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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Can of worms. Out with the old , in with the new. Whatever the ' new ' is , it won't be democratic or an upholder of human rights. Musical chairs , Hope I'm wrong but been disappointed too many times. Problem with the Arab spring was that it skipped summer and went straight to winter.
  2. Immigration at the airport recently erected a gallows in a discreet room out of public sight to deal with miscreants not doing their 90 day report. Make sure all your affairs are in order before attempting departure .
  3. Same here. 24 years married and happier than I was when single. Had many serious girlfriends and hundreds of one night stands before so I knew what I was saying goodbye to. My wife was well worth searching for. A really good human being without an ounce of malice in her.
  4. I see an opportunity here. The hub of big yawns.
  5. Could try MBK in Bangkok. For a price they might be able to salvage it.
  6. Please tell me this is a photoshop image and not a real MP
  7. He and his brother have the combined IQ of a turnip. Bit harsh on turnips but such is life.
  8. I'm willing to follow the the immigration laws but at 67 not as athletic as I used to be so can I pass on the rigorously bit ?
  9. Man from Helsinki , hesunki.
  10. ' Previous governments have rejected calls to uprate frozen pensions, citing the cost as a barrier. ' ( from the link ) Strange that cost is a barrier to paying all pensioners , who paid NI contibutions equally when it is not a barrier to pi**ing tax payers money up the wall housing asylum seekers in hotels.
  11. Better start watching your back. I'd be getting some hidden security cameras too.
  12. I think the OP stumbled into here by mistake. He thought he was posting onTrip Advisor or Booking.com
  13. He who smiles when things go wrong has found something else to blame it on.
  14. Wallet lightening.
  15. I have done a volte face on this. When I lived in Pattaya many moons ago I went to bed at 6 am wasted and woke up as the sun set. 40 years on and now I am the same as the OP. Up with the sun while wife feeds monks then short walk with dogs ( cool season only )
  16. Writing a will would be a good idea. There are free downloads available that cover the basics and are written in Thai and English. My wife and I have agreed that should she die before me all the property will go to my son in law and I will keep all the jewelry and gold plus any other assets that can quickly be sold. I would probably stay on in our house for a few months then leave. No point remaining here without her by my side.
  17. I was at that gig with 2 mates. Great night
  18. What could possibly go wrong ?
  19. Can't beat a good cup of tea. Hope you gave her a biscuit to dunk.
  20. Stay safe and keep your head down. Best of luck to you and all your buddies.
  21. How Putin’s long war is destroying the fabric of Russian society https://www.yahoo.com/news/putin-long-war-destroying-fabric-140000172.html Russia has a long history with alcoholism. But after the fall of the Soviet Union, drinking was in decline. Now, following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, official figures show alcohol addiction is surging again for the first time in a decade. Vodka sales this year surged to a record high and policymakers are scrambling to halt a rise in alcohol-related deaths. What has changed is the war. Broadly speaking, the country’s economy is holding up. High demand from the army means Russia is close to full employment and although much trade has been sanctioned, the Kremlin has been able to substitute most goods. But underneath all of this, it is becoming increasingly clear that the fabric of Russian society is falling apart. When President Vladimir Putin met with mothers of deceased soldiers in 2022, he told them it was better that their sons died fighting in Ukraine than if they had died from drinking at home.
  22. If he isn't already out of the country he will regret it.
  23. Where did this happen ? Did the victim report it to the police ? Was this caught on any security cameras ? The story is lacking much detail.
  24. In the old days something like this But nowadays something more filling
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