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Everything posted by Denim

  1. I sell online and get paid in dollars so not all bad for me either.
  2. Yes, nice garden. Looks like there is a gradual slope to the road which helps with drainage. Our front garden is similar so no problem. But as you see, our rear garden has a low spot . So, I think I'll just reduce the lawn area by half over the cooler months with gravel and potted plants
  3. I got Thai grass ? Problem is there is a kind of weed that looks a bit like clover and is really thriving. It puts down a central root then runs tentacles everywhere blocking out the sun and the grass can't compete. Can't even walk on the lawn right now as it can't take my weight....so waterlogged. It's raining ( again ) right now with worse to come tomorrow. As if that wasn't bad enough the mosquito population has exploded. If you stand still out there for 10 seconds , already half a dozen will be on you trying to feed.
  4. This will likely finish off my already waterlogged back garden. Grass dead and dying. Oh well.....gravel the whole lot as soon as the weather improves.
  5. He then proceeded to give out flyers for his brother in laws resort hotel plus discount vouchers for his wifes restaurant.
  6. I agree with Josey Wales. . Dying ain't so hard it's living that's hard I've had a good life and just turned 65. Nothing to moan about. Dying is not difficult. It's the loved ones you leave behind that suffer more. We still miss our dog that died last year and feel sad . How much worse if it is your husband / wife or child. (output001)jw.wmv
  7. Current news coming in is that the pound has rallied somewhat. To what degree and for how long will soon be known.
  8. Thai geezer or big nose ?
  9. And that's dry weight ! Fully clothed after an English breakfast o few kilos more !
  10. Good idea. Just before we moved to Petchabun , Westgate Mall opened in Bangyai..Nonthaburi. Huge new mall. I used to go there a few minutes before opening and as soon as we were let in I used to walk around every floor in a complete circuit from ground floor to top then back down again. This was done briskly to get the heart going. Nice 5 kilometer walk in cool aircon mall. Couldn't bump into anyone if you tried in that place. Never spent a baht in there but got pretty fit. Our local ones here too small and not enough space anyway.
  11. Ah , so you are back in Thailand. Very wise decision Yes.....the updates idea is excellent and I thank you in advance should you ever decide to wander off somewhere again. As for your concerned friend I have some sincere advice that will help him claw back some of his losses on the exchange rate. Stop shopping at Big C and Tesco and start using the local market and older shops in town. The price differences are well worth the effort. Example 3 in 1 coffee Big C price ....155 same thing in market 130 Pickled Garlic Big C 79 Market ( same Brand ) 47 And these savings apply to everything in the dry goods line. Don't even start me on vegetables Only use Big C for bacon and chatting up the cashiers now. Total savings per month comes to about 2000 baht yet eating all the same things as before.
  12. Oh yes...a Lao Khao and Sato museum would be great idea for Pattaya. Could call it Pi** pots paradise. Be a big hit with the Russians that are supposed to be coming. Perfect attraction to drown their sorrows.
  13. Sorry , but when you said you had met with a friend here , retired for 15 years , that ' here ' was a bit ambiguous, here being the UK not Thailand. So ...if he doesn't travel not so bad , whereas the expats actually living here, who have to change money at a rate that has just gotten a lot worse must be very upset.
  14. I thought you had moved back to the UK for the sake of your childrens education ?
  15. It's official. The road to Bangkok ( 21 ) has been closed because the road is badly flooded. Still no power here. Just dropped wife off for her folk dance practice ( 15 of them in her folk dance troupe , all over 50 ) and picked up a bottle of hooch for this evening. Had to leave it in the car for now as if brother in law sees me with it he will begin with the hail fellow well met puppy eyes routine. So much for a booze free week. Fail at 1st fence. I left England to get away from this kind of weather so not a happy bunny.
  16. Well spotted ! ( Pun intended ) Still pooring down outside and now a power out so using my phone. Looks like could be a long one. Got solar lighting indoors so not sitting in darkness but wont power the air con. Rather be hiking around the Isle of Wight coastal path right now. Bit early to hit the Lao Khao.
  17. Here she is, just around the corner in the kitchen
  18. Then you were very lucky. One step ahead of it. Oh well, time for a swim in the back garden.
  19. Tell me about it. Going stir crazy here. Worst rainy season I can ever remember. Relentless. Got an unplanned swimming pool in the back garden and lawn totally ruined. Mouth of our soi now has a fast flowing river across it as water runs off the nearby ridge. Even as I type this coming down in buckets. Dogs covered in mud and have spread that around the front balcony. At least the humidity means wife is going around the house in her undies all day but even that gets boring after a while.
  20. I've changed at 27 baht to the pound in the past. Another time I was getting 79. ( was 85 on 20th January 1998 ) As you say , no point crying over spilt milk. Up and down like panties in Soi 6.
  21. They can't see you through the smoke.
  22. Oh , is that what that space is for. I thought it was for discarding broken appliances and for keeping pets.
  23. Thanks for the heads up.
  24. Well it shows that she got so angry she pixilated. A bit like spontaneous human combustion but more modern. Think the Hulk and you will be in the ball park.
  25. When I renewed my license and they put on the video everyone promptly put their head on folded arms and went to sleep as soon as the administrator left the room.
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