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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Extremely sad. There is no justification for torturing an elephant.
  2. When Thaksin was in power there were posters here that said anyone would be better than Thaksin. What they got in return was too many years of the current incumbents. Just as corrupt and self serving. It's never a question of who would be good for Thailand , more of a who would be least worse . TIT , there are no squeaky clean options. Meanwhile in the UK people had the choice of Corbyn or Johnson The Americans had the choice of Trump or Hillary See how it works ? The scum rises to the top in politics.
  3. Negotiating his passage for stealth return.
  4. The dog has only been with us 5 weeks and is perfectly healthy but as he had drawn blood I decided to play it safe. Yes, they were deep injections. Thanks again for your advice.
  5. Well....panic over. Thanks to that most common of things .................a misunderstanding. As soon as I got to the hospital emergency department the doctor recognized me and asked " Why did you go home ? You forgot your medication and appointment for next jabs ? " Turns out , while I was waiting after the jabs I thought I should ask the receptionist if I should have handed her the little appointment slip the doctor originally gave me.( says Tetanus in Thai ) ) No she said and is that all the paperwork you were given , if so you can go home , which I did !! Should have waited a little longer. Now I have the correct schedule of 4 jabs.( PVRV ) 1st today 2nd on 1st of February 3rd on 5th of February 4th on 28th of February They also collared me for 355 baht which includes some anti biotics. Thanks Lorry for confirming my suspicions.
  6. Well....I'll try to find out what exactly they gave me but they understood perfectly that it was because I was bitten by a dog and they re cleaned the wound. I agree....I thought it unusual compared to I read about it before going to the hospital. The needle seemed long enough to me, about 3 inches. Thanks for advice. I don't usually use government hospitals but there are no private ones nearby and I thought speed was of the essence. I am pretty sure this puppy doesn't have rabies but obviously , I can't be sure. I'll take your advice. I have just translated the card they gave me and it is a tetanus jab !!! You were right....Back to hospital now !!
  7. Just bumping this. Back in mid December we acquired a puppy that somebody had dumped in the fields nearby and had wandered into our garden crying. Our other dogs are all vaccinated but we have not got around to giving him the vaccine yet ( doing it tomorrow ) This morning I was painting when he playfully bit my arm to get attention. Not aggressive but he has sharp little teeth and caused a blood flow. I immediately washed the wound with water, alcohol and hydrogen peroxide . Deciding to err on the side of safety , I went to our local hospital 2 hours later for a post exposure vaccine. I was given 2 shots, one in each arm . I have to go back in 4 weeks time then again in August for final shot. They then sent me home. No other medication , and no fee paid. Is this pretty normal procedure in rural Thailand ? Am I now ' good to go ' ?
  8. Ladbrokes now offering odds it was Tong Lor police station. Outside odds on Lumphini.
  9. Don't stand so close to me better : Young teacher, the subjectOf schoolgirl fantasyShe wants him so badlyKnows what she wants to beInside her there's longingThis girl's an open pageBook marking, she's so close nowThis girl is half his ageDon't stand, don't stand soDon't stand so close to meDon't stand, don't stand soDon't stand so close to meHer friends are so jealousYou know how bad girls getSometimes it's not so easyTo be the teacher's petTemptation, frustrationSo bad it makes him cryWet bus stop, she's waitingHis car is warm and dryDon't stand, don't stand soDon't stand so close to meDon't stand, don't stand soDon't stand so close to meLoose talk in the classroomTo hurt they try and tryStrong words in the staffroomThe accusations flyIt's no use, he sees herHe starts to shake and coughJust like the old man inThat book by NabakovDon't stand, don't stand soDon't stand so close to meDon't stand, don't stand soDon't stand so close to meDon't stand, don't stand soDon't stand so close to meDon't stand, don't stand soDon't stand so close to meDon't stand, don't stand soDon't stand so close to meDon't stand, don't stand soDon't stand so close to meDon't stand, don't stand soDon't stand so close to meDon't stand, don't stand soDon't stand so close to me
  10. Exactly. The Russians did not welcome the German tanks. The Leopards are unlikely to shorten the war. Their main purpose is to stave off defeat during the expected new offensive by the Russians which the Ukrainians have said they don't think they can handle with their currently available weapons. The Leopards will give the Ukrainians battlefield maneuverability to make counter attacks and hopefully not only thwart the offensive but in counter attacks actually take back some more territory. However, given the nature of Putin and his yes men , they are very unlikely to concede defeat just because the Ukrainians have once again thwarted their plans. Putin is fighting for his own political survival now. Whatever happens , if he backs down he will be in deep trouble. Like it or not this will be a battle of attrition unless the Russian people rise up and overthrow their government .
  11. How times change. Last time Germany sent tanks to Ukraine it was Tigers and Panthers and they were not very welcome. Now its Leopards and Ukraine can't get them quick enough. I have a feline that Russia will not be too happy about this development but this war is not likely to end any time soon. Looks set to drag on and on with a lot more suffering and destruction.
  12. A lot of the bread you buy here is full of god knows what preservatives to prolong its shelf life in the heat. I find that more worrying than other considerations. Consequently I bake my own bread ( 2 loaves once a fortnight ) with a mix of standard white flour and 100% whole wheat on a ratio of 4/1. I also throw in three tablespoons of black sesame seeds , pumpkin kernels and sunflower kernels. Delicious and more healthy than anything big C et al have to offer.
  13. I'll get some popcorn for this one.
  14. Pity she didn't name the bullies although they themselves will know who they are and will be in denial. Very sad. In this Tik Tok world , at that age , young people are often very sensitive to criticism.
  15. With Look Chin ! Would look good on the menu. Bat and Balls
  16. Asians dont object to masks so most still wearing them in public places. If masks are a big issue for you avoid Asia.
  17. Not been too nice for Ukraine either. Many casualties defending their own country. Becoming a horrible war of attrition.
  18. Can't give much advice except to say for just a fan and lighting there are simple alternatives. Following a suggestion from a poster here we now have solar lighting in every room as a back up to mains power. Cheap as chips and works well. For the fan you can also get a dedicated unit on Lazada : https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/solar-power-fan/?spm=a2o4m.home.search.1.11257f6d6V9t7x&q=solar power fan&_keyori=ss&clickTrackInfo=textId--5901413133331819059__abId--285548__Score--0.09735238856362029__pvid--46e5cd7c-80e1-49a4-80ca-cc314e970a29__matchType--2__matchList--2-3__srcQuery--solar power fan__spellQuery--solar power fan__ctrScore--0.0__cvrScore--0.0&from=suggest_normal&sugg=solar power fan_0_1&catalog_redirect_tag=true One panel for each appliance.
  19. Sold several houses here. Best method by far is putting a big sign out front with your phone number. Agents do nothing you cant do yourself but want a big pay off if they find a buyer. I advertised on the internet using several free to post sites. Zero response except from a couple of agents who offered to advertise our property on the internet. As someone else mentioned , Facebook market place is a good idea The three homes we sold in Bangkok all sold within 2 weeks of putting a sign on the gate ! Key to success was presentation ( clean , tidy and in good repair ) plus correct pricing.
  20. Didn't effect me at all man. Doh !
  21. I was referring to the gawkers who are neither assisting the woman or setting the bike upright. If petrol leaks and sets on fire I don't think the resulting explosion would help anyone.
  22. Wouldn't have hurt to try to get the bike upright to stop possible fuel leakage.
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