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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. Some people just deserve to be put to death, especially those who murder innocent kids. However, I suppose the leftards will have their way and get it commuted to life imprisonment. She'll be another burden for the taxpayer and will be free to kill again when she gets paroled.
  2. I don't. I finished my time in 1971 so missed out on a pension by four years.
  3. I'm ex army, eleven years man and boy. The last village I lived in here had a walt who was supposedly an ex sergeant in the SAS. They're never just troopers are they? In fact one guy I worked with in the UK claimed to have been the youngest sergeant major in the SAS which would've put him at about 15 when he achieved that rank. The thing is, this guy in my village knew that I was ex army, but still persisted with his story even though it was obvious from our conversations that he knew beggar-all about the army. He was in his 70s at the time so he'd been ex SAS in his own mind for so many years that he probably thought of it as fact.
  4. Only my opinion, but drug takers are mentally ill by their own choosing and if brought down by a stun gun, then they have only themselves to blame. "Mentally ill" seems to be an excuse for too many misdemeanors these days.
  5. I think that now Indian men are coming here in large numbers, it's wise to have a large deterrent and 200,000 baht is just that. They don't like parting with their brass.
  6. I don't know, but during my four years living and working in Delhi, my blonde daughter was groped several times, always in crowds so you couldn't pick out the perpetrator. She was thirteen years of age. She was with me or another adult each time, I wouldn't allow her out on her own. At least the Chinese seem to keep their hands to themselves.
  7. I've been inappropriately touched several times by women on Walking Street but never thought of complaining. If I had the fuzz would undoubtedly have laughed at me. That was back in the good old days, the street is quite respectable now by comparison.
  8. Many years ago in the early 1960s when I was a British soldier in the island state, I remember having many a "ding-dong" with the local taxi drivers trying to get them to use their meters. That was in the days when all Singaporeans knew my name, "John".
  9. "Glad I live far away from that part of LoS." Wouldn't say that Rayong is the hub of traffic accidents. The odd time I passed through it looked fairly quiet. Don't you farang over in the jungle have cars?
  10. Without being able to envisage who should have been where and when, I can't comment on who was at fault for the accident. All I can say is that it should be illegal for three people too be riding the same motorbike. However, in this country who knows. All I do know is that the Aussie will be found to be responsible. Legally, here a car never comes of best in this sort of situation. RIP to the poor young'ns killed, having three daughters of my own, I can't imagine what their poor parents are going through.
  11. Well after the OP, it only took two posts for a "If you don't like it here go back to your home country". The German guy seems to be one beer short of a six-pack.
  12. Maybe the horn was broken and the van had childproof locks activated.
  13. I was eating inside an open-fronted restaurant recently when someone sitting at a table just outside lit up a tobacco cigarette. The breeze was blowing the smoke to my table and it sent me into a coughing fit. The rest of my meal was wasted. I'd have had no problem with someone vaping. They ought to be thinking not just of the smokers, but those who are getting their smoke involuntarily.
  14. Be difficult to find a sane Russian. Remember the cold war? They seem to be able to churn out plenty of these crazies.
  15. Sounds like my type of condo. The one I stayed in at Jomtien, it was nothing to see a dozen pairs of sandals outside some doors and the noise at weekends was horrendous. Also, forget about bagging a sunbed at the pool, they were all gone first thing and parking spaces were difficult to find. I moved to a house in the end.
  16. I was at Bang Saray beach a few weeks back when a gang of what must have been twenty to thirty kids on motorbikes rode along shouting and singing. I swear the oldest among them couldn't have been more than twelve and there looked to be several not more than seven or eight. Strangest sight I've ever seen, like a mini Hell's Angels.
  17. I agree with everything the OP says. I have a fair few tattoos and wish that I'd never had them done. I also concur that they don't improve anyone's appearance, especially when they get older. They look dreadful on women, especially the larger tattoos. I still don't know why I got mine, I was young and in the army and probably wanted to go with the flow at the time. Alcohol also played a large part in it. At 78 I guess it's too late to worry about it now.
  18. You missed the one for being first in the canteen queue three times in a row.
  19. The only problem with Lazada is that they always call when I'm having my afternoon nap ????
  20. Oh for the days when name calling was allowed and people weren't walking around on eggshells. The names we used to call each other in the British Army are unprintable, you just thought of something more insulting to call them back. These days I can probably be be done for condoning it.
  21. I think the point of the Thai outrage is that these are foreigners, which is a whole different ballgame than your own doing it, which they have more than enough of anyway.
  22. Don't blame you mate. If I could afford it I'd do the same. It's a pain in the ass and doesn't get any better. I've done 15.
  23. I had a Briggs and Stratton for many years before buying a new Honda. Turned out to be the worst mower I've owned. The self-propelling unit gave up after about twelve months and it was always difficult to start. After a few years of struggling I bought a Briggs and Stratton Rapter from Lazada and gave the Honda to the local recycle place. I've had it for about 12 months now and like my first one, it's pure luxury, as well as being half the price of the Honda. Spares are easy to get on Lazada and it seems to use a lot less fuel than the Honda. One other important thing about the B&S is that it I hardly have to use the self-propelling mode, it's very easy to just push it without assistance. If I tried to do that with the Honda, it was hard work.
  24. When you've lived near the beach you learn to buy your next home some distance away from the coast. I lived in a condo on Beach Road Jomtien and it was constant noise during the two years I was there. I now live near Phoenix Golf Course and although there is still some noise on occasions, it's bliss compared to my last place. Also, the beach is only a ten minute drive if I want to spend an hour at the seaside.
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