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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. Yes, at least when indigenous Brits have a barny it's unusual for a weapon to be used, it's normally just a punch-up. It'll become a lesser problem in future though, because the way things are going back there, we appear to be a dying breed.
  2. I agree with what you say. Thailand is full of middle-aged divorcees, a lot of whom are very tasty ladies. I married one of them fifteen years ago and we're still together.
  3. I use the very same.
  4. I use "Gillette Super Thin II" long handle, which is a 2 blade rigid head which I buy from Big C. I too detest there floating heads or whatever it is they call them, always cut myself. I think as long as it doesn't mention swivel head or words to that effect on the packet, you're ok.
  5. Depends on whether they're Hindu or Muslim.
  6. "These should be weeded out in my opinion." Depriving immigration of their main source of income? That's cruel.
  7. "Put yourself in these peoples shoes living in poverty and tell me you wouldn't escape to a better country". You're right, I'd do the same in their shoes if countries like UK were prepared to throw money and accommodation at me after assisting me to land up there after travelling through friendly countries. It isn't the fault of the asylum seekers, it's the governments and the UN with their globalist agenda who are responsible for allowing, even encouraging it.
  8. "Main negative, it's not dog friendly." For me, that's the only positive!
  9. Only a small proportion of the women in Pattaya work in the sex industry. You're just as likely to meet a respectable girl in Pattaya as you are in Jomtien or anywhere else. Depends upon where you frequent of course.
  10. Ridiculous. A Dutch guy living not too far from me got 103 years for money laundering. He didn't serve it, he was extradited, but still....
  11. I hardly watch any TV dramas these days and what you mention is part of the reason. If I do view one and a gay couple start kissing or worse, I stop watching immediately. I'm not anti gay, but something inside of me is put off by seeing same sex couples making out. It's not a choice, just a fact of life. Come to think of it, I dislike a good show being interrupted by straight couples making out, I just want the plot to play out without unnecessary interruptions. You are correct though, it's almost every drama these days.
  12. No wonder they're struggling to recruit people. NATO's enemies must be rubbing their hands with glee.
  13. Dear God in Heaven. It makes the Monty Python song "I'm a Lumberjack" no longer seem funny.
  14. Yes, I know the Jomtien agents deal with that office, because sometimes when I'm at the counter, I have to wait when a runner comes in clutching a pile of passports to be stamped. The IOs know exactly who the agents are and wouldn't even consider putting a stop to it because it's their bread and butter. For that reason, I'm sure that those using agents need have no fear of being called out for it. Also, as I've said before, if I could afford it I too would use an agent.
  15. They're praising the Taiwanese embassy for investigating the reason that a Thai hospital refused emergency treatment for one of it's citizens, not to "pick them up and take them to the hospital".
  16. Cripes, I've only got six months left, if all goes well.
  17. jesimps


    I find the whole thing ironic. They've given the nod to bars opening until 4 am so that people can pour alcohol down their throats all night and then appear worried about them leaving inebriated.
  18. If one of my daughters had told me that whilst in a foreign country, she'd gone with just a male tour guide for company, to a a secluded beach, I'd have been very angry with her. Because he was a tour guide didn't make him any less likely to become a sex offender. The poor girl didn't expect or deserve to be sexually assaulted, but I would advise her to use more caution in future.
  19. I've drank just about every day of my life since I was 15. I'm now 79 yoa and in my opinion, fit as a fiddle. I jog every other day and weigh 71 kg. I see many unfit fat unhealthy men who don't drink. I know which I prefer. Alcohol is a great relaxant.
  20. Shush! They might change their minds.
  21. If you read enough posts from this guy, you'll learn to ignore him.
  22. I think he was referring to money found and handed in to police by bus and taxi drivers after the passengers had been dropped off. He wasn't suggesting the driver had stolen it.
  23. Sounds a bit like my old condo in Jomtien. Had a German guy lived opposite. Nice fellow, but he and his Thai girlfriend used to leave their door open all day whilst playing loud country and western music. I moved to a different condo building in the same complex and it was worse if anything. Doors slamming, renovation noise, loud bass-heavy music from other units, noisy people coming and going at all hours of the night, bass-heavy music from the beach etc etc It was a relief to finally move into a house. If I was ever to move into another condo, I'd rent the most expensive that I could afford with good insulation between the units and some distance from the beach.
  24. It doesn't matter to the rich and if I was one of that group, I'd use an agent too.
  25. Although I love to listen to classical music, I've never been a big fan of J S Bach. A few pieces I do enjoy, but most of his music I find boring. A good composer in my humble opinion is one whose entire works I can listen to over and over ie Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Sibelius to mention a few. I keep returning to old JS, but can't seem to get on with him.
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