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Everything posted by farmerjo

  1. My wife got notification from the app on the 26th that the subsidy had been deposited in her account. No sign yet of the 2nd payment for the price adjustment. The good price which isn't that great is still below par. Input costs rose significantly this year.
  2. The WHO says 1 in 8 people have some sort of mental illness. Equality is not far away.
  3. Hi KS You must of read my mind about a dryer. I agree trying to sun dry 15 ton is beyond the average farmer here. I guess that is why nobody uses harvesters around here,cut and bundle for 10 days then through the thresher and into the storage shed. It is however labour intensive,a neighbour did theirs yesterday and must of been a dozen people involved. A dryer would be useful and not to hard to knock up. Although batch dryers would take a bit of suck and see to get right. To much heat to quick will see the seed sweats up and sucks the moisture back in. I'm doing a little trial here at the moment,bought the Fil a couple of drums to do his charcoal so checking drum temps and duration time as that may be a way to provide the heat for a home made dryer. Our carport can easily be modified to work as a 5-6 ton batch dryer for a few days a year. I know my wife would be happy as i use the undercover area in our house yard now with a bit of rain around.
  4. I'm glad this wasn't my wife or children. The girl got a year is that to long. https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/girl-15-admits-attacking-mum-pushing-toddlers-in-pram-c-8690623
  5. As i brought it up,i should cop the flack. When discrimination and criminals are mentioned in the same sentence that doesn't bode well with me. For how long and at what cost will that tune be played.
  6. Criminals come in all races,i could argue all night on this but we would still never find any common ground. On the street or locked up. I know what i prefer but all is well as i moved off that desert island.
  7. This is where we disagree,i come from the same country as you. I would have been happy to see half of that money spent on building prisons.
  8. I think we are all activists. I have bygone values because that was the best western world i knew and think Thailand is closer to them than the west. Others on here are at the cutting edge fighting for tomorrows rights to be the most advanced people in the world. Each to their own which in most cases ends in agreeing to disagree. I'm fine with Qatar holding the world cup,it's a sporting event.
  9. What do you want to grow. Wet season or dry season. Does the land have access to use larger machinery as a 1st step.
  10. Are expats able to access these bonds with a Thai bank account or is it strictly for Thai's.
  11. In our area Khon Kaen there is a 300 baht/rai incentive given to rice farmers who don't burn the stubble. That nearly covers the price to plough it back in. The downside as far as i'm aware is this has only been offered to farmers with chanote land,not Sor Por Kor land holders which is probably most of the land used for rice around here.
  12. I'm all ears if immigration will accept an internet bank statement. No cash equals no bank branches.
  13. Against. It is just another people shuffle issue tearing society apart. Take the workers out of a branch where they communicate with locals and lock them up in a call centre. City populations grow and rural area's die.
  14. All is well. Taxi driver from airport knew where the embassy is.(i always catch o cab from departures,270 baht plus i think 75 in tolls) Got to the embassy an hour before appointment and was served within 5 minutes by a pleasant lady who didn't question the photo's and gave my passport back. So was back at airport by original appointment time and able to get an earlier flight home. A good day to get out of the way. They don't do the 64 page passports anymore but she did say if i run out of pages(32 page passport) with more than 2 years left on passport they will issue a new one with same details at a discounted price. Also there is a shuttle service at the road enterance to take you in to the building.
  15. The photo side of things has me sweating a bit. As i will be flying to Bangkok for my appointment on Wednesday i don't have time to go to the embassy approved photo shop. I have had two sets done locally(Chumphae) at a kodak shop. 1st set are fine for visa pics but didn't meet the size requirements from chin to forehead 2nd time took my passport in and left with them and they seem ok size requirement wise. They could not tell me the paper quality just saying it's what everyone uses. Both sets of photo's were taken from the same distance so would it be considered modified if one set is bigger in the frame?
  16. If you google drain pipe flapper it comes up with a few types. If you have handy man skills just buy a foot valve(available everywhere) and lighten the spring.
  17. Will be a lot more charcoal made this year due to gas prices. Bear with it.
  18. There is only one explanation. With a 100,000 troops killed on each side the newly trained recruits set the machine up 180 degrees out.
  19. I guess what i was trying to say was Breeders don't need contracts to sell their stock. To sell beef you need a contract.
  20. So i can go to my local cattle market and i will get 850 baht/kilo for my cow. Regardless of breed and age.
  21. Where does one look for a weekly beef KG price in Thailand. Is there a website.
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