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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Jesus saith unto him, (Lazarus) Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day.🥷...lol
  2. So which party hopes that expats can see British politics for the messs it's in?
  3. a dose of Lazarus was given and a miracle occurred so I understand
  4. 😊mother let me have 600 baht this week so I ordered 10g of gorilla coz I like gorilla and 10g of godfather coz uncle Google says godfather is the strongest weed available. Futher installments from "As the Buds fall" coming to your screen shortly.😱🤪
  5. It sure reads like a word salad equaling zero that AI would regurgitate with prompts but hey waddafug do I know.🙃😊
  6. Confused says... I thought no one could see old mate yet ...a substantial statement like this is credited to him. How does that work?
  7. Dying unexpectedly in Thailand makes me someone else's problem
  8. I'd say that's a fair assumption after all humans aren't known for dieing then setting ourselves on fire in the very African way of a Tyre necklace
  9. These guys are so conditioned in their views the truth is irrelevant once they've been triggered.
  10. goodness gracious me they didnt got it....the words are bad boys go to Pattaya ...no wonder the bkkians are upset...slandering bkk like that.
  11. er...no...wrong. Many more cannabis shops will open next year...the perfect laundry.
  12. I think I read earlier on that he has to spend a certain length of time incarcerated before he can be discharged for home detention...that period of time must be close to ending
  13. bs gutter journalism with the last doom and gloom from the media. reality is...........draft bill on cannabis not finished says cholnan...... what was forwarded was the health ministries views on the subject.
  14. Depending on the fossils your after beach road Pattaya has many for sale day and night. You can thank me later.
  15. The way I read the room is that you unexpectedly become someone else's problem
  16. 30 seconds of fame to show his latest Mia noi that he has the ear of the press.
  17. They are called ladyboys don't you be bringing your dirty western words to Thailand.
  18. Love him or hate him he gave Thailand the electronic backbone that we all enjoy today Australian internet doesn't rate compared to what he put in place. A gofundme for a bronze statue would be well in order
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