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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Interesting perspective on where things might go in 2025
  2. Meanwhile , the ministry of defense is considering the acquisition of 5000 exploding handbags for any future military operations , replacing the standard Mills grenade. The ministry has defended the eye raising purchase on the grounds that the bags are multi functional and can be used to store lose ammunition in addition to which the handles make it possible to hurl the bags much further. Moreover , in hand to hand close combat they can block bayonet thrusts and if full , deliver crushing blows to any enemy.
  3. Same happened to wife's friend yesterday. Hit by speeding sedan while crossing the road. Still alive but the prognosis for recovery is not good. These accidents are not uncommon but they don't all make the newspapers. Not by a long chalk.
  4. In a yurt in Fort Knox.
  5. It's all about the fine dining .
  6. I would like to point out that that was not my advice but the banks advice. I decided to ignore this and get myself a decent safe.
  7. I thought opening a joint account would solve this thorny issue of my wife being able to automatically access my funds should I die. That's when the bank said that from a legal standpoint ....not so. Probate first. that's when they made the ATM card suggestion and said ' who's to know ? This was at a BB branch. You know how it is here. A different branch might have told me something different. So now the bulk of the money is in a safe........sorted. Not like I'm losing much in iterest rates.
  8. If a foreigner dies their embassy has to be notified and there is of course an autopsy done by the relevant authorities. I understand your question and it is the same as the banks. Just don't tell us. I merely point out that although it might be possible it is not strictly legal.
  9. Obviously , people have been pulling a train there.
  10. You had better check on that with your bank, My bank told me that after death any joint account is locked until completion of probate. They also said that if my wife had my ATM card she could use that to withdraw the money providing they had not been notified of my death. I pointed out the illegality of this and they all just laughed. So, my solution is to keep a large part of the available money in a safe at home.
  11. Saying and being able to do are worlds apart. A few hundred , maybe . Millions ? ...I doubt it.
  12. Not to mention a few posters on AN that live in tiny worlds of their own.
  13. Food is definately getting more expensive for a lot of people. I am amazed that our local Moo Deng / Khao Man Gy shop can still keep prices under 50 baht. By somehow managing this they are picking up more customers who have been priced out of similar places .
  14. Denim

    Bangkok parks

    I went there when it was still being planted out so obviously not yet developed. Be interesting to see it fully grown
  15. I am directing you to a new GoFundMe page : www.ChomperbuysObserver.com Give what you can
  16. Apparently, his wealthy Irish friend own a condominium complex somewhere in Chonburi.
  17. Tight wad. Just pay for the next three volumes.
  18. If you know them and trust them some will offer this service. We used a tent owner to renew our annual car tax to save us the hassle of going ourselves so we got to trust him. Later I had a car that was past it's prime and beginning to rack up repair bills. I gave it to him to sell for me. The deal I offered was he could keep any sum over 60,000 baht he could get. He managed to sell it within a month and I think he managed to get 70,000 for it. I was glad to see the back of it as it was spending more time off road than on it.
  19. A life for a life. You kill somebody , young with a whole life in front of them , then you should expect to face the death penalty. Extenuating circumstanses offer the only chance of a reprieve , ( eg , the victim raped and tortured your younger sister or something equally wicked )
  20. A hare brained person ?
  21. I blame condoms. Prevent STDs and babies.
  22. Spot the Bob. He's in that lot somewhere. Can't make out any Union Jack boxers though/
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