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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. Normally things get easier as time goes on an technology comes in. Not here it seems. I recently did my third 5 year driving licence renewal and it was a right pain in the bum. The previous two, although a complete waste of time, both took about two hours in the morning and I was on my way. This one, I had to find my way to a new office to watch a movie and do a bunch of paperwork. Then over to the old office, where I did some more paperwork only to be told to make an appointment to return to do the colour and reaction tests. I was lucky to get an appointment for the next afternoon when after the usual useless tests and lots more paperwork, photos etc, a couple of hours later I was finished. There was only one cashier, so there was a huge queue of applicants and agents (another pain in the bum) waiting to pay the fee. Over for another six years thankfully. At 77 yoa, I may not be around for the next one.
  2. There are good days and bad days in Pattaya, just like like every other town and city in the world. Even jungle clearings in Isaan.
  3. The one thing I never see from the outhouse politicians on here is what they would do to ensure world peace. Russia and China would be good places to start. What would you do about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, let Russia flatten and conquer the country and then go on to take other countries or try to help Ukraine to defend itself? Same with China, let them take Taiwan and most of the South China Sea or resist it and help countries in the area to do so. Diplomacy doesn't work with power mad egomaniacs, just refer back to recent crazies, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao to name but a few. What would you have done to stop them? Blame the US and its allies as usual, I expect.
  4. If the markets went only in an upwards direction, there'd be no need of them. They're like a sign wave with varying amplitudes. Now is probably a good time to buy, the Pi Bottom Indicator is just on the point of crossing.
  5. I always put 91 in my daughter's Scoopy and my lawnmower.
  6. Won't make much difference as the only pedestrians I've seen without masks, even outside, have been the occasional farang. I still wear mine in buildings and crowded areas ie markets. Everyone (as far as I could see), at the driving licencing office Banglamung yesterday, was wearing one.
  7. I needed a copy of mine, I think, when I went for a Proof of Residence letter for renewal of driving licence at Jomtien a week or so back. They didn't ask for it at the counter, but it was on the list of documents needed and they didn't throw it back at me.
  8. Thai tourists are not a problem, because from the start of Covid local tourists seemed to increase. All through the epidemic, you couldn't move in Jomtien for local tour buses and people. Therefore, if anything, it's hotel rates for foreign tourists that should be kept at Covid levels. The only reason I can see for putting up rates for foreigners is to increase the size of the brown envelopes for the rich and powerful.
  9. I was over the licensing office this morning and every Thai without exception had on a mask, so I don't suppose it would bother them if it became compulsory again.
  10. Depends on whether you're from Bangkok and the south or the north and east of the country.
  11. No you don't, they're both in my house. One is my Thai wife and the other my stepdaughter.
  12. Still needed a copy of it for my recent "Proof of Residency" letter from immigration.
  13. I think they do it because they're expecting delivery vans to arrive, thereby making space for parking so that the vans and lorries don't have to park in the middle of the road.
  14. So you're suggesting people should be means tested before paying? I'll go with that. I'm sure old Somchai salaryman from Bangkok earns more than me on my meagre UK pension. It's annoying the way rich farang think all farang are in the same boat.
  15. Since coming to Thailand 15 years ago, I can honestly say that I've never fallen for the double pricing scam. There's never been anywhere I've wanted to visit badly enough for me to succumb to this caper.
  16. Ah, someone else never been to Pattaya, but I'm sure would love to visit. I'm sure the wife will let you go if you promise to behave yourself.
  17. I used to use the white baht buses, very cheap. Flag them down anywhere on Sukhumvit.
  18. Back from Jomtien Immigration with my Cert of Residence. No queue, in and out in less than 5 minutes at 10 am. Was told to return at 11 am for the cert, which was ready and waiting for me after a nice breakfast at "Cheap Charlies".
  19. I'm now 77 yoa and I can honestly say that I've never once seen a non-white be racially abused. I keep hearing about it from the woke thinkers, but it is always conveniently generalised and people never quote exact examples. It's too easy to bang on about institutional and subconscious racism without giving actual examples. I've been verbally abused countless times in my life, especially when I lived in your part of the world and when I was in the army. I took it as banter and gave as good as I got. If I was a non-white, I could easily have assumed that it was because of my colour.
  20. I assumed you presented your proof of residency to immigration or embassy to get your Certificate of Residence. I've never been asked for a separate one by the licencing office, that would defeat the object of the Residency Cert and deprive immigration of their brown envelopes. As it happens I'm off to Jomtien Immigration this morning to get the very thing. Hope the queues aren't too long.
  21. It's a cultural thing in the Orient, even before Covid, many people wore masks in the cities. It seems like no hardship for them. Now wearing motorcycle helmets which could really save your life .......
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