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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Negotiating with Putin means giving him everything he demands , also known as surrender.
  2. For those interested in repairing Ferraris. Just one of several he has repaired.
  3. Those top end super cars are extremely complicated and expensive to repair. The owner might not bother when he finds out how much it will cost to put things right now that it is banged up and has been submerged in water. I watch a guy called Samcrac on you tube who buy right offs like these and tries to ' flip ' them ( repair and resell ) . Massive headache and not always possible as the electronic parts cost a fortune.
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/sep/19/cost-housing-asylum-seekers-hotels-rise-home-office#:~:text=The annual report%2C published on,over £3bn a year.
  5. I could suggest where the government could save 8 million pounds a day to help with meeting its other obligations but it would be like trying to stop water flushing down the toilet after the chain has been pulled.
  6. Just tell her you would be willing to pay off her mother's debt because of your love for her ( your wife ). Unfortunately, the bulk of your money is tied up in investment bonds, the first of which will mature 10 years from now. So tell her to tell her mum to rest assured that as soon as the bonds mature you will pay off her debt. She just needs to be patient and not rack up more debt.
  7. Classic case of ' Rot fai chon gan ' or keystone cops
  8. And yet somehow he had a lot of money ??? Did he inherit it or what ? If not he must have been either lucky or astute enough to have earnt it ? Now't so queer as folk
  9. Bob Smith Bull Sheet The clue is the BS. If I sold up all my Thai assets I would have so many millions of Kip I couldn't begin to spend it.
  10. But a bit dangerous as it is a cortisone. Used too long it becomes addictive to the skin and then if you stop using it the condition flares up worse than originally.
  11. I used to get it at some of the condos in Bangkok where I stayed. The water in Bangkok is very heavy and not good if you suffer from Psoriasis. Since we moved to Petchabun it never bothers me any more. It might help if you kept a big water but in the bathroom and filled it with delivered drinking water in those big containers. Try this for a month and see if it help lessen the itching.
  12. Don Corleone also thought : He had long ago learned that society imposes insults that must be borne, comforted by the knowledge that in this world there comes a time when the most humble of men, if he keeps his eyes open, can take his revenge on the most powerful. It was this knowledge that prevented the Don from losing the humility all his friends admired in him. Titter. 🙄
  13. My mother has a good way of dealing with these. Asks them to wait a second while she turns off the gas. She then gets on with whatever it was she was doing before returning to the phone 15 minutes later and immediately hanging up. If she is bored she will try to string them along for as long as possible without agreeing to anything. Pretends to be senile then gets them to keep explaining everything over and over again ad nauseum. Tells them she is lonely and is happy to have someone to talk to at last. Then asks them if they are married , do they have a family etc etc. All the time having a laugh at their expense.
  14. Thick toast , pork pate spread then layer of fried mushrooms topped with melted cheese and Worcester sauce lightly dribbled over cheese.
  15. Yes you can. Not only that , you can have it without the video. Once converted to MP3 you can have it on a stick to play in your car through a USB port.
  16. Just another what came first , chicken or egg thread.
  17. In my teens I read Orwells Down and Out in London and Paris and found it very interesting. Not long after I tried it myself , mostly sleeping rough on the beaches and hills of Ios in Greece but sometimes staying in cheap Greek islanders houses who were always ready to rent out a room if their son was in the army or something. Since the OP has a smartphone he should consider vlogging about his experience like the other half of the planet. Not nice to have to prostitute yourself on YouTube like millions of others but it would be a sight more interesting than most of the garbage out there and might eventually bring in some money.
  18. Hey , you are right ! Lord, I hope this doesn't lead to fisticuffs. I'd bet Bob's Ecky Thump couldn't stand up to Nir's Krav Maga.
  19. In his next riveting vlog Nir hits on uni girls and finally , yes finally gets what he wants....laid for free. Got to make those Shekels last.
  20. From the picture it looks like guided tours of construction sites including a slap up som dtam buffet are all the rage.
  21. This snow flake , look at me Z generation remind me of a Bernard Manning joke.
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