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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Already a thread on this here. Might as well close this.
  2. That link is from 2017. The last comment on it reads thus : Brian Plato September 14, 2024 - 9:23 am September 14th 2024 , Labour party has been in power 163 days. So all this fine talk. from 2017: Of teasing encouragement to believe that justice will be served has not had any progressive effect at all. the honorable prime minister Sir Keir Rodney Starmer KCB KC has thus far failed to act to provide us with relief.
  3. So still not set in stone and might meet the same fate as the first attempt.
  4. Oh dear, don't rain on his parade by making a glaringly obvious suggestion on how to manage his social media police force. He would cry into his shandy if he read it. His vision of good policing is getting the whole force on one knee pandering to a bunch of retarded woke snowflakes. To be fair , if I was collecting a policemans salary I would much rather go knocking on old ladies doors for twitter remarks than facing an armed robber or a muslim malcontent. Get paid just the same.
  5. A decent summary of recent events :
  6. Prolonged alcohol use can desensitize the nether regions. Quit drinkinbg and things might improve. https://rexmd.com/learn/how-to-increase-penis-sensitivity Can take about 3 months of sobriety to put things right.
  7. Thailand goes all in As in balls deep ? Another hub in the making.
  8. The bullets hit flesh. Terrible amulets. Take them back and get a refund.
  9. A useful list of beaches to avoid unless you think tourist flesh is more stunning than nature.
  10. Oh well, not worried yet. The wife has just turned 60 and is now getting her Thai state pension. It will be tight but if we grow our own vegetables we might just scrape by on 600 baht a month.
  11. Not heading for .....already in deep do do.
  12. Park in a sunny spot. Wind up the windows and lock him in. 20 minutes later he will be ' done ' and ready to remove himself.
  13. Sue him quick while you still can.Got to be worth at least a million for the stress caused .
  14. Unusual name ? Tle ? Never come across that one before. Talee ?
  15. Needed one more person. Twos company threes a crowd
  16. I just bet he did. I shall continue sitting on the fence until the woodworms turn up , then if push comes to shove leave. Any tax grab will then become a tax loss for them.
  17. You wish. What you WILL get here and in the real world are months of either bitter recriminations or gleeful 'serves you right ' threads and media articles. The only thing this election has achieved is to show the rest of the planet how broken the American political infrastructure is.
  18. Oh ....OK then Chemohor therapy. Predictive text not helping me much. Chemotherapy + mohor ( angry )
  19. I like Pinay women but many of them come with more Klingons than a Thai
  20. Alternative to Singapore is Kuala Lumper. I took this route once. LHR to KL then transfer flight to Penang. Few days chilling there then Mini Bus to Had Yai. From Had Yai flew to Bangkok. Depends how much time you have on your hands.
  21. Plenty of youtube vloggers like him. America can well do without the likes of Patrick Lancester and others.
  22. Picked up Sad Cow disease somewhere.
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