box (not sure about that amount ...)
  19. Keeping your official residence in home country ,but living 5months and 29 days in Thailand on ret. ext . as a "Silver SnowBird " would solve this for sure i guess .. If tax treaty exist with home country and Thailand ....
  20. yes ,but your question about my" consern " made me answering , that start date was younger than that 1 year back in time when that BE. new reporting item was also included . And yes finnally all those controling measures are all related if the need it ..... I know this topic is about crs (as i mysel;f gave several links about it's relation to Thai banks long time ago in this topic ..... Even being a Belgian citizen when opening an extra Belgium bank account now i was asked if i had also a USA passport or green card (not).....go figure....FATCA ???? Strange however when living officially in Thailand we are not forced to report our Thai bank to our country National bank ....!! ???? But living in Belgium officially we all Belgians must report foreign bank accounts
  21. Having K bank for many years ...., i moved back to my E.U. home country ....and strange enough i can still use and enter K+ app on my E.U. country sim ....! but still using it in the same smart phone witch i used the Thai sim in it at first ....(this using by WIFI connection ) Thai sim now in a old "dumb phone " who is normal in off mode , but when on i can still get sms to confirm my reload by using K bank . (of course by AIS mobile connection in roaming using mode ) I would expected that i only could use K+ on the Thai sim witch was used when installed first time K bank ....? So it must work on the identification of the Smart phone ...IMEI number probably Also can have normal confirmations by email om smartphone who using E.U. sim (non Thai sim)
  22. Because they have being colonised by the French that's why good breads , .....and driving on the right side of the road ...????
  23. "Yes, pay money plus while owner watches make the weapon useless; " Oh...How cruel can them be ......????.... ????
  24. "Why are you "concerned" with that information" Concerned because they make a reporting issue on a certain start date .(no problem with that ).... but they let i be active also on reversed date included .... Should be same as changing a law on date 1 January 2023 .....but letting it also counting as from ! Jan.1 2022 The reversing is same as" going back in time " when that law was not existing !! And so not applicable !! A going back in time machine ????
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