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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. Good point.Several years ago I purchased an IPO unit for 100,00 baht thru ING Bkk for a "then" long term gf. I told her to just hang on to it as an investment. 2 months later we had a fight and she moved out.Upon checking with ING it turned out she sold the whole lot while we were still together. 555 A lot of them will only know poverty their whole life.A chum of mine had his gf borrow money against the house he had built for her and ended up losing it to the lenders (mafia) There are endless stories just like these. Maybe land won't be so liquid.
  2. TBH I recall a <deleted>ty childhood.My old man worked away mostly and when he was home my folks fought like cats and dogs. He finally left when I was about 12 yo and it was poverty thereafter. My mom struggled to support me and younger sis. School was a disaster and as soon as I was old enough I joined the Navy. Best thing I ever did for myself. I grew up there. I was introduced to alcohol big time and have only come to grips with that at age 72. I left after 6 years submarine service and it opened up a lot of doors. I went to tech college for 1 year. Somehow I managed a 30 yr career as a Power Engineer and took early retirement at 55. Relocated to LOS and never looked back. Happily collecting my pensions and supporting my Thai family. I consider myself fortunate.
  3. Same as you, tried several times and finally gave up. Why do they even let us get that far to apply if there is no intention to give one.ffs
  4. Next thing they'll be asking is "do you sit down to pee"? sheesh
  5. Very interesting.I've also been collecting a union pension since Jan1st,2006.I worked at a smelly pulp mill in Canada for exactly 30 years and took early retirement as soon as I hit 55.I happily accepted the 18% penalty.I consider myself fortunate that the plan has been well invested and I receive periodic increases.I think I'm ahead of the game is spite of the fact 10% of my pay was deducted for this benefit for 30 yrs. Between this plus 2 other CDN govt pensions I can afford what I consider a decent living here in LOS.
  6. I left Cda in 2004 and moved to LOS permenantly.I will never go back and besides I wouldn't fit in with what I see on the telly these days. I have med insurance here and have used both private and govt hospitals with no issues.
  7. Canada has OAP at 65 whether or not you ever worked.In theory you can come out of prison at 64 and enjoy OAP for the seat of your life.Just get used to using food banks and line up behind the so called asylum seekers.
  8. I've been using Sirikit Sattahip for a few years now.I had C surgery there 5 years ago.I ended up in a ward that was horrific.I opted for a private room as soon as there was one available.I think we had to pay up front and Aetna reimbursed most of it.Farangs pay quite a bit more than locals but I'm not sure how much. but Its still less expensive than private. I go twice a year for blood tests and visit my GP. I used to get my meds there but my Dr suggested I use Fascino because of the dual pricing which turned out to be correct. I didn't know there was a cardiac center there.I had quad bypass surgery 14 years ago an BPH and they whacked the insurance company brutally.I was working overseas at the time so thank god/buddah that was covered.
  9. I find your opinion very interesting.They come in through the Belt&Road Initiative.Once you sign up you're finished as an independant country.The massive debt can never be repaid but will demand concessions galore.Free Visas is one example.Can Laos pay down the debt for the new rail line to China? I think not.LOS is on their radar.We used to visit Sihanoukville back in the day but I understand its been damaged by their yellow cousins.Dozens of examples around the world of the generous Chinese investments gone bad.
  10. I believe she's a GP. I call her my family Dr thats all.At Queen Sirikit Naval hospital Sattahip.I see her every 6 months for blood work.
  11. I reckon that its not the length of life but the quality of life.I'm almost 73 and gave my Thai Dr the Living Will document (DNR) last visit and she said she wished more seniors would do that.
  12. Same here,when I 1st arrived on these shores I used to eat street cart food a lot because it was handy.. I also had Imodium with me .I finally figured out why I needed the meds all the time.Not needed it since I stopped eating from the carts.Even my Thai old lady doesn't use them much anymore.
  13. Sadly a lot of young women/girls are sent to the tourist area bars etc. for work with the families blessing.The beer bars are full of them.This is not surprising at all.
  14. You have a very good outlook on what will happen shortly.Tony will decline any compensation for his new role as"Advisor" to he gov't. He can dine with the newly released black panther shooter.
  15. Your story reminds me of when I had a tile guy years ago.He did a super job but asked to be paid almost every day.Near the end of the job he would come to my house drunk already.You could clearly smell the Thai whiskey on his breath. Sadly he also had a new baby and young lady in tow and the kid was crying loudly the whole day.
  16. As a matter of fact I reall my gf being asked what are you going to do here? upon arrival (Singapore) She pointed me out in the line and said I'm visiting with my bf.All okay.
  17. I had zero issues taking my then gf on a brief getawy to Hong Kong and later Singapore.Seamless. I believe Thais get a Visa on Arrival to those 2 places.
  18. I highly doubt the bar stool warmers will be facing the dilemma of having to chose which villa to have to relocate to. The average retiree like myself are probably settled in here and a move to another country will cause a huge disruption. Its way too early to speculate what the outcome will be.What baffles me is why some govt rep doesn't clear this up.Are the local RD offices geared up to deal with a whole new batch of foreigners asking questions about whether or not their particular income/pension is taxable? I think the answer is no.
  19. FYI my Thai wife has a policy with Aetna Thailand for the last 2 years. (Allianz Ayudhya) No claims so no issues.555
  20. I have the Thai version of Aetna. Recently taken over by Allianz Ayudhya Thailand. Used to be BUPA Thailand.
  21. As a matter of fact I did that for a few years.I had a couple regular p4p "friends" who I got along with well and I liked and trusted.It was a good situation for me as I was working offshore mostly. Obviously they were working girls but I was fine with that.I didn't have to fix mamas roof or the sick buffalo routine.
  22. Similar to an open book exam. Heres the question and heres the answer.All set up as you say.Playing the sympathy card to the masses some of whom pray to buddah each day for his speedy recovery. From what exactly?
  23. Thats exactly my situation. My house is paid for here but if I left my family to live in say Cambo I'd have to pay rent there plus all the extras, electricity,visa for example. Maybe the tax bill won't be much different.Thats assuming if they even go through with this BS.
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