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Everything posted by farmerjo

  1. I haven't read the whole thread but have a question. When you buy a new EV is there anything in the contract about IP from the car manufacturer? Like does it have to be serviced at authorized dealers for the life of the vehicle.
  2. Easy fix,call the fire brigade and tell them there's a fire at pond number 7???? Take a couple of bottles of law khow with you.
  3. Yes i've got a feeling it will be a year of dribs and drabs,no consistency., 1st test will be we normally get a decent rain around the 10th of March before then waiting till songkran.
  4. Looks like they did a good job with the tin roof Owl. Just a word of caution for them,get the buckets ready to fill up with flying ants after the 1st decent rain this year. Or leave the inside lights off.????
  5. I've noticed a lot of spelling mistakes from seasoned posters lately. Is this Al in American or English? Or the amber fluid of choice in different time zones..
  6. Well done,if you get a female it will be well worth keeping to go for a F2 cross.
  7. I'm all for people to move with the EV technology if they want it and can afford it. For the rest it will be a case of wait till it's set up like a mobile phone plan. Corporations supply the vehicles.
  8. Has anyone noticed if it is a common brand name on the chargers at different charging stations?(eg Siemens,ABB) And is there a sticker,seal from a particular company who maintains,calibrates the chargers.
  9. Lionel Ritchie should get them dancing on the ceiling,all night long.
  10. It makes sense. Unless you want another 18 million rai of sugarcane.
  11. Cmon Alex,got to be in it to win it???? or come last in my case. I find it a little annoying too having to put my email address in every time to open the fantasy and tipping but it's only a few seconds. Agree the AFL website was better a few years a go but that is progress today for ya.
  12. You could make a few bucks opening a EV school LA.I never took any notice about the surging in traffic till you mentioned it. Was in a taxi in Bangkok last week and looked across to see this SUV acting like a prancing horse. On closer inspection as it went passed it was a Nissan Skip EV. That driver could of done with your help. Keep up the good work..
  13. Half of the world population or close to it.
  14. Looks like there is not much demand for enviro consultants on a friday.
  15. Best way is to just stick to commenting on topics we have real life experience with. Google won't have the small print on that. But we all do stray in this modern world.
  16. The sugar price at weighbridges around here is up to 1550 baht/ton.
  17. Don't have a credit card mate and needed to keep old passport running in case i had to go overseas. Done now as just back from Bangkok. I bit my tongue about them forgetting to email me to pick it up but had a laugh with the lady how tight they are to not even supply a cover to keep passport in. Sorry Owl but goes to show not everybody lives around the corner in Bangkok as governments think we do.
  18. I will let you know the feedback from the sunn hemp trial around end of April. Hemp would be similar. The guy wants it green,not harvested stalks as i presume it will break down quicker as a fresh plant. So i will grow until it starts to flower 45-60 days.I don't have a forage harvester so was just going to run it though my rice harvester to smash it up a bit and get a 20 kilo sample.
  19. If you could do it online here it would work out much cheaper. For my Aussie passport,pay for passport,4 flights(mrs,me)4 taxi's,2 meals,fuel and parking in Khon Kaen = 27,000 baht.
  20. Just to add because they are community based projects. 3000 rai,200 farmers so that's an allocation of 15 rai per farmer.
  21. At this stage i think not CLW,others may know better. When i look around it tells me sugar is out performing growing napier otherwise these plants would be popping up everywhere. As i mentioned earlier it is good for communities but your coming up against EGAT,a state owned enterprise. In a feesability study i just read said Packchong variety is favoured as can grow up to 70-80 ton a rai per year with 5-6 cuts at 60 days. Also the garanteed price was going to be 300 baht/ton. That is to good for any farmer to pass on so something is amiss.
  22. Hi KS Those engines come in at about 20 million baht each so at a guess i would think the whole infrastructure commissioned would be around 150 million. The size of the quarry which i didn't visit could use at a guess again 1 MW with crushers etc.no idea how many houses. From my rough calculations if going by the renewable energy sub forum here and getting 2 baht a kilowatt from PEA they could turnover a 1 million baht a week. There is a bit of napier grown but without the go ahead i think farmers are still waiting. Once again guessing where it is located,EGAT have a hydro dam 40 km's away. The area is full of sugar so dealing with the big boys to get a slice of the pie may be difficult looking from the outside in. They should of built it on our side of town as we have a smaller quarry too. The two guys on site besides the gate man looked like a project manager and a chemical engineer. I mentioned i grow sunn hemp so they are welcome for me to take a sample and they will run it through the lab there to see how it stacks up against napier and maize for methane. On the napier grass he said you only have to plant it once every seven years but i guess that is in the ideal world.
  23. If no one is interested in peace. Let's see what the Chinese have. It will be either good or bad.
  24. On a follow up from this well informed post from KS i decided to visit a biomass plant i had heard about 28km's from home. 1st thing learnt,biomass is what the sugar companies do with agricultural waste,burn,heat,steam to create power. The place i visited is a biogas plant fed by napier grass(and possibly maize later) to produce methane that runs(don't laugh)2 x german submarine engines coupled to 1.5 MW genies to feed the PEA power grid. It is set up in parallel with 2 digesters that agitate vertical, horizontal(mix of napier grass and water with heat supplied from the engines) and a dome for methane storage =1.5 MW so two sets of equipment enabling 3 MW production. Impressive,just one problem.It was built six years a go and is positioned next to a large quarry but hasn't even been commissioned for operation yet. Talk about red tape,got to be careful as it's a public listed company. The handling of materials(napier grass) is sub contracted and the plant buy it at 450 baht/ton off sub contractor so don't know exactly how much the contracted farmers would make. I think the guy said the plant could handle 350 ton a day but dont quote me on that as was bit overwelmed taking it all in. Anyway an interesting day and by the size of the pile of napier fermenting under a tarp someone must have a cow shed not far away.
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