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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Doesn't mean squat...the Koran says they can lie to apostates.. Ie deny islam in order to further islam.
  2. If they contain nicotine then they are addictive. The hardest thing I have ever done was to withdraw from nicotine.
  3. 1kg of meth for 30 people...must have been very poor quality.
  4. Those changes are proposals and that's where they will stay.
  5. 99 year leases on farm land will make farm land out of the reach of Thai people.
  6. If NATO continues prodding Vlad to drop a nuke at the behest of the proxy country which is making money from supplying things that go bang in the night to Ukraine the only thing they are prepared for is to throw their hands up in horror saying we told you so
  7. goodness me, golly gosh, how could anyone even think such a thing?
  8. weren't monkey brains a culinary delight in times gone past?
  9. Same in any country money talks and BS walks.
  10. The jungle drums have spoken...masks are now predominant on the streets
  11. Didn't the coke bubbles make them sneeze?
  12. Humsun really means penis small.
  13. when there is no more money to be made from them and/or its politically expedient for the agenda required to do so, is how I see it.
  14. here is a statement he needs to read out to them
  15. better to ask forgiveness than ask for permission....politicians get out of jail card 101 meanwhile...
  16. save yourself all the hassle and put everything in your cashiers name now
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