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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Except he didn't refuse assistance. The Chinese helped the Vietnamese train their military commanders; reorganize their defense and financial systems, including tax and fiscal policy; and create a solid economic base. They also helped the Vietnamese to mobilize the peasants to support war through land reform campaigns. Overall, there was a massive transfer of the Chinese experience of making revolution to the Vietnamese. https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/china-contributed-substantially-to-vietnam-war-victory-claims-scholar#:~:text=On the contrary%2C the Chinese,their war against the French.
  2. Would anybody notice the difference ?
  3. Do you mean half a gram ?
  4. Same advice I gave visiting relatives who insisted on staying on the Sukhumvit tourist ghetto area. If a place looks swanky with nice decor and air con but no customers you have to wonder how fresh the food is. Places with highest turnover have freshest food at fair prices.
  5. Yes...take it to Ma Boon Krong. If you are just selling you might not get much of a price but if you are trading up you might get a good deal especially as there are hundreds of dealers there so you can shop around.
  6. There is a cheap alternative option . In Big C and other big stores you see people selling fake gold bracelets for a couple of hundred baht. In appearance they are identical to the real thing. Buy one of these for a couple of hundred baht and use the clasp off it to repair your chain. You will even have a spare !. Nobody will notice the difference. My wife has a couple in the bedside drawer in case we get a break in and rather than have the thief turn the place upside down looking for something we hope they will be satisfied with an easy find that they think they can turn into cash.
  7. I'm 65. Since 20 years old I have always lived as though I only had 6 months left. Not a good philosophy for getting rich but excellent for enjoying life and planet earth. The catalyst for me was seeing my father die at 60 after working hard for a comfortable retirement in Spain playing golf. He never made it. So I decided to grab life by the scruff of the neck and squeeze it for all the happiness I could because you dont know when you are going to die . Now I've got recurring skin cancer that might or might not do for me in the future. So for me what to do is easy. Stick with the wonderful woman I finally met after trying on about 250 that didn't fit. Our plan is if we get ill to do a final road trip with a crate of top wine and staying at the best hotels. When we get to the last bottle find a nice cliff with a beautiful sunset, finish the bottle and drive over the edge. I will procure a hand grenade with the pin pulled just in case we end up in a tree full of monkeys having an orgy.
  8. Lower class Middle class Upper class
  9. Can't see why they use the term defrocked ? Makes them sound like cross dressing strippers. Surely de robed would be better.
  10. Might not seem relevant to some but with Europe currently facing the possible threat of nuclear war I would keep my family here for a while to see how the next 6 months pan out. Thailand is pretty safe and cost of living is not so high. As for education , best schools in the world can't stop your children falling in with the wrong people.
  11. My ordinary Vios gets 15 kilometers to the litre on the highway if I am light footed and keep to 90kph.
  12. I'll ride in the middle of the pack on my 16 year old Wave with dark glasses and German helmet. Boy oh boy will I ever look well hard.
  13. What an original excuse. Might use it myself if I get caught speeding .
  14. Unplugging the computer at night should stop the noise and give the fan a rest. My fan is also very noisy on start up but stops after a minute. I have taken off the side panel and blown all the dust out ....no change. I also sprayed the fan with AF electrical spray ( alcohol based ) but still noisy on start up. But its being doing it a year and its only for the first minute so I've learnt to live with it. Simple solution would be to take it to a repair shop and get a new fan. Pretty cheap.
  15. Denim

    Prescrition glasses .

    I had some done from there a long time ago and they were OK. but a bit pricey so I stopped using them. As my eyesight has not really changed I now just get any I need from old prescription. Maybe go into Yasothon and look around. A google search might turn something up.
  16. Denim

    Prescrition glasses .

    You can get prescription glasses from any Top Charoen branch. Sure to be a branch in your nearest town. They are not the cheapest but I have found you can haggle with them. Probably other places if you have a look in Yasothon town. Locals will direct you.
  17. I'm getting de javu .?? Same question new nik ??
  18. Starve the lizards , this could go on all arvo and I'd end up feeling crook.
  19. Ah....thinking of flightless bird with long beak .
  20. Give us a clue and answer the following easy questions. Are you a Hindu ? Have you got short black curly hair ? Does the word shamrock make you choke up ?
  21. Ah , men of the highest principles humbly doing their best to continue serving the public interest. ????
  22. The first guy in the interview is the driver of the pick up with the dashcam. Second guy in green is bystander who helped the driver who ended up in the canal.
  23. That place is old. I took the companies head secretary there about 37 years ago. Good food , good music , good ambience. Swept off her feet she was. Luckily , there was a mattress to fall back on. PS 37 years ago seems like only yesterday to me. Recent. Appears to be still going. They even have an app.
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